• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 23, 2019
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Universal acclaim- based on 9316 Ratings

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  1. Sep 2, 2019
    no...jus no. not that good and doesn’t deserve aoty try again next time????
  2. Sep 1, 2019
    Well, since y'all decided to do it on this way, I'm making this personal now...
  3. Sep 1, 2019
    Que horrible malditos fans de la potra que ni siquiera sabe que pedo alv compaaaa
  4. Sep 1, 2019
    Trashy, boring and disgusting. Was expecting to hear some better vocals....
  5. Sep 1, 2019
    Super childish album I couldn't even get past some songs because of how immature they were. Taylor you're almost 30 years old get a grip.
  6. Sep 1, 2019
    After reputation, this album looks so childish and the songs sounds like typical Taylor songs
  7. Sep 1, 2019
    i got bored after the first 5 songs. her aesthetic is boring and her squeaky mouse voice is just screeching.
  8. Sep 1, 2019
    O pior álbum que ouvi na minha vida Kacey maior e melhor Taylor lixooooo Trash Trash
  9. Sep 1, 2019
    Hey clown! Jester, you have done it again. Constantly raising the bar for the circus and doing it foolishly. This is for the annoying Taylor stans who wanted to screw NFR score.
  10. Sep 1, 2019
    Heavy decline from her previous albums, ever since Speak Now her writing styles have devalued drastically and that production could put an Insomniac to sleep.
  11. Sep 1, 2019
    Hated it! Every song sounds the same.
    Can't believe I wasted my time listening to this.
  12. Sep 1, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Basic and bland, the songs sound too similar and lack and depth or meaning. Another album that you’ll listen to once and forget Expand
  13. Sep 1, 2019
    Natural selection will take you all for failing to accept defeat and zero bombing the TRUE superior album. Stream NFR luv xx
  14. Sep 1, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is boring and Taylor too. Since she’s not working with Max Martin all of her new tracks sounds very old and not fresh enough. It’s a mix of Selena G and Lana slow trcks. Expand
  15. Sep 1, 2019
    It’s **** because of course it is, it’s Taylor Swift, no surprises here.
  16. Sep 1, 2019
    Nada nuevo, lo mismo de siempre, carente de personalidad este álbum ha sido el más vacío que pudo hacer Taylor, ya el mundo entero sabe que ha tenido problemas con otras personas y aún así las sigue plasmando en sus letras, ya supera tu trauma hija
  17. Sep 1, 2019
    Not good at all. She could do better... rep was better in my opinion! Wow tay
  18. Sep 1, 2019
    Stream Norman **** Rockwell
    Stream Norman **** Rockwell
    Stream Norman **** Rockwell
    Stream Norman **** Rockwell
    Stream Norman **** Rockwell
  19. Sep 1, 2019
    wasn’t that good of an album. lana outsold. shiftiest need help with they’re sad excuses and trying to ruin her. bye
  20. Sep 1, 2019
    BAD ALBUM, same **** from her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Sep 2, 2019
    Honestly this album is garbage and Taylor is a has been. She writes about falling in love the same way she always has which is now irrelevant since she’s so old now. #canceled
  22. Sep 3, 2019
    It’s so boring, all the songs sound the same. it is flop her worst album it sounds so bad
  23. Sep 2, 2019
    Terrible. **** Taylor and **** her petty disgusting fans. Go listen to Norman ****ing Rockwell
  24. Sep 2, 2019
    This album is so so boring, like everything she makes, and I am a taylor stan. This album is so so boring, like everything she makes, and I am a taylor stan. This album is so so boring, like everything she makes, and I am a taylor stan.
  25. Sep 2, 2019
    Her old albums were way better. This one is a mess and all songs sound about the same.
  26. Sep 2, 2019
    This album has no mission breakthrough, how her voice has become so rough and inferior, the whole concept and core of the album is so simple, the melody is not catchy at all.
  27. Sep 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Utterly garbage album filled with trite and unoriginal songwriting. The fact that she exploited the LGBT+ for her own money is absolutely abhorrent. This woman and her toxic fans deserve to be condemned and burned in Hell. Expand
  28. Sep 3, 2019
    her best work till date, streaming non stop. Americana and heartbreak prince my top 2
  29. Sep 3, 2019
    Gerçekten güzel değildi ve sanki her şarkı birbirine benziyormuş gibi.
  30. Sep 3, 2019
    Boring bland album, Taylor has definitely released better music in the past.
  31. Sep 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album was a disaster. Taylor has talent and she should made a great work but all I hear is a trash. She just copy all the old Taylor’s songs. Expand
  32. Sep 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. lol bye shes just overrated with her trash music. she can never ever be like the queen lana del rey Expand
  33. Sep 4, 2019
    As expected, this brings nothing new or exciting. The fanbase is however strong so it will be doing much better than it deserves. It will be all but forgotten in a couple of years' time
  34. Sep 4, 2019
    Perhaps her worst release yet. Try harder. Fans won't accept this subpar material for much longer before moving on.
  35. Sep 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es una gran mierda como todo lo que hace taysida Stream k-12 en itunes Spotify YouTube Etc Expand
  36. Sep 8, 2019
    Pop music has grown tired of the same tropes and instrumentation, but Taylor strives to rise above that. The fans, however, attack Tool, one of the greatest bands in history, and Lana Del Rey's new album NFR, which is critically acclaimed as the best album released by a female this decade. Sorry. U get a 0.
  37. Sep 8, 2019
    totally cliché and voicing pseudo "gooey" musics. A children's album and instead of showing Taylor's advancement, it regressed a lot in terms of quality. 1989, for me, remains her last album, as both reputation and Lover are two SOUND POLLUTING BOMBS
  38. Sep 8, 2019
    i don’t even know what this whitechick is trying to say with this disgraceful album
  39. Sep 9, 2019
    Canções infantis igual aos fãs, pior álbum da carreira, esperávamos algo mais.
  40. Sep 14, 2019
    Ольга Игоревна Бузова — российская поп-королева, исполнительница хитов «Под звуки поцелуев», «Привыкаю», «Мало половин», «Хит парад», «WIFI», «Она не боится», «Принимай меня», «Танцуй под Бузову», «Водица», «#Лайкер» и «Вот она я».Ольга Игоревна Бузова — российская поп-королева, исполнительница хитов «Под звуки поцелуев», «Привыкаю», «Мало половин», «Хит парад», «WIFI», «Она не боится», «Принимай меня», «Танцуй под Бузову», «Водица», «#Лайкер» и «Вот она я».
  41. Oct 4, 2019
    Fãs mimados que não conseguem aceitar notas boas em álbuns de outras artistas. Esse tipo de gente estraga o artista.
  42. Nov 6, 2019
    Literally trash album and lyrics. where is the growth? Taylor sh*t is almost 40 yrs old and still singing about "kid spelling is fun" GTFO she needs to grow up.. Kanye gave her a career and now shes fuked up
  43. Oct 26, 2019
    Sad about so bad. She got lost and on this album makes it clear with these basic and unoriginal productions, it's like you were listening to an old album. There is nothing new, a bum album with some dirty and unnecessary lyrics. Nothing is saved. THE WORST OF THE YEAR!
  44. Oct 27, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. spoiler is that this is the same as other albums on the pop.... that’s it. Expand
  45. Nov 1, 2019
    Total Garbage: Uninspired, disorganised and sloppy. An absolute mess. Time for Swift to retire.
  46. Nov 6, 2019
    Sorry people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
  47. Nov 15, 2019
    I think it's the worst thing my ears heard, really, it's so generic, not my type really, but if you like generic pop ia ok
  48. Dec 26, 2019
    Predictable. Boring. Weak lyrics. When the song that gives title to the album is so uncreative and boring it's impossible to expect more from the whole product. Disappointing.
  49. Feb 14, 2020
    Justin Bieber king of pop. Scooter Braun King of Taylor swift. stream scooter discography
  50. Jan 10, 2020
    this album is the same as always with her, she dosent do anything new, i liked more reputation
  51. Jan 10, 2020
    taylor has proven yet again that she has no artistic growth whatsoever. she is 29 and this album sounds like it should be kidzbop songs. lyrics like “spelling is fun” proves she is nothing more than a mediocre songwriter and with her lack of vocal abilities this album is not enjoyable.
  52. Jan 10, 2020
    Taylor não conseguiu contagiar ninguém com esse último álbum, além disso podemos afirmar que o resto de sua discografia segue o mesmo ritmo de trabalho mal feito, se esforce mais.
  53. Feb 13, 2020
    Nada de novo, tudo na mesma, tudo genérico, sempre mesma coisa... A falsa militância, e o blá blá blá de sempre!
  54. Feb 13, 2020
    sorry, this is a no from me, oh what happened taylor? you can do better honey
  55. Feb 14, 2020
    She said, she "needs to be on the right side always"
    She's annoying bishh WBK
  56. Feb 14, 2020
    I like her country song better. So this kinda a no to me and this album not that good
  57. Feb 14, 2020
    the worst album I've ever heard in my life, a real TRASH.....................
  58. Feb 14, 2020
    Will never like her music ever again. She let the fame get to her head and now is full of herself. Her songs always sound the same like her bestie Selena.
  59. Feb 15, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Full of tr@sh ,this album is boring af. She cant sing all of her musics and songs are genric and sound the same ... Expand
  60. Feb 23, 2020
    This álbum is a trash sad trash sad trash sad trash sad trash sad trash TRASH
  61. Feb 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un asco total, no utiliza su rango vocal y es demaciado infantil, el peor álbum. Expand
  62. May 28, 2020
    One of your swifties just left a 0 rating on an album that came out, so I’m returning the favor.
  63. Jun 4, 2020
    Este album es tan BASIC y pobre, la Prada es horrible como toda las canciones
  64. Jul 27, 2020
    She is indeed the queen... of payola and promotion. She uses her white privilege and sympathy to make her fanbase drag other artists and people. This album is generic trash. Its a NO NO from me.
  65. Aug 28, 2020
    Her worst album. Is sounds like music for 5 years old kids. Kanye made her famous. She should just quit music when she had a chance. Greetings from barbz ;*
  66. Aug 28, 2020
    Me lembram as músicas da xuxa meio medíocre nao consigo nem escutar direito essa bomba
  67. Aug 29, 2020
    Su peor álbum junto a folklore nada comercial solo habla de amor como en casi todas sus canciones nada nuevo nada bueno.
  68. Sep 15, 2020
    A beautiful album about love, in all its facets: pure happiness, fear and anxiety.
  69. Nov 27, 2020
    Boring album
    Atrocious lead Single with child lyrics
    HEy KiDs sPelLiNg iS fUnnnnnn
    You need to calm down and lover made no noise

  70. Mar 21, 2021
    Uhm so so... she is so beautiful. Sorry but this album not good.
  71. Aug 20, 2021
    i hope she'll getting out of music industry very soon she's such a desperate artist lmao
  72. Mar 21, 2022
    Any album that has the hell spawns ME! and YNTCD on its track list is automatically the worst pop album in history.
  73. Mar 17, 2023
    Horrible and boring album, she’s so lazy and boring on productions, absolutely NO GOOD VOCALS AT ALL. HORRIBLE SINGING AND AUTOTUNE. TRASH AND LAZY AND BORING. Maybe if she wasn’t opening her legs for 40+ men her music might’ve been better, desperate nasty woman.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Sep 9, 2019
    It’s an album that screams out for an editor, but when it hits the right notes, it demonstrates just why Taylor Swift is one of the biggest pop stars in the world.
  2. Sep 3, 2019
    Ultimately, Lover is overstuffed and meandering, but serves as a positive reprieve from her past struggles in the public eye, and represents an artist at the peak of her creativity, power, and—one hopes—continued romantic bliss.
  3. Sep 3, 2019
    Lover is a fabulous record, full of super-fun standout pop hits that make your heart burst. It oozes with Swift’s much more palatable upbeat sass. She’s in love and also thinking about different kinds of love.