
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Shaddix's woes connect directly to a large and equally confused audience, and that nobody this side of Kurt Cobain communicates them with as much power.
  2. Blender
    A more crunchingly bare-bones record all around. [#8, p.123]
  3. In the moments when Shaddix's voice and lyrics don't detract from the band's remarkable bluster, Papa Roach soars.
  4. It's hard to deny Papa Roach have a certain knack of crafting big, glossy, annoyingly catchy anthems for the Kerrang TV generation.
  5. Precise? Yes. But does it work your frustrations out? Only a little.
  6. Papa Roach were fairly distinctive two years back, but in a twist we've witnessed many times before, the band that helped beget so much of the rap-metal grudge rock we're now hearing resembles all its followers.
  7. No post-nu-metal. No nu-post-hardcore. Just a solid, honest, rock album.
  8. The energy that spills forth from these grooves hails both the positive power of loud guitars and gorges itself on the general insanity of life, but nails it all home with a knowing melodic sense of the anthemic and a musical complexity which elevates the entire album beyond mere thrash and burn histrionics.
  9. Q Magazine
    LoveHateTragedy is a compendium of modern rock styles, glued together by Papa Roach's exuberance and Shaddix's outsized persona. [July 2002, p.119]
  10. The group's secret weapon is the way it so vividly captures the storms of confusion, anger and self-recrimination that swirl around inside a boy.
  11. Spin
    It's the perfect summer record--if your summer begins with your dad running off with his secretary and your girlfriend dumping you for that asshole lifeguard at the water-slide park. [Jul 2002, p.107]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 47 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 47
  2. Negative: 4 out of 47
  1. Jul 29, 2011
    It is pretty interesting that critics are generally satisfied with this album whereas fans are definitely divided. I belong toIt is pretty interesting that critics are generally satisfied with this album whereas fans are definitely divided. I belong to lovehatetragedy's fans - for me it's the best Papa Roach album. 'Decompression period', 'Life is a bullet', 'Black clouds' are powerful songs, 'She loves me not' won't get out of my head easily, 'M-80' makes me want to jump, scream, lets me feel the music inside me. Amazing album, but it seems that Papa Roach stopped to release albums as great as this one. Full Review »
  2. May 8, 2011
    Just a great album from a great band that has developed more and more throughout their career. This album isn't their best but contains real classics
  3. Mar 4, 2020
    É um álbum bom de escutar, mas está bem abaixo do primeiro álbum, tira um pouco a essência de Nu Metal e apresenta um som mais Rapcore. OÉ um álbum bom de escutar, mas está bem abaixo do primeiro álbum, tira um pouco a essência de Nu Metal e apresenta um som mais Rapcore. O álbum tem singles legais, até mesmo divertidos, mas não chega perto das músicas do álbum Infest. Full Review »