• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Dec 6, 2019
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1585 Ratings

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  1. Dec 6, 2019
    ugh, so basic, not worth a second listen, can i have a refund .............
  2. Dec 13, 2019
    A mess, production wise? Mess. Lyrics? Mess. Vocals? Maybe he did one thing right... But as a whole? He just wanted to chart and the whole album ended up like that.
  3. Dec 8, 2019
    Since Liam released his debut single "Strip That Down" all we heard of him are basic,boring and generic songs.He's always trying to make songs that are ready to become but continue flopping.Hey Liam,nobody buys it anymore.
  4. Dec 9, 2019
    The lyrics are terrible, the sound is even worse. So, yeah, there's nothing here other than generic instrumentals with boring vocals and lots of senseless mumbling.
  5. Dec 6, 2019
    This album is trash from top to bottom.It seems his solo music career has started on the wrong foot.Maybe he should consider venturing into something else
  6. Dec 13, 2019
    Basic and recycled. Bad sounds, trash lyrics and mediocre singing, couldn't even come up with a creative name and/or cover for the album. Worst album I've heard on a while, if i had to define it in one word, it would be T R A S H. Nothing against you Liam but please, stick to modeling and never hit a studio again xoxo
  7. Dec 7, 2019
    Flop of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The album is absolutely trash like you.
  8. Dec 6, 2019
    awful, this will flop as it should. over before startingggggggggggggggggggg
  9. Dec 6, 2019
    this sounds like it was wrote by a below average intelligence teenage boy, the song both ways is extremely tone death and i can’t believe he was allowed to release it. besides that it’s incredibly boring and there’s not even a tiny ounce of personality in this entire album
  10. Dec 6, 2019
    most of the songs are nothing more than generic trash. liam payne honestly had great potential but wasted all of it. the lyrics are extremely superficial and **** not to mention some even contain problematic remarks. 100% disappointed with this debut, i’m sure he could do a lot better.
  11. Dec 6, 2019
    A full length of bad songs and generic music. The appeal for sex and nudity makes everything even worse.
  12. Dec 6, 2019
    Literal garbage. Whoever was involved in the making of this project should be ashamed.
  13. Dec 6, 2019
    songs that view women as objects, **** bisexual women, and overall just have no meaning. a mess of an album
  14. Dec 6, 2019
    simplesmente genérico, letras fracas e rasas, um potencial gigantesco desperdiçado ao ser induzido a tendência das massas musicais passageiras atuais não trazendo nenhuma inovação ou que demonstra autoria/personalidade própria no projeto
  15. Dec 6, 2019
    trash, he didn’t even write half these songs and they’re absolutely horrible, and please don’t sexualize bisexuality, it’s not cool
  16. Dec 6, 2019
    it’s terrible, can’t believe i wasted my time listening to this terrible album!
  17. Dec 7, 2019
    Very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very BAD!
  18. Dec 6, 2019
    literally the worst release out of the 1d members and possibly one of the worst albums i’ve ever heard. I expected better but it was mostly for radio made music that literally has no meaning.
  19. Dec 6, 2019
    This is one of the worst albums I've ever heard in my entire life is generic, lazy, pornographic, have bad lyrics. A freak show.
  20. Dec 7, 2019
    horrible horrible horrible, after so much **** comes a Christmas song, is that serious? worst, putting music of 2017 to see if it has any impact ... jesus, he didn't have an ep? It's sad because I believed him with his powerful voice, but he used it to make a generic bomb, no medoly, no salt, no life, no fun, I thought the worst ex 1D was louis, but jesus, he's the worst in everything,horrible horrible horrible, after so much **** comes a Christmas song, is that serious? worst, putting music of 2017 to see if it has any impact ... jesus, he didn't have an ep? It's sad because I believed him with his powerful voice, but he used it to make a generic bomb, no medoly, no salt, no life, no fun, I thought the worst ex 1D was louis, but jesus, he's the worst in everything, it has potential and spends on futile music, my condolences to the people who heard this plague in album form Expand
  21. Dec 6, 2019
    This is the most generic pop album of all time. He literally put a 2017 song for increase streams but this album is a completely trash.
  22. Dec 6, 2019
    This is absolute garbage. It's just a bunch of inconsistent songs with no musical identity. My cats would write better lyrics.
  23. Dec 6, 2019
    0 stars. I didn't know music could make me feel like puking. LP1 is overly sexual and narcissistic, GENERIC as hell and literal TRASH. When high sex drive is your only personality trait, then the addition of **** lyrics doesn't help.
  24. Dec 6, 2019
    "I’ll probably do your ass in the car.” “You gotta work for it.” ...LP1 includes Liam seeing women as objects, seeing bisexual women as objects for threesomes, controlling women for his own horny ass, it is actually disgusting. Liam has no personality, never had. His high sex drive is the only thing his music will succeed at bc sex sells. Simon Cowell was right that he isn't meant to be a"I’ll probably do your ass in the car.” “You gotta work for it.” ...LP1 includes Liam seeing women as objects, seeing bisexual women as objects for threesomes, controlling women for his own horny ass, it is actually disgusting. Liam has no personality, never had. His high sex drive is the only thing his music will succeed at bc sex sells. Simon Cowell was right that he isn't meant to be a solo artist. 1D saved his ass. I always say I love 1D except for Liam. Liam can go **** himself. He won't even apologize bc he's a narcissist who only cares about his orange tan and ego. He only cares about how to pose naked better and perfect his idiotic squinting. Expand
  25. Dec 6, 2019
    this album is very confusing and...awful. why would he be releasing an album with songs over 2 YEARS OLD??? the lyrics are also atrocious (ex: “let me do your ass in the car???) how do you go from being 1D’s main songwriter to this? it is extremely underwhelming and not cohesive. stream literally anything other than this please god
  26. Dec 6, 2019
    Horrible pop album. Nothing unique or different. Used the most tired pop formula and somehow still made every song incredibly horrendous. Great job Liam, there’s now an artist worse than Imagine Dragons
  27. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the most generic pop album Expand
  28. Dec 7, 2019
    I wanted to just say “girl what the hell.” but they require for me to type at least 75 characters so here we go. Girl what in the ever loving hell were those vibrations sent through my headphones to my brain.
  29. Dec 7, 2019
    It's a hairs breath away from being one of the worst hours I've ever spent listening to music. Good voice, bad lyrics, bad tunes, bad songs.
  30. Dec 7, 2019
    liam payne’s songs hit different when you turn that **** off. waste of time.
  31. Dec 7, 2019
    To be honest I expected more from him... really dissapointed. Everything nearly sounds the same and sometimes the lyrics don’t make any sense.
  32. Dec 7, 2019
    absolutely awful, don’t know what he was trying to do but honestly i couldn’t even fully listen to it i was almost sick
  33. Dec 7, 2019
    absolute trash, my ears started bleeding after 20 seconds of the first song. should quit making music altogether.
  34. Dec 7, 2019
    Not just mayo, this is rancid mayo. Generic sounds, terrible lyrics, no heart.
  35. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. No me gusta para nada este album .. el tiene mucho talento pero sin duda este es un mal trabajo Expand
  36. Dec 7, 2019
    This is what I call a "playlist album".Songs from too many different genres on one album, imposing zero personality.I really wanted this album to be good but I was so disappointed.It is payneful (pun intended). What has he been doing since 2016? Apart from releasing a bunch of singles and collaborations in every genre he could think of.It is his debut album and I did not get to know himThis is what I call a "playlist album".Songs from too many different genres on one album, imposing zero personality.I really wanted this album to be good but I was so disappointed.It is payneful (pun intended). What has he been doing since 2016? Apart from releasing a bunch of singles and collaborations in every genre he could think of.It is his debut album and I did not get to know him better than when he was in One Direction. Let's just forget this and wait patiently for the other boys' albums...
    I give that score of 1 for trying.
  37. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. horrible disappointed and very disrespectful to bi women i used to love him in 1d but now i just want him to shut up Expand
  38. Dec 7, 2019
    Over sexualises everything and the beats are nothing new. Just desperately sounds like he’s trying to fit into hip hop culture where he doesn’t necessarily fit. “Both Ways” is a horrific song with lyrics fetishising bisexual women, it’s hard to believe this song got through so many levels of production to actually be released.
  39. Dec 7, 2019
    Liam Payne. He’s a good singer with a six pack. however, his lyrics are questionable and “both ways” is an anthem for douchey straight guys who only “support” the lgbtq community when it comes to **** bi women for their pleasure. good bye and good flop.
  40. Dec 7, 2019
    The album has no real vision or story. It’s filled with just radio friendly songs, made to be hits, versus actual art.
  41. Dec 8, 2019
    SO SO SO CRINGE. wtf is this. He would have a career if he became a model.
    this album is not good and not even decent
  42. Dec 13, 2019
    falou que demorou 3 anos para compor o álbum porém só fez parte da composição de três sendo que uma saiu a anos e foi ele e mais 14.
  43. Dec 9, 2019
    I'm sorry but seeing those critics reviews Makes me LMFAOO this album is literally terrible but I want to point out that this man is actually so talented he needs to stop chasing quick money and take his time to make a body of work next time
  44. Dec 9, 2019
    Letras horríveis e com produção datada poupem os ouvidos dessa lástima, além de tee várias musicas antigas e feats
  45. Dec 10, 2019
    So disappointed... it feels like a compilation of his previous singles that was rushed just to be released. There’s no soul behind these tracks.
  46. Dec 13, 2019
    What a waste of time ,and a headache at best ,not music! this is what happens when artists care about mainstream charting instead of quality ,trash!
  47. Dec 11, 2019
    the lyrics are genuinely boring and the sound is just so repetitive. Not what I'd listen to, it's nothing fresh for an era full of changes.
  48. Dec 11, 2019
    Truly one of the most souless pop records I've heard in years. The whole thing feels like humanity's first experience with AI music.
    The lyrics are so painfully serious, without any hint of sarcasm or distance towards yourself. His not so subtle statements portraying himself as a sex obsessed demon makes you incredibly uncomfortable. He tries to be Post Malone or The Weeknd, but he just
    Truly one of the most souless pop records I've heard in years. The whole thing feels like humanity's first experience with AI music.
    The lyrics are so painfully serious, without any hint of sarcasm or distance towards yourself. His not so subtle statements portraying himself as a sex obsessed demon makes you incredibly uncomfortable. He tries to be Post Malone or The Weeknd, but he just ended up as a obviously burned out man hopping on trends, lost in his post fame haze.
    One of the worst albums of the decade.
    He should consider staying in what he is good at. A soft core pon model
  49. Jue
    Dec 12, 2019
    The album was a mess. There's no visible direction of the album in itself. Wouldn't recommend
  50. Dec 12, 2019
    Definitely the worst album of the year. No lyrics, music, or anything in the songs. His voice could be great but the lyrics are making if bad; he's sexualizing women all along the album, he is also sexualizing bisexual women. Whatever, this album is just about having sex and comparing women to sport cars. I was waiting for something else, something good, but it didn't happen.
  51. r23
    Dec 12, 2019
    the blandest member of one direction. the music was so bland and uninspiring. only one track remember was worth "remembering" pun intended. he needs to retire from making music and just be a host or something. even members Louis Tomlinson's music is better
  52. Dec 12, 2019
    esse album me curou!! eu estava em coma por 7 meses, minha irmã foi me visitar e deixou esse album tocando eu acordei e levantei só pra desligar!! obrigado por tudo liam! se n fosse por esse lixo sonoro eu nunca teria acordado
  53. Dec 12, 2019
    he had a good voice but the album is generic and basic, the worst ex 1d debut album
  54. Dec 24, 2019
    This album is generic, dull, and lacks any sense of creativity or originality. Stream Fine Line by Harry Styles instead ;)
  55. Dec 13, 2019
    Everything he’s done is bad, Liam is trying so hard to be successful and try to replicate sounds but ends up doing it wrong
  56. Dec 14, 2019
    This is so bad that it deserves less than zero rating, the only good songs are the previously released singles
  57. Dec 14, 2019
    000000000000000000000000000000000 this is all he deserves, he dosent write songs, make party songs what is that
  58. Dec 15, 2019
    All lyrics are mess. It's very worst thing. It needs to be much better. If there's a chance, good luck.
  59. Dec 15, 2019
    really expected more from liam. very disappointed in what i’ve heard. nothing meaningful or substantial, sexualizing of bi women, absolute garbage.
  60. Dec 15, 2019
    Not a very good album, really expected more from him, the music was cheesy and didn’t show his talent at all, very disappointed
  61. Dec 15, 2019
    The album was so boring and nothing really pops. Just load of crappy overly sexual lyrics and the disgusting sexualization of bisexual women really turned me away from this album. My phone literally turned into a trash can after I played this garbage.
  62. Dec 24, 2019
    Pessimo, musica totalmente genérica e previsível. Nada de novo e se escuto essa musica na radio, nao vou conseguir diferenciar se eh charlie puth ou justin bieber de tao artificial. Se nao fosse suficiente falar apenas de sexo, ainda sexualiza mulheres bissexuais. Esse album é pra alguma campanha de site porno?
  63. Dec 23, 2019
    Si mezclas canciones pop básicas con un poquito de misoginia y otro poquito de fetichización de las chicas bisexuales tienes LP1
  64. Dec 24, 2019
    **** music. **** production. **** lyrics. This album is as bad as it can be.
  65. Dec 24, 2019
    I listened to it after I read a horrible review because I wanted to see what I think. I regret that decision. The lyrics are terrible, most songs sound the same. Some are alright I guess but overall it's boring, unoriginal and makes no sense.
  66. Dec 24, 2019
    havent listened to it, but i dont need to listen to know its complete ass. instead of supporting this flavorless, biphopic, misogynist, pug-looking groomer, stan harry styles and stream fine line for clear skin and brain cells
  67. Dec 25, 2019
  68. Dec 24, 2019
    terrible album, terrible person. this man **** bi women, talks **** and then pretends like everything is okay, and only sings about using women for sex like objects. **** this album and **** l*am payne.
  69. Dec 24, 2019
    Basic letters, more of the same. Does not change and does not seek to innovate.
  70. Dec 24, 2019
    Liam has a beautiful voice, but his songs are more of the same, formula ready. Sexualizing bisexuals was not a good move. Improve.
  71. Dec 24, 2019
    i’m sorry but this album sucks...................I really tried to like it but it’s just no good
  72. Dec 24, 2019
    I expected sooo much from him, given his talent to songwriting and a his beautiful voice, that he showed off in 1d, but i was so disappointed to find out that he is yet another basic musician that sings about women like they’re objects and sexualises bisexuality. Could barely listen to it till the end. Liam, you can do soo much better
  73. Dec 25, 2019
    ... there’s literally not one good think to say about this album. Decided to check it out after hearing people talk **** about him and i thought „damn it can’t be that bad”. Well it is THAT bad. Generic, flat, boring. The lyrics have zero meaning, musicality is as basic as it gets and even his voice, which is rather ok, is flat and boring in this album. Disappointed. Maybe next time he... there’s literally not one good think to say about this album. Decided to check it out after hearing people talk **** about him and i thought „damn it can’t be that bad”. Well it is THAT bad. Generic, flat, boring. The lyrics have zero meaning, musicality is as basic as it gets and even his voice, which is rather ok, is flat and boring in this album. Disappointed. Maybe next time he should try doing something actually honest and original bc I know for a fact that he must have some talent to him. And maybe next time he shouldn’t name it LP2 , because even the title of the album is already boring and that’s not a very good start. Expand
  74. Dec 24, 2019
    Music is something to enjoy, immerse yourself into and cherish, and unfortunately this album does not accomplish any of those things. With superficial and bland lyrics to computer generated beats, at first look, this album looks as if it’s been created by an amateur lyricist and producer, you wouldn’t think this album has been made by someone who’s been in the music industry for a decadeMusic is something to enjoy, immerse yourself into and cherish, and unfortunately this album does not accomplish any of those things. With superficial and bland lyrics to computer generated beats, at first look, this album looks as if it’s been created by an amateur lyricist and producer, you wouldn’t think this album has been made by someone who’s been in the music industry for a decade and one of the most influential pop boy bands of the 2010s. This hyper-sexualised, lacklustre album appeals to the minority of music listeners, with lyrics that insinuate bisexual women are made for the male gaze, with majority of the songs portraying women as being an object only of sexual desire. This album, although obviously made for superficial radio music even misses the mark on that one. Expand
  75. Dec 24, 2019
    nothing special about this album. in fact it **** bisexuals and talks about doing someone's arse in the backseat of his car. it’s cheap and sad that it took him two years to produce this half assed record. it just seems like liam is only talking about superficial surface level things. if he wants his next record to do well he should get an ego check and maybe dig a little deeper withinnothing special about this album. in fact it **** bisexuals and talks about doing someone's arse in the backseat of his car. it’s cheap and sad that it took him two years to produce this half assed record. it just seems like liam is only talking about superficial surface level things. if he wants his next record to do well he should get an ego check and maybe dig a little deeper within himself to actually come up with something of meaning. maybe he’ll only be known for being a former member of one direction. Expand
  76. Dec 25, 2019
    this album is trash. I used to love Liam in 1D and thought he was one of the most talented in the group, but this album has proven that he has no originality in his song writing capabilities. his lacklustre production and underwhelming melodies make it boring, as well as his super offensive and degrading lyrics round out this album to being an actual dumpster fire. listened to it once, andthis album is trash. I used to love Liam in 1D and thought he was one of the most talented in the group, but this album has proven that he has no originality in his song writing capabilities. his lacklustre production and underwhelming melodies make it boring, as well as his super offensive and degrading lyrics round out this album to being an actual dumpster fire. listened to it once, and I won’t make that mistake again. Expand
  77. Dec 24, 2019
    Can’t get into this. Album does not feel cohesive in the slightest. This was a big let down.
  78. Dec 24, 2019
    I mean... it’s simply not good. Lyrically bland pop overkill. It completely lacks any compelling perspective, story, or meaning behind his boring or otherwise misogynistic auto-tuned lyrics. Liam, put some real emotion into the next one. For the love of all things holy
  79. Dec 24, 2019
    not great at all. repetitive and dull. stream four by one direction though!!!!!
  80. Dec 25, 2019
    pretty disappointing, liam has so much potential but to see this was the best he could do is tragic. all songs sound the same, lazy pop writing to gain radio hits, but even that isn't working for him.
  81. Dec 25, 2019
    not a very good album, the songs remind me og something that would be popular in 2010. and his song both ways was pretty bad considering the lyrics...
  82. Dec 25, 2019
  83. Dec 25, 2019
    yikes i could not even listen to a single song off of this album. it seems that liam went the “wannabe justin bieber” route post one direction, while his other band mates, harry, niall, and zayn have found their sound. not a fan of the way he’s been acting either, with his constant criticism of harry and questionable remarks. disappointing to see how his solo career changed him
  84. Dec 25, 2019
    The album contains a number of singles that were wildly overplayed most are bored of listening too. A few okay songs, halfway listenable songs. A few truly awful songs. Then there are the offensive songs.... individually the music and lyrics aren't great but as an album it makes no sense and is truly awful. There is no cohesion and so many songs no normal person can be bothered to sit andThe album contains a number of singles that were wildly overplayed most are bored of listening too. A few okay songs, halfway listenable songs. A few truly awful songs. Then there are the offensive songs.... individually the music and lyrics aren't great but as an album it makes no sense and is truly awful. There is no cohesion and so many songs no normal person can be bothered to sit and listen to it as one piece, the way an album should be appreciated. The only redeming quality is that liam has a halfway decent voice. Maybe if he gets another go at this and his record label doesn't drop him for crimes against music (and fasion) he will stop trying to be whatever the hell he thinks he is and start actually exploring himself and discovering who he is as a person and musically. I would love to give this at least a two or a three but I just can't make myself donit especially after the lyrics to both ways. Expand
  85. Dec 25, 2019
    An album that should have never been released. No versatility, no cohesivity. Just bland, basic and generic trash. Objectifying women, sexualizing women on the entire album. This album sounds like a guy wanting to be some Post Malone wannabe. No distinguishable sound or voice. Overall it is an album by a bland basic guy trying to be someone who he is not. Trash.
  86. Dec 26, 2019
    stream fine line by our king harry styles to cleanse your soul after listening to this
  87. Dec 26, 2019
    Pessimo feio desprezível horrendo mau gosto terrorismo defeituoso grotesco sem qualidade
  88. Jan 1, 2020
    Just a big fat zero, I know a lot of fans have been creating fake accounts to submit good reviews but trust me its not worth it
  89. Jan 10, 2020
    the smell... he's not worthy, a completely lost of time... disappointed but not surprised
  90. Jan 23, 2020
    this album is the worst. it's so generic and the lyrics are lame. I've spend my time listening to it
  91. Feb 2, 2020
    trashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhb trashhhhhhh trashhhhhhhhh worst album everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  92. Feb 14, 2020
    o album continuava rodando e parecia que estava parado na primeira música. todas identificas e com refrãos fracos.
  93. Jan 30, 2020
    i hate this stupid album, liam is so ridiculous and his lyrics are so nasty -1000/10
  94. Jan 31, 2020
    achei um péssimo álbum as músicas parecem as mesmas e faltou emoção, liam tem potencial mas prefere fazer pop genérico que não me agradou muito.
  95. Jan 30, 2020
    poor, it's so horrible
    how can someone listen this thing
    everyone needs to hate this sh*t
  96. Feb 14, 2020
    Some songs have horrible lyrics, and there's a lot of old songs in it ( strip that down, get low, bedroom floor, for you, familiar). Through all this songs you suddenly get a Christmas song which is weird and confusing.
  97. Jun 5, 2020
    Worst album of the year, boring, repetitive, awful lyrics. Both Ways is the worst song of the year. Don't waste your time in this.
  98. Jul 25, 2020
    A sell out record from a ex basic boy bander. 0 for you Liam. Take the L. You went from 1D to 1 DIMENTIONAL lol
  99. Sep 20, 2020
    Some artists are simply not meant for be solo artists. This album doesn’t do justice to his voice, a long album with awful and laughable lyrics.
  100. Sep 27, 2020
    This has to be a joke... over 40 writers for one of the worst albums I’ve ever heard in my entire life.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Dec 16, 2019
    He relies on inane songwriting concepts, rote misogyny, and feelingless flexing. The lyrics are puerile and half-baked.
  2. 40
    Spread over 17 songs that tick off genres with all the flair of an automated Spotify playlist, Payne’s anonymity remains the album’s default through line. Occasionally painful yet weirdly Payne-less.
  3. Dec 6, 2019
    Ultimately, a few things come from repeated listenings of “LP1″: First off, the writing and singing aren’t strong enough and come across as C-level Timberlake material. Two, without being surrounded by 1D, he shouldn’t sing high, flightily and airily, but rather stick to slow, low groovers. Three, Payno should find one or two styles that work best for him — and not put a host of other singers before him, male or female — and stick to them.