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  1. Jul 24, 2017
    She just keeps on amazing me with her songwriting skills and vocal ability.
    Constantly topping herself and coming with a new era with each new project she drops.
    Bravo Lana!
  2. Jul 24, 2017
    Del rey has good music but Lust for life is amazing, she mixes instruments with her voice and this sound amazing.
    welcome to the new age "Lust For Life".
  3. Jul 24, 2017
    The album is beautiful. So unique and so wonderfully varied. As a long time mega fan, this happens to be my favorite piece of work by Lana. Her vocals are outstanding just as much as the explendid lyricism. She did an amazing job with the features on the album considering this was the first time she ever featured anyone on any of her work. The top 5 standout tracks in my opinion are 13The album is beautiful. So unique and so wonderfully varied. As a long time mega fan, this happens to be my favorite piece of work by Lana. Her vocals are outstanding just as much as the explendid lyricism. She did an amazing job with the features on the album considering this was the first time she ever featured anyone on any of her work. The top 5 standout tracks in my opinion are 13 Beaches, In My Feelings, When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing, Change and Get Free. I love you Lana. Expand
  4. Jul 23, 2017
    This is her best album since Ultraviolence, and now she sounds even more self-aware and confident, and also more conscient about the world we're living. Lust for Life is an unique event for Lana's career and for current pop music scene.
  5. Jul 23, 2017
    Lana Del Rey continues her on-going artistic growth and with Lust for Life she hits her most incredible moments of sheer brilliance, in particular in songs like Beautiful People Beautiful Problems, a collaboration with Stevie Nicks, God Bless America, Get Free, Change, Tomorrow Never Came with Sean Ono Lenon and When The World Was At War We Kept On Dancing. This is a clear step forward forLana Del Rey continues her on-going artistic growth and with Lust for Life she hits her most incredible moments of sheer brilliance, in particular in songs like Beautiful People Beautiful Problems, a collaboration with Stevie Nicks, God Bless America, Get Free, Change, Tomorrow Never Came with Sean Ono Lenon and When The World Was At War We Kept On Dancing. This is a clear step forward for Lana who has undoubtedly one of the greatest careers in music in today's times. Expand
  6. Jul 23, 2017
    I love this album because it reflects Lana's positive side, songs like '' Lust for Life '' and '' Love '' reflect that there is a girl who re-minds her sad side and focuses on her life's lusts, so thank you Lana for being one of the few artists that if they know how to reinvent themselves, continues to demonstrate your talent.
  7. Jul 23, 2017
    Finally she's back and hopefully she didn't change her genre like every singers do these days.
    same dark sad amazing songs
    i think change and 13 beaches are the best lana's releases ever, just amazing then Love Lust for life white mustang and ... are very good but god bless america coachella beatiful people with beatiful problem not what i expected still love honeymoon more than her
    Finally she's back and hopefully she didn't change her genre like every singers do these days.
    same dark sad amazing songs
    i think change and 13 beaches are the best lana's releases ever, just amazing
    then Love Lust for life white mustang and ... are very good but god bless america coachella beatiful people with beatiful problem not what i expected

    still love honeymoon more than her other albums
    but this is one of the best albums of the 2017
  8. Jul 23, 2017
    While Ultraviolence was a solid 10 (it is until this date one of my favourite albums of all time), Honeymoon a rock-hard 9, Lanal Del Rey's latest effort, 'Lust For Life' feels like a slight slip. Don't get me wrong, her artistry hasn't lessened an inch, and her vocals are fiercer than ever, and the production is subtle and, at times, unexpected. The first half of the album, starting withWhile Ultraviolence was a solid 10 (it is until this date one of my favourite albums of all time), Honeymoon a rock-hard 9, Lanal Del Rey's latest effort, 'Lust For Life' feels like a slight slip. Don't get me wrong, her artistry hasn't lessened an inch, and her vocals are fiercer than ever, and the production is subtle and, at times, unexpected. The first half of the album, starting with the mind-blowing lead single and opener 'Love', until the brand new experimental (that's sonically, and lyrically) 'In My Feelings', is absolutely flawless. The issues start then, when some of the following tracks feel like fillers, or out of place on the record: for instance, last-minute-addition 'Coachella - Woodstock' could have been scraped altogether, while the patriotic/empowering 'God Bless America- And All The Beautiful Women in It' offers nothing new when it comes to creativity or originality. In addition, 'When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing' and 'Beautiful People Beautiful Problems' (featuring THE Stevie Nicks) feel very forgettable. After that, the album re-takes the right direction with the extremely Honeymoon-esque 'Heroin', the beautifully-dark 'Change', and the optimistic closer 'Get Free'.

    In conclusion, although packed with awesome exquisitely-made songs, Del Rey's fifth effort can't help but feel 4-or-5-tracks-too-long. However, this doesn't affect Lana's undeniable talent and artistry or shake them in any way. Way to go, Ms. Grant! This record is a summer essential.
  9. Jul 23, 2017
    Lana's voice take all, and the universe in this record, best lyrics best sound, a dramatic and emotional new sounds, good vibes is all from this record
  10. Jul 23, 2017
    Lust for life es un álbum asombroso donde Lana crea un sin fin de ritmos y sonidos que muestran su gran creatividad al momento de componer canciones, llevándonos a un mundo al cual podemos estar por más de una hora repitiendo sus canciones y disfrutando de estas.
  11. Jul 23, 2017
    Brilliant, the culmination of Lana's genius in an album that's self-aware, stylistically perfect, and a treasure in a repertoire of excellent albums. Combining her signature sound with experimental notes and instrumentals that pay off big time
  12. Jul 23, 2017
    I will quote one of Lana's songs :

    " I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love " ( с ) West coast

    Beautiful album, beautiful lyrics, beautiful all.
  13. Jul 23, 2017
    A beautiful ode to her inner self, moving a bit on from the Lana Del Rey persona, Del Rey manages to once again move her listeners; this time by swaying from personal realization to enlightening words in her 16-track long album. From one of her strongest songs to date "13 Beaches" to the step into the hip-hop world "Summer Bummer", the album re-establishes the fact that Del Rey is anA beautiful ode to her inner self, moving a bit on from the Lana Del Rey persona, Del Rey manages to once again move her listeners; this time by swaying from personal realization to enlightening words in her 16-track long album. From one of her strongest songs to date "13 Beaches" to the step into the hip-hop world "Summer Bummer", the album re-establishes the fact that Del Rey is an artist of her generation, despite her 60s flairs. The two-part album composition ranges from the heavy drums of "Cherry" to the Honeymoon-reminiscent sound of "Heroin", which reinforces Del Rey's diversity in her music. Although some might dislike this step forward in her journey of self-realization for Del Rey, it does not change the fact that she is still a growing artist who manages to put out thoughtful tunes for generations to come. Expand
  14. Jul 23, 2017
    So it's been almost 2 years since Honeymoon, but the wait is over. @lanadelrey just came back with a **** amazing album as usual! #LustForLife is full of outstanding vocals, the sound is so retro, full of instruments and some hip-hop beats and some orchestral melodies. I can't describe how much I love this woman and this album. ❤ If you think it sounds exactly like the other Lana albums,So it's been almost 2 years since Honeymoon, but the wait is over. @lanadelrey just came back with a **** amazing album as usual! #LustForLife is full of outstanding vocals, the sound is so retro, full of instruments and some hip-hop beats and some orchestral melodies. I can't describe how much I love this woman and this album. ❤ If you think it sounds exactly like the other Lana albums, you're wrong. There's something melancholic about the problems discussed in this record, everything the world is going through and also about love and hope for the future. Expand
  15. Jul 23, 2017
    Absolutely wonderful and really interesting album. It's not as depressive and dark as Honeymoon, but it has got its own atmosphere. One of the best albums of 2017
  16. Jul 23, 2017
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before. unafraid to reference or not reference.
    Basically this album is a masterpiece and is one of her most powerful yet.
    Love you lana
  17. Jul 22, 2017
    La letra en cada tema del álbum, habla de esa pasión por la vida que se ha despertado en Lana, como lo ha escrito en el tema Get Free, ha pasado de lo oscuro a lo azul. Sin dejar de lado su toque melancólico y poco convencional cuyas cualidades la hacen excepcional.
  18. Jul 22, 2017
    this alum is a meh for me, i mean it's good. but it's boring, lana is not serving anything new and every song in this album basically sounds the same.
  19. Jul 22, 2017
    Her past albums, as iconic and outstanding as they were, still left me thinking that something was missing. Lust for Life is such an amazing work. As naive and simple Lana may look, this songs aren't simple or naive at all; they are powerful, direct, and inspiring. No past album has given me an experience as Lust for Life has. Grab some headphones and lay on the grass watching the starsHer past albums, as iconic and outstanding as they were, still left me thinking that something was missing. Lust for Life is such an amazing work. As naive and simple Lana may look, this songs aren't simple or naive at all; they are powerful, direct, and inspiring. No past album has given me an experience as Lust for Life has. Grab some headphones and lay on the grass watching the stars and experience this unique adventure for yourself. Expand
  20. Jul 22, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Is an album in which he experimented with sounds and in the lyrics including more political lyrics that at the moment there are almost no artists that touch this subject and clear with the touch of lana del rey Expand
  21. Jul 22, 2017
    Every song is a little masterpiece. Lana Del Rey is always reinventing herself in terms of musicality and lyrics, and in "Lust For Life" she is more politically/socially aware than her previous works. There are songs resembling all of her previous records as well as songs with fresh new styles. The overall album feeling could be described as inspiring, comforting, nostalgic and wondrous.Every song is a little masterpiece. Lana Del Rey is always reinventing herself in terms of musicality and lyrics, and in "Lust For Life" she is more politically/socially aware than her previous works. There are songs resembling all of her previous records as well as songs with fresh new styles. The overall album feeling could be described as inspiring, comforting, nostalgic and wondrous. Lana starting to do collaborations on her album is just so good and refreshing (I really loved the track with Stevie Nicks).

    Lust For Life, Cherry, Summer Bummer, Groupie Love, and In My Feelings have a dazing and grandiose feeling linked to them, perfect to be nice "summer jams".

    Love, Coachella, and God Bless America are the most anthemic tracks on the album. They are inspiringly beautiful.

    13 Beaches, White Mustang, Heroin, and Change have a really deep and melancholic sound, very soothing.

    Finally, When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing, Beautiful People Beautiful Problems, Tomorrow Never Came and Get Free are a little bit more heart-lighted and warm than the previous ones, but all of them have powerful messages to spread.

    I really loved this album, and I found myself already waiting for the next record. I wish I could've heard Architecture, Yosemite and Roses Bloom For You.
  22. Jul 22, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best albuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum. LANA I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU SO MUCH. Expand
  23. Jul 22, 2017
    Uno de los mejores álbumes del 2017 y uno de los mejores de Lana , combinando armonías tan perfectas , la colaboración con fue un placer al oido,
  24. Jul 22, 2017
    Lana del Rey ha superado las expectativas, una vez mas. Y esto traduciendo la necesidad de aferrarse a la vida a canciones con sonidos que recuerdan a sus anteriores trabajos, pero sin ser versiones 0.2 o 0.3. He disfrutado cada pista.
  25. Jul 22, 2017
    It's amazing, every song gives me a different atmosphere full of feelings, with this CD Lana Del Rey has become my favorite artist, I love this album.
  26. Jul 22, 2017
    Álbum fantástico. Lana se superando cada vez mais e fazendo arte tanto para os fãs quanto para os críticos. Melhores do álbum: Love, Lust For Life, Cherry, Groupie Love, In My Feelings, God Bless America, Beautiful People Beautiful Problems e Tomorrow Never Came.
  27. Jul 22, 2017
    This album is so different between her last 3 albums, it has light in it. pure art. from Love To Get free, it takes you to a journey of LOVE, PIECE & FEMINIST. I'm sure it's the best album of 2017!
  28. Jul 22, 2017
    lana voltou com a melhor era de sua carreira, mostrando a evolução gradual que tem aplicado em seu trabalho desde o primeiro cd. Sem duvida o melhor lançamento feminino de 2017.
  29. Jul 22, 2017
    Nina Simone said at once that the artist's duty is to reflect the times, specially when these are hard times. Under influence of the 60s hippie movement and political-social activism (with Woodstock in her mind) Lana paid this duty, on her way, on the album with a direct political statement expressing about love, happiness, peace, activism, freedom, unity and, mostly important, change.Nina Simone said at once that the artist's duty is to reflect the times, specially when these are hard times. Under influence of the 60s hippie movement and political-social activism (with Woodstock in her mind) Lana paid this duty, on her way, on the album with a direct political statement expressing about love, happiness, peace, activism, freedom, unity and, mostly important, change. Because that's what really Del Rey is trying and expecting us to do; change for these hard times. We can keep dancing and singing, but, at the same time, we should be woke and act when it's needed.

    This record is the perfect intermediate between "Born to Die" and "Honeymoon"; hip-hop beats, pop-lyrical melodies and cinematic rock strings. It isn't a new thing coming from Del Rey because her signature stills recognized and identified, full of nostalgia, darkness and dreamy visions, and stays on her own lane, but this time is talking about the world instead of herself and that's what makes the album special; dark, nostalgic and quite futuristic.

    Maybe is the power of Stevie Nicks, from the legendary 60's band Fletwood Mac, and Sean Lennon, son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, children from the wave of the hippie sixties, that influence my way to immerse this strangely yet familiar world. Their collaborations blended magically with Del Rey's voice, as well as the chemistry with The Weeknd, A$AP Rocky and Playboi Carti.

    It's, truly, her best album.
  30. Jul 22, 2017
    Lana did her best again.
    He pieced together sonorities from his old albums and made it even better.
    Without a doubt, this is my favorite of the year.
  31. Jul 22, 2017
    If I can describe the album with one word it would be: fabulous, Lana has just created the best album of 2017 and no one disagree that. She is always amazing, I think that until now I've listened like 10 times
  32. Jul 22, 2017
    New vibe ìn Lana Del Rey's music. Live encouragement spirit and unbelievable wonderful harmony of Lana with Rocky, Carti, The Weeknd, Stevie Nick and Sean Ono Lenn. With Lust For Life, Lana cures and heals the sadness she has given the fan since the last albums.
  33. Jul 22, 2017
    It's a good day for Lana Del Rey fans. Another album of the same dream like and nostalgic aesthetic that Lana embodies wholeheartedly, but this time she executes it much better than she has in the past. Although the album feels a little too long (by a few tracks), Lana seems to be determined to perfect the sound she is famous for. While this albums requires a certain mood and may not beIt's a good day for Lana Del Rey fans. Another album of the same dream like and nostalgic aesthetic that Lana embodies wholeheartedly, but this time she executes it much better than she has in the past. Although the album feels a little too long (by a few tracks), Lana seems to be determined to perfect the sound she is famous for. While this albums requires a certain mood and may not be for everyone, it does what it strives for very well. Expand
  34. Jul 22, 2017
    This album SHOOK me. The singles are fantastic, the deep cuts are amazing, the entire album is cohesive and fits together. Lana has released her first "happy" album, after 4 albums normally called sad or depressing. Amazing album, 10/10
  35. Jul 22, 2017
    She finally found the balance between her previous records. There's the dreaming element from Honeymoon you can find in Heroin/Change/Get Free act of the record, but also rock sound references can be found in Cherry and Beautiful People Beautiful Problems; finally classic Lana Del Rey, that one we met through Born to Die, comes back out in White Mustang. All this fusion sublimes in the twoShe finally found the balance between her previous records. There's the dreaming element from Honeymoon you can find in Heroin/Change/Get Free act of the record, but also rock sound references can be found in Cherry and Beautiful People Beautiful Problems; finally classic Lana Del Rey, that one we met through Born to Die, comes back out in White Mustang. All this fusion sublimes in the two masterpieces fulcrum of the whole record: Love and 13 Beaches. Expand
  36. Jul 22, 2017
    Este álbum sin duda alguna supero mis expectativas, su voz parece haber crecido de alguno u otra manera, es sin duda una obra de arte, en especial God Bless America And All The Beautiful Women In It, sin duda alguna te lleva a otro lugar, es un álbum en el que puedes refugiarte, Lana nos ha sorprendido.
  37. Jul 22, 2017
    It's truly magical this new album, might be my favourite. It is needed to listen carefully to every song to fully comprehend it's meaning, and intention. "Tomorrow never came" left me speechless.
    This record is exactly what I needed this summer/year. Is a masterpiece.
  38. Jul 22, 2017
    I love how she tell the world through the record that she change, like lyrics in Get Free she says "Out of the black get into the blue" or "Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind
    I want to get off, but I keep riding the ride" It's very simple but beautiful.
  39. Jul 22, 2017
    I love this album sooo much!! Maybe it's best album from Lana, Honeymoon, Ultraviolance and Born to Die was beautiful stories from girl who love, Lust for life something another!)
  40. Jul 22, 2017
    o album é simplismente genial , a sonoridade que a lana geralmente usar em seus albuns é marcante , mas no lust for life senti que ela inovou , surpreendeu com essa parceria com o Asap Rocky , caiu muito bem ! parabens lana
  41. Jul 22, 2017
    Lana Del Rey is capable of making outstanding albums that will be listened to by generations to come. Unfortunately Lust for Life isn't going to be one of those albums.
  42. Jul 22, 2017
    Ok! Lets try to talk about this album without the hype included with Love and Lust For Life (song). After this both songs were reveled, Lana gives us two more, Summer Bummer and Groupie Lover, and then the hype decreased. Why? SM and GL were Lana del Rey typical songs, and you can find it in her pasts albums. Why Love or LFL had more impact? Because their were like Summertime Sadness, BornOk! Lets try to talk about this album without the hype included with Love and Lust For Life (song). After this both songs were reveled, Lana gives us two more, Summer Bummer and Groupie Lover, and then the hype decreased. Why? SM and GL were Lana del Rey typical songs, and you can find it in her pasts albums. Why Love or LFL had more impact? Because their were like Summertime Sadness, Born To Die and others, she gives us new vibes, new ways to experiment with alternative music.

    It's not a sad album at all, and I'm happy because of that. But, in my opinion, she can give us more epic moments. But, I need to say is her best album in years. HM or U were like the perfect transition from BTD to this! So, I give her a 9/10.
  43. Jul 22, 2017
    Album of the year. Simply stunning. Get Free & White Mustang are standouts. Thank you for this masterpiece, Lana. It's her best album yet. Wowwwwwwww I can't get over how good it is.
  44. Jul 22, 2017
    one of her greatest album. her voice suits so well with the productions, this is a pure masterpiece, seriously. congrats lana and thank you.
    what i love in this record are the references with her other songs. some songs have beautiful lyrics (get free, beautiful people beautiful problemes, change...)
    it sounds different from her oldest albums. the melodies are happier and the vocals are
    one of her greatest album. her voice suits so well with the productions, this is a pure masterpiece, seriously. congrats lana and thank you.
    what i love in this record are the references with her other songs. some songs have beautiful lyrics (get free, beautiful people beautiful problemes, change...)
    it sounds different from her oldest albums. the melodies are happier and the vocals are on point, i love the different harmonies in the songs.
    change is one of my favorite i think, it is a pure masterpiece. have no words to describe this song.
  45. Jul 22, 2017
    This album is pure ART. The lyrics are not empty like a lot of song those days. And the music is just as perfect as her voice. Different but excellent. LFL give me amazing vibes!
  46. Jul 21, 2017
    Canciones majestuosas y verdaderas obras de arte con letras renovadas y mensajes positivos, cada canción es magnífica con el ritmo distintivo de Lana. MASTERPIECE
  47. Jul 21, 2017
    Lana Del Rey did it again! The album is a masterpiece. I would appreciate this album rather comparing it with her other projects. I always loved her for being a rebel instead of sticking with the same formula. The uniqueness of her albums make them classic. From Born to Die to Lust for Life, Lana has grown beautifully.
  48. Jul 21, 2017
    ICONICA LANA HACIENDO ARTE! El álbum que acaba con la carrera de lordeforme, como siempre demostrando porque con un album puede enterrar a la moda de royals
  49. Jul 21, 2017
    a beautiful masterpiece. lana blessed the world with this album. best tracks are get free, heroin, change, tomorrow never came, beautiful people beautiful problems, love and wtwwawkdm, truly pieces of art :)
  50. Jul 21, 2017
    Una obra conjunta de arte, el disco va de mas a mucho más, su forma de integrar más voces y hacerlas a su estilo, es majestuosa. Las letras son mucho mas maduras y una gran distribución de emociones!
  51. Jul 21, 2017
    "Endlessly intriguing," one reviewer said. Did I listen to a different album?? More like endlessly boring. While her voice in interesting, her sleepy delivery becomes annoying after two tracks. There are way more interesting female vocalists out there getting (undeservedly) way less hype. Pass.
  52. Jul 21, 2017
    oh my god! i can't even describe how much i love this album !! summer bummer are so lit, lust for life is **** dope, groupie love amaze me. i'm totally in love with this era
  53. Jul 21, 2017
    Such an incredrible record, as she says. I love that there is the sad music that Lana Del Rey Fans are used to but there is also happy songs which reminds me of her unreleased songs. And I also like all the aesthetics behind this album, the artwork and the music videos.
  54. Jul 21, 2017
    Al principio tenia mis dudas, pero tras escuchar detenidamente las canciones supe que Lana nos dio una obra maestra. Se nota la madurez que ha conseguido a través de sus antiguos discos. La calidad vocal es notable, las melodías son simplemente perfectas. Este álbum nos entrega un conjunto de temas relacionados y bien tratados desde la critica social hasta algo tan simple como elAl principio tenia mis dudas, pero tras escuchar detenidamente las canciones supe que Lana nos dio una obra maestra. Se nota la madurez que ha conseguido a través de sus antiguos discos. La calidad vocal es notable, las melodías son simplemente perfectas. Este álbum nos entrega un conjunto de temas relacionados y bien tratados desde la critica social hasta algo tan simple como el amor.Hizo de lo simple algo magnifico. Jugo con su voz y experimento cuidadosamente nuevos ritmos. Un trabajo maduro y de calidad. Expand
  55. Jul 21, 2017
    Lana still living in a big process of changing and doing the best albun over and over again... and that's the reason why everysingle album is more loved by the critic and the fãs
  56. Jul 21, 2017
    Del Rey juega con su voz, con sus letras, con sus melodías y con nuestros sentimientos parar crear esta gran obra de arte que demuestra un grado de madurez mucho mayor, acompañada de grandes compositores y colaboradores reconocidos como Stevie Nicks y The Weeknd, encuentro en Lust For Life el mejor álbum alternativo femenino del 2017.
  57. Jul 21, 2017
    a magical album again
    this is ART
    pure ART
    i loved that so much, i aways love, she is a queen, and this album sounds good
    megican with summer days
    album of the summer
  58. Jul 21, 2017
    Overall stunning album. It easily transports you into Lana's world from the first song, which is perhaps the only constant throughout her discography.
  59. Jul 21, 2017
    'Lust for Life' is very different from her previous albums, she is showing growth on each record and i'm sure the best is yet to come. A master album showing another side of her.
  60. Jul 21, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lana Del Rey ha evolucionado de una forma majestuosa con este álbum, ha dejado atrás la imagen de depresión innecesaria, dándonos así su mayor obra maestra en todo sentido hasta ahora. Una nueva visión de la música de Lana Del Rey. Expand
  61. Jul 21, 2017
    She just keeps growing, and people will continue to misunderstand her and her art. Every album is majorly different from each other, but the themes used to be similar; now she takes a whole new direction of a free and reflective realisation about the world and the people in them and what we and it represents to her. She reaches a bigger message this time around even while still giving us aShe just keeps growing, and people will continue to misunderstand her and her art. Every album is majorly different from each other, but the themes used to be similar; now she takes a whole new direction of a free and reflective realisation about the world and the people in them and what we and it represents to her. She reaches a bigger message this time around even while still giving us a small story like she always has. Impressed, to say the least. Expand
  62. Jul 21, 2017
    My favorite Lana album. The best so far, reminds me Ultraviolence but softly. I really like the sound feels really cool and nostalgic. Lana never disapoints and now she comes more actual but with the classic style
  63. Jul 21, 2017
    Este Album es sumamente increíble, contiene gran diversidad de géneros musicales sin mencionar la cautivadora letra y la maravillosa voz de Lana . Simplemente perfecto !
  64. Jul 21, 2017
    nunca pensei que lana seria capaz de fazer um album tao bom quanto o born to die e ultraviolence, ela conseguiu. muito feliz com a evoluçao dela e como ela da uma identidade pra cada album. parabens, album do ano, repleto de hinos.
  65. Jul 21, 2017
    talented. brillant. incredible. amazing. show stopping. spectacular. never the same. totally unique. completely not even been done before. thank you lana
  66. Jul 21, 2017
    O album eh muito bom, sonoridade maravilhosa, letras incriveis e musicas otimas. Hinario ne amores, pisou no Honeymoon inteiro. O #1 na BB200 eh certo, fique esperto Melodrama qq.
  67. Jul 21, 2017
    Just amazing album, best her album. NEW LEVEL OF BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT MUSIC, the most lyrical and atmospheric soundtrack for summer, Lana is best songwriter and singer in the world
  68. Jul 21, 2017
    Lana assim como em "Ultraviolence" trás um álbum coeso e sólido, que passa do jazz, do clássico indie ala del rey, de hap e ainda tem músicas digna de orquestra "Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems" e que juntos se coexistem e não se descartam, um ótimo trabalho com uma belísssima produção e execução. Parabéns a artista Lana del Rey que ouvindo o trabalho em sumo vemos um amadurecimentoLana assim como em "Ultraviolence" trás um álbum coeso e sólido, que passa do jazz, do clássico indie ala del rey, de hap e ainda tem músicas digna de orquestra "Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems" e que juntos se coexistem e não se descartam, um ótimo trabalho com uma belísssima produção e execução. Parabéns a artista Lana del Rey que ouvindo o trabalho em sumo vemos um amadurecimento pessoal e profissional Expand
  69. Jul 21, 2017
    This album is clearly masterpiece. Beautiful vocal, cool instrumentation with a little bit wind beats, it makes a power-full and beautiful atmosphere , choose a random song and its amazing, 10/10 Lana. "You and i till the day i die "
  70. Jul 21, 2017
    Not to be biased but I really love this album! I really thought it would sound like Born to Die but not at all, it's like a mixing of all her previous album and she did a really good job at it! Favorite songs are the collaboration with Stevie Nicks, Cherry, In My Feelings and God Bless America.. .
  71. Jul 21, 2017
    Del Rey's music never ceases to surprise me. She was born to make music and Lust For Life delivers the strongest highlights of her career. From hip-hop fueled features to mellow ballads, she serves everything on the plate. She mixes many genres and somehow succeeds to release a coherent album. Good job Lana, you deserve it.
  72. Jul 21, 2017
    One of the best albums of the year, by one of the best singers of our time. Lust for Life is a masterpiece crafted by the always mind blowing Lana Del Rey. The underrated singers best album since Ultraviolence (and possibly an even better album than that piece of art). She's consistently great and proves that again with this album in songs like 'Cherry', '13 Beaches', 'Heroin', 'Change',One of the best albums of the year, by one of the best singers of our time. Lust for Life is a masterpiece crafted by the always mind blowing Lana Del Rey. The underrated singers best album since Ultraviolence (and possibly an even better album than that piece of art). She's consistently great and proves that again with this album in songs like 'Cherry', '13 Beaches', 'Heroin', 'Change', 'Tomorrow Never Came' among many others. Amazing as always. Can't wait for what's to come for her next! Expand
  73. Jul 21, 2017
    I've always thought that Ultraviolence would be her Magnum Opus forever, but I was clearly wrong. This album is simply magnificent and it is the soundtrack of Heaven
  74. Jul 21, 2017
    most of lana del rey fans go through a lot of anxiety wether the upcoming album will be as good as the previous ones as it feels it is very hard to top them but lana never fails to deliver and lust for life definitely wasnt disappointing
  75. Jul 21, 2017
    caralho, quantos hinos da porra em um só álbum. pisa menos lana del rey!!! o álbum demorou um pouco mas chegou, o que importa. só espero q ela venha p brasil próximo ano mesmo. te amo deusa rainha
  76. Jul 21, 2017
    I really loved Lana's Del Rey new album "Lust For Life". It has some influences from her last works but it's totally new for me. I'm really enjoying the album and my favorite tracks are "Cherry", "13 Beaches" OMG I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH, "Tomorrow Never Came" and "Love". Thank you Lana for this amazing album
  77. Jul 21, 2017
    beautiful. Better than the others records before. I'm in love, definitily. The lyrics take you to a lot of situations in life where At least many people have found.
  78. Jul 21, 2017
    Lana Del Rey superou todas as expectativas, uma era que estava aparentando confusa e perdida. que álbum maravilhoso!
    13 beaches e Cherry DOMINAM a primeira metade do álbum com melodias originais e que te transcendem desse mundo. God Bless America e When the World Was At War ARRASARAM com a segunda metade, eu relmente fiquei chocado e impressionado, nunca
    Lana Del Rey superou todas as expectativas, uma era que estava aparentando confusa e perdida. que álbum maravilhoso!
    13 beaches e Cherry DOMINAM a primeira metade do álbum com melodias originais e que te transcendem desse mundo.
    God Bless America e When the World Was At War ARRASARAM com a segunda metade, eu relmente fiquei chocado e impressionado, nunca imaginei que a Lana soaria tão bem assim.
    É sem dúvidas o melhor álbum dela, e claro Change + Get Free como conclusão é a definição de perfeição.
  79. Jul 21, 2017
    Este álbum es mágico me encanta cada una de las piezas que lo componen. La melodía, la voz la sincronización de cada una de las piezas es única y sin precedentes.
  80. Jul 21, 2017
    Lana gave her best in Lust for Life and once again managed to build a contemporary masterpiece. Ripening and personal and professional growth are evident along the tracks and Lana shows us a more playful side of her work. Highlight for "13 beaches, Cherry and In My Feelings".
  81. Jul 21, 2017
    This album deserves a Grammy. Lana Del Rey creating art as usual. I'm so proud of her, because this album is a big change in her career without losing her style.
    I'm in love with Change, Heroin, Get Free and 13 Beaches (those are just someones, because I'm in love with the entire album)
  82. Jul 21, 2017
    Is Lana's best album so far, I was surprised too. She is the best and knows how to reach our hearts.
    I really hope she is nominated for prizes for this, THE BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR
  83. Jul 21, 2017
    This album is best of the year without a doubt! She has really put hard work and time in this. This is a new sound for Lana, and it fits her so well!!
  84. Jul 21, 2017
    Looking back to Lana del Rey's past albums, Lust for Life founds itself above the darkness, opious, druggy-themed and darkly melancholy from the previous ones. Truly one of the best albums I ever seen. This is Lana del Rey at her best or at lest, at her perfectness
  85. Jul 21, 2017
    Love this album

    Elizabeth exceeded all her expectations and pike a lot. In addition to the rhythms are varied, came out what is their comfort zone and truly is an album that is worth listening.
  86. Jul 21, 2017
    This is just heaven, I got nothing to do but to feel her voice and this angelic tracks, Lana always knows how to bring old vibes mixed with modern indie pop, thank you Lana for one more masterpiece
  87. Jul 21, 2017
    Lana combined all eras, Born to die, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon on a spectacular ride named Lust For Life. She did an amazing job, the different types of songs are majestic. She surely is one of the few authentic artists. For me she is more than just an artist. She saved me, and thousands of other young people too. She gave me hope, and so much love. rule lana! :) This record is great,Lana combined all eras, Born to die, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon on a spectacular ride named Lust For Life. She did an amazing job, the different types of songs are majestic. She surely is one of the few authentic artists. For me she is more than just an artist. She saved me, and thousands of other young people too. She gave me hope, and so much love. rule lana! :) This record is great, keep going babe, we always got your back! :3 Expand
  88. Jul 21, 2017
    LanAm benim yine mükemmel bir albüm. Umarım Grammy alırsın artık. bu arada Born To Die a 0 veren eleştirmenleri sikim o albüm 100 puan ı hakediyor mk kodumun ****
  89. Jul 21, 2017
    This album is pure art, this álbum and witness by katy perry and el dorado by shakira were the best of this light year, lana with this album deserves a grammy
  90. Jul 21, 2017
    This album is truly amazing. Lana put all her soul in this masterpiece. All songs are telling a little story, you can understand Lana. Also, her songs force you to think about what the world is, what happening around you and maybe pushed to do something nice to make the world a little bit better :)
  91. Jul 21, 2017
    Una hermosa creación de Elizabeth ha venido muy reinventada me gusta el nuevo toque que le ha dado a este disco se denota cada vez que ella crea uno
    Ella es una gran cantante y compositora la necesitamos a ella en esta industria.
  92. Jul 21, 2017
    I feel so happy listening Lust for Life, so much 70's vibe but still modern. The lyrics and vocals are 10/10. One of my favourite albums of 2017 so far. SPEECHLESS.
  93. Jul 21, 2017
    A truly masterpiece. Lana surprised me with this album full of great songs, and a good atmosphere it makes you want to listen more. She evolves in each album and becomes more and more talented. One of the best albums of the year.
  94. Jul 21, 2017
    she is so unique whit her lyrics, i love tha form when she sing and who sing thats songs. i have no doubts she is amazing!!!!!!!! i will be listening all of her songs till my last days!!
  95. Jul 21, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Comenzar con “Love” y “Lust for Life” ya es un acierto; los dos primeros temas conocidos del disco con letras maravillosas, y un sonido un tanto alegre, inspirador y que te hace querer más .
    Luego viene “13 Beaches” comienza con un excelente instrumental y la voz de Lana toma mucho protagonismo. Llegamos a “Cherry” una canción que no puedes dejar de cantar, que simplemente no sale de tu cabeza. “White Mustang” una canción que esperas escuchar en un disco de Lana con un coro sencillo pero sin perder la esencia del disco.
    ”Summer Bummer” los sonidos y las palabras que dicen A$AP Rocky y Playboi Carti mientras canta Lana le da un sonido envolvente a la canción. “Groupie Love” una hermosa letra y la colaboración de A$AP Rocky fue correcta.
    “In My Feelings” el pre coro rápido y luego el coro lento terminando con
  96. Jul 21, 2017
    Lana goes political, but on a way that shows us that an artist can be everything and that's what is really worth: showing to the world what you think in the most beautiful verses and melodies. Perfect production, melancholic but glamorous, as always. Really personal but powerful and meaningful. In one phrase: everything a true music fan would've ever loved.
  97. Jul 21, 2017
    Honestly I think that Lana del Rey finally found herself, this album has better lyrics than her previous albums, and better production. But I think what makes this album more attractive is that she has improved her voice and concept
  98. Jul 21, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. She never fails and this record proves it. It's all begin with Love. And you don't wanna miss anything from start to finish in this journey. One of the best albums of the year. Expand
  99. Jul 21, 2017
    It's a masterpiece! This album reveals a brand new Lana's point of view from herself and the world itself. It's so good to hear the way that this album walks. You can feel happy, sexy, even thoughtful. Great record.
  100. Jul 21, 2017
    When Love came in it amazed me Instantly, then Lust For Life came and it was okay, but then the 3 last singles dropped and i was fearing this would be the worst lana album, but then i listen the whole thing and DAMN. it's amazing! it's like a baby from Born to Die and Ultraviolence.
    This album has a lot of genres and finnaly lana here wrote some good lyrics was tired of her previous daddy
    When Love came in it amazed me Instantly, then Lust For Life came and it was okay, but then the 3 last singles dropped and i was fearing this would be the worst lana album, but then i listen the whole thing and DAMN. it's amazing! it's like a baby from Born to Die and Ultraviolence.
    This album has a lot of genres and finnaly lana here wrote some good lyrics was tired of her previous daddy etc lyrics. good job lana

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. 60
    The optimism of Lust For Life is a pleasant surprise, though the album is still painted in the same shades as Del Rey’s previous releases. At times it’s some of her best material, but it seems like a record best experienced in pieces than as a proper whole.
  2. Jul 31, 2017
    While Del Rey’s voice remains firmly at the forefront, the spare arrangements encourage listeners to fill in their own emotional blanks for once.
  3. 80
    Throughout this accomplished, assured new record, Lana manages to repeatedly freeze time and capture those fleeting cinematic moments that make us who we are, while reminding us of who we could be.