• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Oct 20, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. While the comparisons were apt at the time, 'Kiss with a Fist' turned out to be a red herring in the wake of the release of Lungs, one of the most musically mature and emotionally mesmerizing albums of 2009.
  2. Lungs showcases Florence's dramatic voice as an instrument that the other instruments follow, from the urgent, rhythmic drums on "Drumming Song" to the fluid harp runs on "Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)."
  3. If Lungs fails to make as much impact as those other debuts, it may be because Welch puts a little too much emphasis on singer and not enough on songwriter.
  4. As it is, they're more than quite good, and all the better for the tracks that surround them.
  5. The debut from Britain's much-fussed-over Florence + the Machine finally hits the States, and Lungs proves they're worth the adoration.
  6. Mojo
    This is a brave, bold, inevitably flawed record from the kind of talent we should be esctastically happy to have around. [Aug 2009, p.92]
  7. It's a bold, inventive record that bristles with energy and passion.
  8. It may be breathtaking in places, but Flossie's Lungs are just a bit too full of bluster.
  9. These songs probably sound otherworldly when played live, but the over-laden stylization actually fills Lungs with unnecessary fat.
  10. Sometimes the rough edges have been over-smoothed: there are all kinds of strange, cheap synthesised noises buried under the layers of polish that I'd like to hear more clearly. But this is a minor gripe, for despite its dark heart, there's a real joy about this debut.
  11. Lungs is a cloud-headed introduction to Welch's world, where It Girl hype, coffins, violence, and ambition combust on impact; it's a platinum-shellacked demo reel drunk on its own hi-fi-ness.
  12. Because those pipes are big enough to shake the rain from the trees and, with an eclectic balance of genres leaning heavily towards folk and soul, she's got enough support to make her seem powerful rather than overbearing.
  13. Q Magazine
    There's a lot going on, but Welch never confuses breadth with depth. [Aug 2009, p.98]
  14. The best bits feel like being chased through a moonless night by a sexy moor witch.
  15. Florence's music is particularly sensitive to studio gloss; her singing is a fine balance between elegance and frenzy.
  16. 80
    From the way she sings, in big gulps and Teen Wolf growls, to the mystical art-rock ballads she bedazzles with sleigh bells, harps, and choirs, there's enough drama here for a Broadway musical. But her delivery is so raw that every mess feels genuine.
  17. Lungs is one of the most exciting, compelling, fearless and ultimately promising debuts of the year.
  18. Florence Welch has a penchant for dramatics. But what would be a dubious distinction for most twentysomethings becomes an advantage when paired with Welch's otherworldly vocals and a trio of top-tier British producers who elevate her Mercury Prize-nominated debut album, Lungs, to something that manages to be grandiose, relatable, and incessantly catchy all at the same time.
  19. Even though damn near every third song sounds designed to sell overpriced sweaters at the Gap, the nectar at the heart of this album is worth the roughage you have to chew through to get there.
  20. Freed from her irritating live persona, moments here justify the hype.
  21. Uncut
    Too often a limited voice and over-egged arrangements strain to little effect. [Aug 2009, p.94]
  22. Under The Radar
    Lung's song peaks and valleys can occasionally be tiring. But when taken as an insight into the artist, it's nothing short of brillianrt. [Fall 2009, p.62]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 511 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 39 out of 511
  1. [Anonymous]
    Oct 20, 2009
    I've been listening to the songs on this CD since I bought it England this summer and it continues to sound better and better. Florence I've been listening to the songs on this CD since I bought it England this summer and it continues to sound better and better. Florence has a strong and agile voice which she uses to great effect in a variety of genres. Full Review »
  2. Feb 2, 2013
    Florence has an absolutely amazing voice! It surprises me that people actually like the junk on the modern pop radios. Justin Bieber? Please,Florence has an absolutely amazing voice! It surprises me that people actually like the junk on the modern pop radios. Justin Bieber? Please, Florence The Machine is what people should be listening to. The touching songs in this album just make you happy. Full Review »
  3. Mar 20, 2012
    Amazing album. Blending a mix of nu folk and nordic pop, Florence delievers an amazing album. The plentiful use of harps and bangles helpsAmazing album. Blending a mix of nu folk and nordic pop, Florence delievers an amazing album. The plentiful use of harps and bangles helps create a luxurious melody that one can listen to repeatedly without it growing tired. Florence also dares to use multiple styles to further demonstrate the scale and creativity of her voice. Very impressive album. Full Review »