• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Jun 8, 2018
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 72 out of 89
  2. Negative: 5 out of 89
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  1. Nov 7, 2021
    Perfeito. É sem dúvida, um dos álbuns que mais amo, top 10 dos favoritos da minha vida.
  2. Nov 7, 2021
    Heartbreaking, queer and brutally honest. Snail Mail holds nothing back in this spelling debut. Taking the classic heartbreak album and stretching it into one of coming if age. The higlight "pristine" relishes in coming clean whilst the lonely "anytime " pines . It's a promising start from such a young star
  3. Nov 2, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum se siente como un reciclaje de Troye Conan Omar Decklan y otros talentosos artistas. Expand
  4. Apr 25, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is the greatest thing i have ever heard in my life. Every single song on this album is a 10/10 to me. Lindsey Jordan is both my favourite singer and guitarist of all time and I will watch her career with a close eye. Alex Bass and Ray Brown are both great at their respective instruments and use them more in a rhythmic way to let Lindsey shine.
    Best Song: EACH AND EVERY ONE (Pristine in top 5 songs OAT)
    Worst Songs: N/A
  5. Mar 31, 2021
    Lush is one of those albums I just play on repeat. The lyrics are very honest and introspective, very easy to relate to. The songs are well writen and creative. Snail Mail sounds close to Soccer Mommy, Paramore and Japanese Breakfast. Lindsey is very talented so I recommend listening to this album!
  6. Apr 22, 2020
    Instrumentals are really interesting and engaging. Her voice and the instrumentals complement each really well.
  7. Jan 16, 2019
    A solid debut effort with a handful of enjoyable tracks that keep things interesting, but the release is almost too consistent - in hindsight only a couple songs, if any stick out. While there may be more than a couple good songs, they're too stylistically similar and when placed next to each other can drag on and bore the listener somewhat. The guitar parts are creative enough, thoughA solid debut effort with a handful of enjoyable tracks that keep things interesting, but the release is almost too consistent - in hindsight only a couple songs, if any stick out. While there may be more than a couple good songs, they're too stylistically similar and when placed next to each other can drag on and bore the listener somewhat. The guitar parts are creative enough, though using Lush's formula for everything after would be a mistake. If one can appreciate, or at least accept the lyrical content, and tolerate sameness of her voice, this is a good mood-album. The main refute for criticising the general dullness of her voice is to look to the lyrics which convey a crushing sense of sameness and dullness that overwhelm the subject's life. It's a smart idea, and Jordan likely (and rightfully so) isn't aiming to please with pleasant, fluffy music. In practice, it's just not a worthwhile front-to-back listen to return to, nor an experiment that warrants repeat. Expand
  8. Jan 10, 2019
    Great shoegaze, good guitar and a nice voice. Great lyrics by a young queer artist.
    Why is she listed as British in the summary when she is from Maryland in USA?
  9. Jan 3, 2019
    The two astounding singles, Pristine and Heat Wave, encouraged me to buy the album. Was slightly disappointed in how slow it was. If this obviously talented young woman turns up her rhythm and drive she can really make some waves. I think when a music talent turns in a slow album so early on in their career it's a way of being safe - running back to the singer-songwriter vibe instead of aThe two astounding singles, Pristine and Heat Wave, encouraged me to buy the album. Was slightly disappointed in how slow it was. If this obviously talented young woman turns up her rhythm and drive she can really make some waves. I think when a music talent turns in a slow album so early on in their career it's a way of being safe - running back to the singer-songwriter vibe instead of a cohesive band. Hope for the future though. Turn up the volume and speed a little bit. You're so close to breaking through! Expand
  10. Nov 13, 2018
    2018 has a bounty of female led lo fi indie rock records with Snail Mail and Soccer Mommy emerging with particularly good albums. Much has been made of the songwriting potential of Snail Mail's Lindsey Jordan but to be fair, she's already after delivering something that sounds fairly like the finished article on "Lush". Perhaps it lacks ambition or variety at times but in general this is a2018 has a bounty of female led lo fi indie rock records with Snail Mail and Soccer Mommy emerging with particularly good albums. Much has been made of the songwriting potential of Snail Mail's Lindsey Jordan but to be fair, she's already after delivering something that sounds fairly like the finished article on "Lush". Perhaps it lacks ambition or variety at times but in general this is a very decent listen. Expand
  11. Sep 12, 2018
  12. Aug 7, 2018
    I loved this album, her voice is very pleasant and the songwriting is sharp. Instrumentation is great. It feels a little rough around the edges at times and maybe that is part of the appeal.
  13. Jul 11, 2018
    An amazing debut album. Lindsay Jordan writes songs that are like a plane taking off. You're on the run way and picking up speed and when you take off it's just amazing. A great example of this is "Golden Dream". She balances powerful songs like "Pristine" and "Heat Wave" with more sentimental songs like "Let's Find An Out" and "Deep sea".
  14. Jul 11, 2018
    Impressive. Her vibe on this record is amazing (I personally like “Pristine” more than any songs released this year)
  15. Jul 7, 2018
    The first studio album from Snail Mail mainly showcases that Lindsey Jordan is a true, earnest, and undeniably talented songwriter: her lyrics are introspective and honest, and it's truly heartfelt to hear her pour her heart out over solid instrumentation consisting of guitars and drums. The whole album sounds so much like Paramore's earlier stuff (she even sounds like Hayley Williams onThe first studio album from Snail Mail mainly showcases that Lindsey Jordan is a true, earnest, and undeniably talented songwriter: her lyrics are introspective and honest, and it's truly heartfelt to hear her pour her heart out over solid instrumentation consisting of guitars and drums. The whole album sounds so much like Paramore's earlier stuff (she even sounds like Hayley Williams on "Let's Find an Out"). However, it tends to get a little weary and- slightly- boring as it goes on, as some tracks could've really used a shorter running time. Songs like "Pristine" and "Heat Wave" prove that Snail Mail truly belongs in the music business. "LUSH" is a solid debut, even though it could've used some more supervising and organizing. Collapse
  16. Jun 16, 2018
    boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii this **** goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood af
  17. Jun 11, 2018
    I enjoy this project. There's nothing pushing the genre, but it excels. Heat Wave is a highlight, her vocals match the beat and give a good building/emotional vibe. Stick is a very emotional song. Overall catches a fairly emo indie rock vibe well.
  18. Jun 8, 2018
    This is the fashionable retro-leaning indie rock sound of 2018, plus female fronted - so again, she's in good 'girl with guitar' company this year for sure. Problem is, no element of this music is ear catching enough to really draw you in, so close to slacker which can be great...if you have tonnes of natural charisma and great low key melodies floating about in your head. I'm not sure sheThis is the fashionable retro-leaning indie rock sound of 2018, plus female fronted - so again, she's in good 'girl with guitar' company this year for sure. Problem is, no element of this music is ear catching enough to really draw you in, so close to slacker which can be great...if you have tonnes of natural charisma and great low key melodies floating about in your head. I'm not sure she has either of those qualities, so rather than sparkling hard like Malkmus she's just pitter-pattered into sputtering soft. Expand
  19. Jun 8, 2018
    It's a fresh album and I really like the vocals and the music and the whole production,but I think that it is not something that special.Still a great listen and an 18yearold musician with a bright future.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2018
    A debut proving the universal emotional weight in teenage preoccupation with romance. One to watch. [Aug 2018, p.96]
  2. Jun 19, 2018
    Lush marks the arrival of an immensely talented singer-songwriter who also still has much room to grow. It may not live up to those more exuberant expectations of an instant classic, but it’s still an admirable, skillful piece of music that leaves me excited for what comes next. In this case, Jordan hasn’t finished the race. She’s just arrived at the starting line.
  3. Jun 15, 2018
    Lush is an album that the devoted will take to their hearts and luxuriate in its sadness. Some may decry the lack of variety on show (there’s a definite template to a Snail Mail song and it’s stuck to rigidly on Lush), but it cannot be denied that this is a debut that promises great things to come.