• Record Label: Bighit
  • Release Date: Feb 21, 2020
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  1. Sep 26, 2020
    Map Of The Soul:7 went beyond my expectations. Only a few artists can create albums with different genres who go well together and BTS, with Map Of The Soul:7 proved that they are one of them.
  2. Oct 28, 2020
    Map of the soul 7 is a joyful listening experience, and it is an experience. You feel the whole range of emotions, joyful elation at the beginning, ebbing into ruminating melancholy as you approach the pinnacle of the album 'Black Swan'; from there you move towards an overwhelming feeling of hope and loss and happiness in a beautiful mix of reflective, personal songs. This album does soMap of the soul 7 is a joyful listening experience, and it is an experience. You feel the whole range of emotions, joyful elation at the beginning, ebbing into ruminating melancholy as you approach the pinnacle of the album 'Black Swan'; from there you move towards an overwhelming feeling of hope and loss and happiness in a beautiful mix of reflective, personal songs. This album does so much right, well produced, intriguingly layered, the lyricism is equal to some of the best songs released to date; and the sound design is full without overflowing. There where certain moments that took my breath away; Yoongi's Interlude: Shadow explored the dark side of fame and popularity in a grimy, dark and intricate track, whilst the title track ON explored a new sound I never expected, distinct, upbeat: it is an anthem. As much as I think each individual song is good, the weaknesses come with the amount in this album, around halfway it becomes distinctly more 'typical' in terms of 'boy group pop.' From Zero O'clock forward the album moves away from exploring something new and into exploring the past, both lyrically and in terms of sound. Sadly although highly personal songs clearly aimed towards opening up to fans where all distinct and deep, it lost me. This album is perhaps four or five songs to long and the inclusion of the previous EP was perhaps unnecessary. In the end this album leaves you feeling complete, it is a wonderful edition to an already excellent discography. Yes, it has its flaws but nothing that leaves you discontent simply the addition of a few to many (well made but) unnecessary songs. Expand
  3. Oct 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. From serotonin infusing melodies like Filter, Moon, Friends, and My Time; to the introspection of UGH, Shadow, Respect and Moon; to soul-moving anthems of accepting flaws and growth like On, Persona and EGO, this isn't just an album. It's a celebration of the BTS's legendary journey as artists along with their fandom the ARMY. GO LISTEN. AND CELEBRATE!! Self-produced, made with love, it's for a generation of open-minded and global citizens. Expand
  4. Oct 25, 2020
    MOTS: 7 is a masterpiece. This is one of BTS’ best album. It shows how passionate they are as artists. The tracks will give you the story of each BTS’ members and their journey (ups & downs) towards achieving their aspirations in life. The album as a whole is wonderfully made - pure art.
  5. Oct 23, 2020
    this the worse music album i ever heard. the lyric is suchs and the fans is **** anoying LOV FROM ARIANATOR
  6. Oct 22, 2020
    You can see the musical and group evolution of BTS. With a new sub units, and new bets on rhythms.
  7. Oct 22, 2020
    BTS su álbum MAP OF THE SOUL: 7
    Me encanta los chicos son realmente profesionales que aman lo que hacen y lo dejan reflejado en cada letra de su álbum, llegan a sus Army.
  8. Oct 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum está dedicado a cuidarse y amar a si mismo, donde nadie más imposible , sus canciones demuestran algo positivo, cada uno es especial , cada persona tiene su talento . Los amo Expand
  9. Oct 20, 2020
    Three words, "An ARTISTIC MASTERPIECE". Apart from the huge variety of tracks within the album which range from latin influenced Filter to full on hip-hop masterpieces like UGH! which is bound to get you hyped. This album contains heartfelt lyrics which exceptionally displays the love these artists have for their craft and the battles they face due to their worldwide popularity shown inThree words, "An ARTISTIC MASTERPIECE". Apart from the huge variety of tracks within the album which range from latin influenced Filter to full on hip-hop masterpieces like UGH! which is bound to get you hyped. This album contains heartfelt lyrics which exceptionally displays the love these artists have for their craft and the battles they face due to their worldwide popularity shown in songs like Black Swan, Shadow and My Time. They also use this album to connect with their fans on even higher levels than they had done before with tracks like We are BulletProof: The Eternal truly expressing how important their fans are to them and also ON, a anthem preaching about not giving up but instead accepting the pain the world brings upon each and everyone of us and growing stronger because of it. Overall, this album is a huge accomplishment further establishing BTS as not only one of the biggest and most influential acts on the music scene right now but perhaps of all time. True artists that go head to head with the like of The Weeknd, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande and etc. Expand
  10. Feb 22, 2020
    i really love it !! there is not even one song that sounds like the other, the album is really diverse. my favorites are my time, 00:00, ugh! and moon.
  11. Oct 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing. There ain't no bad song. Member's solos, unit songs, ot7 songs. Everything amazing. Expand
  12. Feb 21, 2020
    Best thing i ever heard, please take a sit and hear this album, you will not be regreated
  13. Oct 14, 2020
    What a diverse compilation of songs! MOTS:7 is one of BTS' most personal albums yet, with so many stories and messages that reflect their own lives and growth both as guys in their 20s and artists. A very candid look at where they are NOW. So, so proud of the boys for this album. It's amazing, but I expect nothing less from BTS!
  14. Oct 12, 2020
    This Album is a well researched and diverse album. One can find songs with deep lyrics on various topics and emotions. The usage of every technique and vocals and rap and melodies have a deep connection to what the singers have in their minds and what they want to convey.The songs are well made, deeply moving and highly recommended to everyone who like listening to quality songs. ThisThis Album is a well researched and diverse album. One can find songs with deep lyrics on various topics and emotions. The usage of every technique and vocals and rap and melodies have a deep connection to what the singers have in their minds and what they want to convey.The songs are well made, deeply moving and highly recommended to everyone who like listening to quality songs. This album makes us think about who we are, to appreciating oursleves and understanding who we are. A highly recommended album. Expand
  15. Oct 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album of the year i like all the track in it, i love the diversity in the album my fave track is black swan its soo unique Expand
  16. Oct 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. i give this album a 10 out of 10 because it contains a lot of beautiful messages and lessons from BTS lives as artists and performers . They talk about the meaning of music in their lives and how they express their feelings and turn them to pieces of arts . they also get into the shadow theory in the map of the soul and how their persona and shadow are there to compliment each other not take over one another. this album contains solos from each member and a song that is so personal on so many levels for only BTS and ARMY , their loyal fandom that has been there for them since day 1 and keep getting bigger and stronger each day with so much love and care to give for the members . and the beautiful thing in this ,is that it is mutual . Expand
  17. Oct 9, 2020
    Simply amazing, a work of art, mazing lyrics all amazing, Bangtan is amazing.
  18. Oct 9, 2020
    Los chicos de BTs necesitan explorar sus virtudes, su música tiende a ser muy......, Es difícil describirlo
  19. Oct 8, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Truly inspiring. I don’t speak their language but by the passion they put into their songs, I’m truly touched and it motivates me to follow my dreams. Goes to show music speaks louder than words. Expand
  20. Oct 8, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing,very good,it's impeccable,the vocals are wonderful, the rhythm is contagious, perfect Expand
  21. Oct 7, 2020
    I really love this album so much... their music is soo fckng good.. Truly Map of The soul and the one who sung the Moon i love his voice omg vkshjfsjjsa pls go check this full album ♥️
  22. Oct 6, 2020
    I am new to kpop and currently listening to all the different groups, this is a little too over the top for me there is a lot happening in the production and the voices are too processed for me to really enjoy, the lyrics are quite good I think
  23. Oct 6, 2020
    Map Of The Soul: 7 Album is a work of art. After reading all the theories/studies related to Persona, Shadow, and Ego, I'm totally hooked. I don't have any knowledge on music making, technicalities and all that, but the lyrics of all the songs in this album are exceptional. And I know this how? I came across this website - doolsetbangtan. It provides English translations and contextMap Of The Soul: 7 Album is a work of art. After reading all the theories/studies related to Persona, Shadow, and Ego, I'm totally hooked. I don't have any knowledge on music making, technicalities and all that, but the lyrics of all the songs in this album are exceptional. And I know this how? I came across this website - doolsetbangtan. It provides English translations and context (mostly Korean) that can help us understand the lyrics better. They have so much meaning behind those words you can't help but reevaluate how you look at things, and yourself, as a whole. BTS is indeed a group of amazing and talented artists, I as part of the GP, can't help but admire them, as artists and people. Expand
  24. Oct 6, 2020
    Um álbum completo, letras profundas de reflexão e que inspiram. A mais pura arte e poesia.
    Ansiosa pelo próximo projeto.
  25. Oct 6, 2020
    Loved the songs. Amazing vocals The song that most warmed my heart was ‘friends’
  26. Oct 6, 2020
    It's an amazing album with different kind of songs I'm very proud of BTS and what they have achieved
  27. Oct 6, 2020
    This album is beautiful, I really love it. There’s a song for your every mood. My favorite is the song Moon - it’s very catchy, upbeat and you just want to dance with it. The lyrics has a very deep meaning, the love of the singer (the moon) to his fans (his earth). Black Swan comes in second for me. This one is a slow and sad song. Every artists can sometimes hit a pause or even a dead endThis album is beautiful, I really love it. There’s a song for your every mood. My favorite is the song Moon - it’s very catchy, upbeat and you just want to dance with it. The lyrics has a very deep meaning, the love of the singer (the moon) to his fans (his earth). Black Swan comes in second for me. This one is a slow and sad song. Every artists can sometimes hit a pause or even a dead end and this song expresses the fear of an artist if that happens. You can really feel the fear and hope that comes with it through this song. Overall this album is an A+ for me. Expand
  28. Oct 6, 2020
    such an amazing album. i love it and everyone should listen to it. give it a try!!
  29. Oct 6, 2020
    Excellent album. BTS always have top-notch production and versatility. None of these songs are similar in any way and yet somehow it all sounds so cohesive. The singers of the group truly surpassed their own limits, proving they are incredibly skilled and can sound good in any genre. The rappers are consistent in their powerful delivery, great flow and impressive lyrics, and even theyExcellent album. BTS always have top-notch production and versatility. None of these songs are similar in any way and yet somehow it all sounds so cohesive. The singers of the group truly surpassed their own limits, proving they are incredibly skilled and can sound good in any genre. The rappers are consistent in their powerful delivery, great flow and impressive lyrics, and even they sound better than how they did on their last full album, which I didn’t think was possible. The album offers a wide range of songs and genres, and it’s impossible not to fall in love with at least one track. Its musical progression is amazing as well, taking you on a journey from start to finish. You think you’re in for a dark and depressing album when Interlude: Shadow kicks in, and then ON starts playing, reminding you to keep fighting no matter how strong the pain is, showing you how close you are to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The end of the album is hopeful, joyful, and bound to put a smile on your face, and the outro is simply brilliant. They couldn’t have picked a better member than J-Hope to sing such a fun and upbeat track. Overall, they’ve exceeded my expectations again, when I honestly didn’t think they could ever top “Love yourself: Tear” (Outro: Tear being one of my favorite songs of all time). Fav tracks: Boy With Luv, Black Swan, My Time, UGH!, Friends, Moon, Outro:Ego. Expand
  30. Oct 6, 2020
    all the tracks are good, the album is so diverse consist of diff genre, a must listen album this 2020
  31. Oct 6, 2020
    BTS continue to blow my expectations out of the water. Unbelievable songs this time, I am in love with the solo and duo songs they put on this album and the overall feel of this album is so phenomenal. Great job guys!
  32. Oct 6, 2020
    Best album. Listen without prejudice. Every song has a beautiful meaning. The day yall stop bopping one meaning line throughout the whole chorus, then you will be able to enjoy music truly. Read the lyrics and enjoy the melodies. Hating on them without any reason, wont give you a career.
  33. Oct 6, 2020
    I'm amazed at how they embrace a lot of genres in one album and made it blend together so well, the production incorporates various styles. Lyrically, this album touches upon themes of reflection, introspection and self-acceptance, " When you don't know where to go, I think the best way is to walk down the road you have been walking on. So, the reboot [songs] is the best way to reflectI'm amazed at how they embrace a lot of genres in one album and made it blend together so well, the production incorporates various styles. Lyrically, this album touches upon themes of reflection, introspection and self-acceptance, " When you don't know where to go, I think the best way is to walk down the road you have been walking on. So, the reboot [songs] is the best way to reflect ourselves and figure out ourselves again: Where are we? What are we doing? Who were we in the past? And [who are we] right now? That's how it happened." RM on what inspired this album. Expand
  34. Oct 6, 2020
    This album consisting masterpiece. Every songs, and dance, and every performances from this album are meaningful, energetic, and proper for the hard times like now. BTS is the biggest Korean boy group and soon to be the greatest Boy group in the world. They have loyal fandom called ARMY and from ARMY they got all the power to make a good music and energetic performances. All the best for BTS!
  35. Oct 6, 2020
    BTS and Bighit have mastered the art of making music. The album is pure perfection.
  36. Oct 6, 2020
    Tbh this the best album I've ever heard. Will listen to their old music also
  37. Oct 6, 2020
    Map Of The Soul : 7 truly a masterpiece among all BTS album. This album so special because it's significant their 7 year's in music career. All the tracks in this album absolutely my type. Black Swan and ON stood out the most. Art contemporary dance and marching band absolutely mind blowing! Also this album already sold over 1 million units in US alone without bundles. I really respect them.
  38. Oct 6, 2020
    Beyond the limits, excellent!! Never seen such a beautiful, deep meaning, and high quality album! If I have extra money, I would buy as much as I can of this album
  39. Oct 6, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A great album with great massage .... loved all the songs .. the lyrics... their voices.. every thing is superior ♡ Expand
  40. Oct 6, 2020
    This album is amazing. All tracks are great both lyrically and musically. The BTS boys offered different genres of music with deep hidden meanings in one album
  41. Oct 6, 2020
    The range of genres shown in this album is mind blowing. From the Intro: Persona to Interlude: Shadow to Outro: Ego, all the tracks listed in between join the three milestones in this album like a path. From haunting and beautiful songs like Black Swan that focuses on an artist's passion for their art, to ON which borders at the definition of dark and bright, to the solos like Filter,The range of genres shown in this album is mind blowing. From the Intro: Persona to Interlude: Shadow to Outro: Ego, all the tracks listed in between join the three milestones in this album like a path. From haunting and beautiful songs like Black Swan that focuses on an artist's passion for their art, to ON which borders at the definition of dark and bright, to the solos like Filter, Inner Child, Moon, and My Time – all show the unique colors of BTS. Expand
  42. Feb 21, 2020
    THE SONGS ARE SO MAGNIFICENT!! I'm 100% sure even if u re not a stan, but u will fall in love with them. ITS SO TRUE U WILL FIND UR FAVORITE TRACK IN TGIS ALBUM! TOTALLY ALBUM OF THE YEAR
  43. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is one of the best albums of all time in my opinion. All the songs represent who they are as people and artists. A lot of different genres are used and sometimes smashed together in a song like for example louder than bombs. It talks about complex themes like the fear of loosing your art, what respect really is between two people, how hate has become an overused feeling etc. But there are also feel good songs. Best album of the year for sure. Expand
  44. Oct 5, 2020
    A very beautiful album. Must listen to all songs it gives really good vibes. Love the Album
  45. Oct 5, 2020
    Beautifully crafted with detailed story telling. Excellent in many ways. In this album BTS pours their soul Joys and worries as they ponder over their current stardom and what came at the beginning of all of this: their passion for creating music.
  46. Oct 5, 2020
    This album is AMAZING! The boys worked super hard on it and the proof is before us!
  47. Oct 5, 2020
    Loved this album. Title track (ON) was not the best song that they have, but the b-sides were amazing.
  48. Oct 5, 2020
    I love the whole album. It shows how much each one of them grew as artists and really showcases their personalities! Loved every second of it
  49. Oct 5, 2020
    i love this album of bts. its a masterpiece. blackswan, zero oclock and louder than the bombs are so nice. BTS are one of the true artist that will truly gives inspiration while listening to their amazing songs. They are truly healing artist. more power bts and God bless you more.
  50. Oct 5, 2020
    An album with work on Every single song. Lots of different kind of music from ballad to hiphop.
  51. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What stands out more about this album is the diversity in music genres along with the deep and meaningful lyrics, you can clearly feel what they are trying to portray in every song. Moreover, the cohesion between the songs and the change of genre created a perfect synergy overall. Expand
  52. Oct 5, 2020
    Hermoso, cada armonía, letra, son unicas... Me encanto los chicos se lucieron. Este album es realmente arte. Vale la pena escucharlos!
  53. Oct 5, 2020
    Best album released this year! It feels so personal and connects with BTS’ past. It also allowed many artist to shine as they collaborate with them, you really can tell BTS are actual artist.
  54. Oct 5, 2020
    It’s such a beautiful album, wit incredible songs, I like all of them especially on
  55. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The songs are very and touching and lyrically very beautiful. I highly recommend Map of the soul:7 album to everyone. Expand
  56. Oct 5, 2020
    A full-length album by the South Korean powerhouse, BTS. The tracks artistically showed the ability of the group to cover various genres while they talk about their journey as artists themselves. Sonically, this album caters to all, and lyrically a genius creati9n of relatable stories.
  57. Aug 30, 2020
    It's an amazing album, the lyrics and music make my soul relax. I hope they keep writing more songs like these.
  58. Oct 5, 2020
    These guys never stop to surprise me, this albus is a MASTERPIECE, all the tracks are art, try, different genres for every song! I'm not kidding, bts is making history.

    Ps: BTS paved the way
  59. Oct 5, 2020
    It’s actually a masterpiece showing seven people exploring the depths of their mind.
  60. Oct 5, 2020
    The best album I ever heard of.beautiful lyrics and mesmerizing songs.by far the best album released by BTS
  61. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Such a beautiful body of work. Showcases their versatility and passion for their craft. The Dionysus- interlude Shadow- Black Swan transition is really beautiful and something we don’t really see in albums. All the solo songs represent the members and fit right in with the rest of the album. Overall i love the album a lot and it definitely deserves all the praise and success it’s getting Expand
  62. Oct 5, 2020
    Each song tells a story, not only with the lyrics but the music too. Black Swan is my favorite one.
  63. Oct 5, 2020
    This album exceeded my expectations a lot. The lyrics are what stand out the point in this album. I felt as though this album was a sort of a homage to the fans about themselves. Moreover, songs in this album such as black swan, filter, ON, louder than bombs and we are bulletproof: the eternal give me chills every time I listen to it. I would say this would be one of my favourite albumsThis album exceeded my expectations a lot. The lyrics are what stand out the point in this album. I felt as though this album was a sort of a homage to the fans about themselves. Moreover, songs in this album such as black swan, filter, ON, louder than bombs and we are bulletproof: the eternal give me chills every time I listen to it. I would say this would be one of my favourite albums from them. I will continue to cherish and enjoy the songs for a very long time. Expand
  64. Oct 5, 2020
    Альбом рекомендую всем. Глубокий, красивый.
  65. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is an impressive, exciting and moving album with slick production, accompanied by thought-provoking art (the interpretative dance performance in the “Black Swan” video, the CONNECT BTS art exhibitions), but it is so much more than a shiny pop album. It is a love letter to pain, to the shadows that live within us. " Expand
  66. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I would like to say that this album has a soul of itself,the songs are so heart warming and relating.Black swan is one of the masterpieces,the way the group have conveyed their fear of not liking what they do anymore,the lyrics are so soulful,and the title track is wonderful too Expand
  67. Oct 5, 2020
    One of the best albums released so far. The messages and everything.
  68. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Hablemos de la versatilidad del álbum, aparte del concepto. El significado de las canciones son tan profundas y te hacen reflexionar si lo ves desde un punto crítico. Este álbum es calidad y perfección.

    Toca temas sociales, otro punto a destacar es la profundidad del álbum en sí el transformado de este. En resumen es calidad y perfección
  69. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. All songs in the album are a masterpiece! Not getting tired of listening everyday! Expand
  70. Oct 5, 2020
    This album is really good. So positive this a beautiful hopeful message to everyone. Totally recommended. The BTS's impact is amazing. Deep and touching lyrics for everyone.
  71. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amo el álbum, puede q se vea sencillo, pero no tiene nada que ver con su contenido, son realmente hermosas sus canciones, sus letras te tocan el alma. Expand
  72. Oct 5, 2020
    Only one word for this album, ART! Every song is perfect. The subunits songs are so great, it shows that they are capable of anything. There's no skip in this album.
  73. Oct 5, 2020
    Map of the Soul: 7 shows how BTS is capable of creating music of different genres. Their songs continue to resonate messages that speak of their feelings, fears, hopes, dreams, and love for each other and for their fans. Their songs reflect who they are not as superstars but humans who can empathize with any person having the same struggles and triumphs in life. I can definitely feel theMap of the Soul: 7 shows how BTS is capable of creating music of different genres. Their songs continue to resonate messages that speak of their feelings, fears, hopes, dreams, and love for each other and for their fans. Their songs reflect who they are not as superstars but humans who can empathize with any person having the same struggles and triumphs in life. I can definitely feel the emotion behind every song as I cry, laugh, and wonder about each song and how my own memories and feelings relate to them. This album is one of their best yet. I could listen to all the songs over and over again without any skip. i won't get tired of listening to them as individuals or as a group. Expand
  74. Oct 5, 2020
    I'm basically a new fan and this album made me want to dive more into their music and artistry. I found out that this album is consist of sub-unit songs, individual songs from each member and songs which include all of them singing. Since this album celebrates their 7 years of being together, it is expected that the songs are personal and at the same time, the kind of songs which everyoneI'm basically a new fan and this album made me want to dive more into their music and artistry. I found out that this album is consist of sub-unit songs, individual songs from each member and songs which include all of them singing. Since this album celebrates their 7 years of being together, it is expected that the songs are personal and at the same time, the kind of songs which everyone can relate. They manage to make the songs about themselves and for the listeners as well. At first, I doubt that a group like them would be consistent in making great music, so I checked all of their old songs and albums and its lyricism up to their recent albums and I can say that nothing has changed. They were still able to make great music, and the thing is, they don't stay in just one genre. The group CAN pull any genre they want and I bet they can even make their own genre, considering how passionate and experimental they are. They want to make a song that's never been heard and lyrics which all people, not only their fans, can relate, the reason why their fans keep growing in numbers. They keep on making music both for the fans and the general public. A song which all people can relate. I will never hesitate buying their upcoming albums because I know they will never disappoint. Expand
  75. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think they could go easier on the autotune, they have beautiful voices and the rap line should trust themselves more, their voices are beyond perfection. That’s my only complaint. I did an extensive research on the lyrics, because for me, music just don’t cut it and I was not disappointed. The lyrics make up for that autotune 100%. Everything is being cut out to perfection on that section. Good lyrics, good beats, I distinctly hear a choir in there as well. Gospel singers in the background for some of the songs, I’m beyond satisfied. Each member delivers satisfying songs with deep messages of their own as well. JK with My Time is particularly beautiful and so is V’s Inner Child as you can really relate with his inner struggle from past to future. BLACK SWAN is the top tier, a masterpiece in its very own right. ON’s message of keep the fight on despite the struggles is well needed in these times. Moon just fills you with happiness, Filter puts you in a feel-good mood. Shadow is deep and well thought out. Ego says so much about J-hope and how thankful he is with his life choices. Persona finds you questioning your own self. 00’00 is needed right now, everything will be okay!! I can’t believe such an album exists. I can’t believe I encountered people who don’t like the album because who sings these songs. If a western artist did the same album with only half of those songs, I assure you they get album of the year. UGH will put a Western artist on the top of the charts with the beats alone. And this song’s lyrics are above my imagination, that’s real writing right there, once you dissect those lyrics is unbelievable what they came up with. Respect while is my least favorite, lyrically is perhaps on the top of my list. There’s so many more songs I could through but overall, I recommend this album very much. If you don’t end up crying with We Are Bulletproof The Eternal, I don’t know what to tell you. Please listen without prejudice and you’d be surprised. BTS are not just pretty people who dance very well. They have the written skills of poets beyond their years. You won’t regret giving them a chance, I know I don’t!! Expand
  76. Oct 5, 2020
    This album got good songs! I love how the songz resonate to it's audience through the lyrics! It's amazing how this album was crafted to reach out to many people.
  77. Oct 5, 2020
    The range exhibited in the album is phenomenal, from music to lyrics from choreography to meaning behind each song.
    Every song is different along with their emotional connect. All in all a collector's jackpot.
  78. Oct 5, 2020
    Me encanto es muy versatil especialmente Black swan, My time, louder than booms, Filter y Ugh
  79. Oct 5, 2020
    The interesting aspect of this album is it might seem a bit hodge podge since all 7 have solos. However, when you listen and translate the lyrics, they are each telling you about their journey. It is very soul baring. Put them all together this is an album that takes you on a journey of emotions, which is a standard of BTS, they don't leave anything behind. You will feel joy, love,The interesting aspect of this album is it might seem a bit hodge podge since all 7 have solos. However, when you listen and translate the lyrics, they are each telling you about their journey. It is very soul baring. Put them all together this is an album that takes you on a journey of emotions, which is a standard of BTS, they don't leave anything behind. You will feel joy, love, anger, comfort. An album that can do that....isn't that what music is all about?? Buy and you will treasure not only the album but your own journey you will travel whilst listening to MOTS7. Expand
  80. Oct 5, 2020
    Amazing vocals and lyricism of every song also have fresh concept overall I really liked the whole album.if you listen without any prejudice in your mind you would surely loved it.
  81. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best and meaningful each songs I've ever heard, A high class and quality music. from first track person to ego.and also i really love the album with different types of song theme and varieties, and it speaks alot, truly reflects the artists song. Very inspiring, Deep and relevant. Expand
  82. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Really a great music and album. The message really relate and the music is really great too. Expand
  83. Oct 5, 2020
    Their most personal album yet. major love to all the songs. Zero o’clock is my favorite!
  84. Oct 5, 2020
    ON and Black swan are both painful and beautiful. An artist inner turmoil and fear of loosing their love for their craft and a triumpant song on how they were able to them to reignite that passion to the art they love.
  85. Oct 5, 2020
    Album of the year. All songs of the album is good. No skips. First album that I bought in my life.
  86. Oct 5, 2020
    One of the best albums in 2020. Black Swan has a powerful message for artists. Black Swan is a graceful reminder to move from any position where you feel powerless and at the mercy of external forces. When your love for the craft starts waning...
    You should read the lyrics to appreciate the songs better.
    It's a powerful album from BTS.
  87. Oct 5, 2020
    the album has wide appeal the lyricism is just masterpiece the way this album connects persona shadow and ego & how it talks about fears its amazing overall each song has a different vibe i cant stop listening to it on repeat
  88. Oct 5, 2020
    Este álbum es algo más preciso de la relación que tienen estos jóvenes y muestran lo transparente que es su unión. Sentirse identificada con zero o clock que es una arte musical, una autoayuda como también un autoconsuelo. Cuentan sus historias que pueden ser de ayuda para varias personas de diferentes edades que pasan por dificultades.
  89. Oct 5, 2020
    I personally enjoy this album, this album proven their music creativity and fearless about their arts and music, after digging the album and lyrics found out this album connected to an arts exhibition which is pretty impressive to me, the way they treat and respect their arts and philosophy behind it. I find it these guys had pretty amazing discography so i might need to check others albumI personally enjoy this album, this album proven their music creativity and fearless about their arts and music, after digging the album and lyrics found out this album connected to an arts exhibition which is pretty impressive to me, the way they treat and respect their arts and philosophy behind it. I find it these guys had pretty amazing discography so i might need to check others album from them. Expand
  90. Oct 5, 2020
    Such a beautiful album. The songs, the lyrics, the message, and the melody all fit together. It consists of different genres and it is beautifully made
  91. Oct 5, 2020
    This album is very dynamic and awesome. Every track has its own personality and emotion. Also, the story behind every track is different from one another. This album really showcase BTS members abilities on writing / producing good songs.
  92. Oct 3, 2020
    This album is actually a cultural reset. It makes me learn about Carl Jung's Map to the soul. The songs in it gives empowerment to brace myself as a whole.
  93. Oct 5, 2020
    This album is my favorite of the year. It explores many different genres while still managing to keep a cohesive theme. The lyrics are deep and thought provoking while the vocals and music are so easy to listen to. Whether you want to just enjoy the sound or dive deep into Jungian psychology this is the perfect album.
  94. Oct 5, 2020
    This album is literally a masterpiece! I don't even know were to start but the vocals, rap, lyrics and different genres in one album it suits all my moods! I'M IN LOVE
  95. Oct 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album of 2020, one of BTS best work they have release and be sure to stream Dynamite and Savage love remix and preorder BE. Expand
  96. Oct 5, 2020
    The best álbum ever ❤ the songs are really good and enjoy everyone, is so personal for BTS and is the album of the year
  97. Oct 5, 2020
    Solid album. You really start to appreciate the placement and reason behind each song once you understand the history behind this band and personalities of the members
  98. Oct 5, 2020
    Amazing album with such versatile content! Would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a variety of genres.
  99. Oct 5, 2020
    This is an incredible album that beautifully chronicles their 7 years the up and downs, in poetic words as is customary for BTS albums! Music that touches your heart - to me it ranks as the best albums of the year

Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. 70
    As a whole, the strong but not particularly unruly “7” is less sure-footed than “Love Yourself: Tear,” the group’s last full-length, from 2018, and the first K-pop album to debut atop the Billboard album chart.
  2. Feb 27, 2020
    Taut and primal, “MOTS: 7” is a kind of self-referential homage. ... Each get solo turns to shine here, their collective work is what stands out.
  3. Feb 25, 2020
    Persona lacked the natural fluidity and chicness of their best music. Those problems aren’t exactly mitigated here, since most of those songs appear on this album too, but within this new context, they feel like a flashback before the saga continues. Many of the new songs are better about balancing Easter eggs for day-ones with new entry points for more casual listeners.