• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Feb 11, 2022
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 50 out of 53
  2. Negative: 2 out of 53
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  1. Feb 11, 2022
    After an album that drifted too far away from Rock and Roll for my liking Spoon is back. Probably their most straight ahead rock record and possibly my favorite.
  2. Feb 11, 2022
    Spoon getting even more rock n roll and I'm here for it! This is leaning more into Rolling Stones vibes and I love it, the classic 70s vibes really shine. It's a fun feel good album to blast on loud and I would definitely recommend it.
  3. Nov 13, 2022
    It astonishes me that a great band this far into their career can make you wonder: Is this their best yet? I'm starting to think so. No duff tracks, not an ounce of fat. Just tight, thrilling guitar rock from start to finish. Where else can you find that in 2022?
  4. Jun 30, 2022
    Naerly perfect. Better than 9.5 so rounded to 10. Every song a treasure, and different. Love.
  5. Feb 15, 2022
    There are those very rare bands that just seem to de everything right, and then there’s Spoon, which kicks excellence up a few levels from that. I don’t believe I’ve yet to hear anything these guys have done that I haven’t loved, and this album is no exception. From the opening cover of Held to Lucifer on the Sofa, this album is rougher production wise, and oh so very good, taking meThere are those very rare bands that just seem to de everything right, and then there’s Spoon, which kicks excellence up a few levels from that. I don’t believe I’ve yet to hear anything these guys have done that I haven’t loved, and this album is no exception. From the opening cover of Held to Lucifer on the Sofa, this album is rougher production wise, and oh so very good, taking me back to the albums they released in the aughts. Here’s where a step back can be a giant leap foreword. Expand
  6. Feb 16, 2022
    Heavily indebted to both the Mississippi Delta bluesmen of old and more contemporary blues rock bands like the Black Keys and the White Stripes, "Lucifer on the Sofa" retains Spoon's usual spunky indie sensibilities while simultaneously augmenting and electrifying them with groovy yet hard-edged riffs and stellar songwriting that aptly demonstrate exactly why the group remains one of theHeavily indebted to both the Mississippi Delta bluesmen of old and more contemporary blues rock bands like the Black Keys and the White Stripes, "Lucifer on the Sofa" retains Spoon's usual spunky indie sensibilities while simultaneously augmenting and electrifying them with groovy yet hard-edged riffs and stellar songwriting that aptly demonstrate exactly why the group remains one of the most consistently excellent working today.

    Choice Cuts: "The Hardest Cut," "The Devil and Mr. Jones," "Satellite"
  7. Feb 11, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Things that disappointed me: just 1. The Track 2 standard dropped D sound of Hardest Cut seemed to transition weirdly to the funky track 3 The Devil & Mister Jones (which btw is my 3rd fave of the 7 tracks I hadn’t heard). I know the transition weirdness was on purpose for riveting-gear switching feel. But at first I was like wtf did a commercial come on?That wtf didn’t last long tho.

    Songs that I don’t totally dig. Eh (I’d say Astral is my least favorite, but that’s not really a negative. It’s just that the 9 others are all bops. I’ve never that I can remember heard an album with zero duds with every single one of its tracks so well composed they would each make Radiohead jealous and inspire John Lennon to write something just as good (see Lennon’s inspiration to write “I Am The Walrus”.

    Fave & 2nd fave songs overall: 1. Satellite floored me & is the best lyrical song I’ve ever heard. Ever. And it’s got George Harrison/Beatles influences all in it.

    2. Held (technically a cover but Spoon & Smog/Bill C are both from Austin & have always collaborated). Bottom line - Held is Spoon’s best opening track ever - slightly better than B&D Adored & Rent I Pay. The talkback & bandmate studio chat throughout is genius imo and it’s just filthy blues style 1-3-1 power chords (see Rolling Stones). It’s rock n roll at it’s finest and quite an opening statement of drum thump with guitar/bass precision.

    Name a group who made their masterpiece on its tenth LP and during its 28th year in existence. The White Album was the Beatles 9th.

    Spoon of course. Why it really is a masterpiece & Spoon’s crowning achievement and why I was stunned….

    1. Unexpected vocal hooks in every song
    2. Jim Eno thump (nothing new but very key)
    3. Zero predictable song transitions and zero predictable/expected vocal hooks.
    4. The bass guitar throughout and it’s timing with guitar flourishes. Wow. Spoon never had a bass sound so dominant and on point. It was like Flea and John Paul Jones playing together. I like Rob Pope’s replacement.
    5. The 2 electric guitars produced sick chord melodies in every single song (nothing new & no surprise there).
    6. The record used a wider variety of guitar chords AND chord styles than I can recall from any album before (prob Stones or Beatles).
    7. Blues is the theme, with touches of soul and funk. Normal stuff again.
  8. Feb 12, 2022
    Great album. More raw and less processed than last album. I like the return to roots nature of this.
  9. Mar 19, 2022
    I have let this album sink in a bit before writing a review. I admit that I love Spoon, so maybe I've been hoping that this album would be the return to form that some have said it is. I hear some moments that remind me of Spoon albums like Girls can Tell, and Ga, Ga. But really this is more like Hot Thoughts than either of those...except that the quality of the songs is better. II have let this album sink in a bit before writing a review. I admit that I love Spoon, so maybe I've been hoping that this album would be the return to form that some have said it is. I hear some moments that remind me of Spoon albums like Girls can Tell, and Ga, Ga. But really this is more like Hot Thoughts than either of those...except that the quality of the songs is better. I don't think it's another Kill the Moonlight, but I also think it's really, really good. It seems like people hold Spoon to the standard of Girls Can Tell, and if anything they do falls below that line they are disappointed. Why do that? If the music is good then it's good. Bottom line is, this album is excellent. Expand
  10. Feb 18, 2022
    Can't believe after all these years Spoon still are in their best possible shape. This record has a strong BRMC/Black Keys vibe and sounds fresh at the same time.
  11. Mar 1, 2022
    Not my fav Spoon record but it is still very good! I bet these songs will sound amazing live.
  12. Feb 12, 2022
    Great album. Album kind of slows down a bit the further you go but overall solid, solid release.
  13. Apr 19, 2022
    If this is what "dad rock" sounds like now, I'm here for it. (Because I'm a dad, and have been listening to Spoon for nearly 20 years. sigh.)
  14. Feb 17, 2022
    I feel like I am missing something here. Long time spoon fan, but I find the over all rating of this project to be a bit deceiving...

    Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked to be jamming the band again, and I like a lot of the songs on here, but overall I'm a little underwhelmed with the direction of the album... I guess I'm more drawn to the indie sounding spoon and less with the truck
    I feel like I am missing something here. Long time spoon fan, but I find the over all rating of this project to be a bit deceiving...

    Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked to be jamming the band again, and I like a lot of the songs on here, but overall I'm a little underwhelmed with the direction of the album... I guess I'm more drawn to the indie sounding spoon and less with the truck commercial, rock n roll spoon.

    Clearly I'm in the minority in this thought, and I'm not tryna hate... Any new Spoon is good Spoon!

    Favorite songs are Held, Feels alright, Satellite

    Giving this one a light 7
  15. Mar 4, 2022
    Spoon's tenth studio album "Lucifer on the Sofa" is fresh and wild like a debut and timeless, modern rock 'n' roll at the same time. Musically and sonically at the highest level and meticulously planned, Spoon has brought back a record without bad songs after a five-year absence.

    And even if it sounds wrong to say, "Lucifer on the Sofa" is missing that certain rocking aggressiveness and
    Spoon's tenth studio album "Lucifer on the Sofa" is fresh and wild like a debut and timeless, modern rock 'n' roll at the same time. Musically and sonically at the highest level and meticulously planned, Spoon has brought back a record without bad songs after a five-year absence.

    And even if it sounds wrong to say, "Lucifer on the Sofa" is missing that certain rocking aggressiveness and punch. Overall, a flawless and lively album, but unfortunately too soft and mellow.

    My favorites:
    "Lucifer on the Sofa"
    "My Babe"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    March 4, 2022
  16. Feb 16, 2022
    Creo que es un álbum muy pretencioso, intentando ser una una forma de reinventarse, pero solo cae en el ensimismo.

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Feb 21, 2022
    The amount of variety Daniel and company manage to pack into ten songs while still feeling cohesive is impressive. The lack of flashy personality makes Spoon easy to overlook, but as always, the songwriting and performance are top-notch.
  2. Feb 17, 2022
    Overall, its more up-tempo songs aside, Lucifer on the Sofa is a disappointment, offering regrettable evidence that Britt Daniel’s laudable song writing mojo may have gone off the boil.
  3. Feb 16, 2022
    There are bright spots on Spoon’s 10th album, which indicate that Daniel’s bargain with Lucifer can still inspire him and his band to deliver the goods. It’s just that for now, it appears to be only a strong EP’s worth.