• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jun 5, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. It’s not just the recurrent meditations on mortality that makes Ma Fleur even more heart-rendingly beautiful than 2002’s Everyday, it’s also how The Cinematic Orchestra’s new album actually feels.
  2. While Ma Fleur is no better than The Cinematic Orchestra’s previous scores, it is equally gorgeous in how it responds to and ekes out intellectual quagmires of song.
  3. With its frequent emotional crescendos, then quiet dying away, Ma Fleur is more than a match for its predecessors, and will undoubtedly cement The Cinematic Orchestra’s reputation as intellectually sustaining performers of beautiful, emotive music.
  4. Though this is their most vocal-oriented album yet... it's actually the instrumental tracks - 'Child Song' and 'As the Stars Fall' - that have the most depth.
  5. Neither jazz nor trip-hop nor any other label you might care to slap on it, Ma Fleur delineates an immensely moving, utterly distinct night-time world which is a pleasure to inhabit.
  6. Much like that of the band's previous albums, the value of Ma Fleur is in its exploration of how to grip an emotion out of simplicity.
  7. Filter
    The songs are almost too precious, demanding total attention to appreciate the subtle fluctuations in texture and tone. [#25, p.102]
  8. Ma Fleur is a triumphant return for The Cinematic Orchestra.
  9. Uncut
    [A] remarkable album. [Jun 2007, p.91]
  10. Mojo
    An eerily oneiric album of light, space and silence. [Jun 2007, p.100]
  11. It’s a demanding and complex album that has proven to be one of the best albums I’ve heard in years, a universal soundtrack to a life that requires no visuals to imagine.
  12. Slow, sugary, and perhaps a little too safe, this is not quite the return that Cinematic fans will want it to be.
  13. Its sharpness in wake of modesty might make it The Cinematic Orchestra’s biggest accomplishment to date.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Nov 19, 2014
    Made with skill and not exactly bad. But a bore to listen to.
    With the exception of To Build A Home all of Ma Fleur is a tediously airy fairy
    Made with skill and not exactly bad. But a bore to listen to.
    With the exception of To Build A Home all of Ma Fleur is a tediously airy fairy experience. If that makes any sense. Sort of like Bon Iver or Arcade Fire but without that wonderful feeling of originality and the vital emotional connection. Maybe even slightly pretentious in places and lacking in redeeming features I won't be listening to any of The Cinematic Orchestras other work.
    Full Review »
  2. May 28, 2014
    A great and sensitive, moving album, with the chances of transporting us to a world of calm, if it wasn't for some annoying sounds in theA great and sensitive, moving album, with the chances of transporting us to a world of calm, if it wasn't for some annoying sounds in the background of some songs. Full Review »
  3. MikeS
    Jan 27, 2009
    Brilliant record. More atmosphere than the rest of the music industry's latest releases.