• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Feb 5, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 101 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 76 out of 101
  2. Negative: 7 out of 101
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  1. Feb 7, 2021
    Quite lacklustre and missing the mark. Claiming to be 'fun', 'fresh' and 'positive', it really vastly misses those descriptions. Feels like a pretty tired band with an overly shiny and dire production job. Some great choruses and melodies, supported by no power or energy whatsoever. Grohl's songwriting ability and charisma is undeniable but this album severely lacks any sense of energy orQuite lacklustre and missing the mark. Claiming to be 'fun', 'fresh' and 'positive', it really vastly misses those descriptions. Feels like a pretty tired band with an overly shiny and dire production job. Some great choruses and melodies, supported by no power or energy whatsoever. Grohl's songwriting ability and charisma is undeniable but this album severely lacks any sense of energy or desire to be anything other than 'another foos album.' It doesnt even sound big, 6 members?! It sounds so thin and flat. There are some decent attempts at trying to doing something ever so slightly different in Shame, Shame and Cloudspotter but the little interest they bring is quickly stamped out by the run-of-the-mill rock songs Waiting on A War, No Son Of Mine and Love Dies Young which are literally just standard foo fighters songs but with what feels like an ever growing weakness and age to the performance and writing. The tepid, aged, shimmering, unnecessarily glossy dad rock albums this band seem to incessantly release aren't even getting worse they're just getting more boring and making me feel all the indifferent about them. Makes you think how undeniable the first two records and wasting light really are. How can one band have such a great and equally abysmal back catalogue?... Expand
  2. Feb 7, 2021
    Is this even Foo Fighters anymore?

    Whatever it is it sure is hot garbage. I doubt anyone will listen to this album or any single from it more than once. These critics are being incredibly generous....There are so many people doing way better pop funk than this if that is what Foo is transforming into.
  3. Feb 5, 2021
    Thank you for making everyone wait a year longer than necessary for these 36 minutes of mediocre tunes. The songs aren't nearly as strong as previous releases and leave much to be desired.
  4. Feb 5, 2021
    SO UNDERWHELMING. I'm not that surprised to be fair, the singles didn't promise much good, but this is just terrible hard pop rock... it sucks that on the 10 year anniversary of Wasting Light (In my opinion their best album along with there is nothing left to lose), they released a very dull, short and mediocre record. Hopefully the next one will be great! No hate on the guys but the albumSO UNDERWHELMING. I'm not that surprised to be fair, the singles didn't promise much good, but this is just terrible hard pop rock... it sucks that on the 10 year anniversary of Wasting Light (In my opinion their best album along with there is nothing left to lose), they released a very dull, short and mediocre record. Hopefully the next one will be great! No hate on the guys but the album is not good Expand
  5. Feb 5, 2021
    I wish this didn't suck so bad. I really do. But here it is. A long awaited, steaming turd. Oh, well. Next album guys.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Feb 9, 2021
    If you are cool with the lighter, quirkier, goofier version of Foo Fighters, you'll enjoy Medicine at Midnight for what it is – a fun, pop-rock album -- and it'll find its way to about the middle of your list of favorite Foo Fighters albums.
  2. Feb 8, 2021
    Their 10th album, Medicine at Midnight, adds very little to their extensive catalog of interchangeable power pop and hard-rock sing-alongs. But you can’t hang them on their own music, because Foo Fighters would never dare to give you enough rope to do it.
  3. Feb 5, 2021
    Grohl promised a record you can groove to, and he delivered, while still maintaining a quintessential crunch that’s fitting for a Foo.