• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 178 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 178
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  1. Feb 1, 2023
    this album has something its predecessor lacked. Vocally at a high level all the time.
  2. Oct 12, 2022
    Love Goes fails to deliver what the singles sort-of promised to us. The inclusion of five standalone singles was a marketing move that ends with the album sounding disjointed and clumsy nearing its last seven tracks.
  3. Jan 13, 2022
    Um álbum que traz excelência, era de se esperar tratando de Sam Smith, com ritmo dançante, romântico; ele soube dosar ambos os lados e continuar sendo de extrema qualidade, sem falar na sua voz única.

    Faixas favoritas: Diamonds, Dance (Til' You Love Someone Else), Forgive Myself, Love Goes, Kids Again, entre outras.
  4. Nov 11, 2021
    This is the song we heard on our first date. we love the song and lyrics. we will never forget
  5. Oct 16, 2021
    It is impossible to dislike a Sam Smith record, however he sounded uninspired this time. I am not a fan of this cover art, or the album name. It sounds confused overall. I know that the album had a different theme and name at first, but he changed it, and it shows. Sam is very talented and I am expecting better projects from him.
  6. Jun 2, 2021
    i was expecting something more, its warm, i just don't understand the purpose
  7. Mar 22, 2021
    i loved this album from the pop tracks to the ballads, a very good enjoyable album
  8. Mar 19, 2021
    Sam Smith really great since this album was dropped i couldn’t stop hearing it i literally played “love goes” daily from 30 of October great album great voice everything in this album is great
  9. Mar 4, 2021
    Definitely not the best Sam Smith have made, if it wasn't for two songs of the standard version and a few of the bonus tracks, this album would be monotonous as hell... their vocals are beautiful but the songs sound SO SIMILAR, what a shame
  10. Feb 2, 2021
    Honestly, if it wasn´t for the singles already released in the past few years, there wasn´t many good things to write about this album. Altough, it´s beautiful to see Smith telling us his stories, with all his vulnerability it´s still a shame that most of this tracks lack more interesting and diferent sounds.
    Top Track: How Do You Sleep
    Worst Track: Young
  11. Dec 11, 2020
    Las melodías como siempre son canciones que te envuelven inmediatamente con sus letras
  12. Dec 5, 2020

    Young - 6/10 Diamonds - 7/10 Another One - 6,5/10 My Oasis (feat. Burna Boy) - 6,3/10 So Serious - 6/10 Dance ('Til You Love Someone Else) - 6,5/10 For The Lover That I Lost - 7,3/10 Breaking Hearts - 6,3/10 Forgive Myself - 7/10 Love Goes (feat. Labrinth) - 6/10 Kids Again - 6/10 DISCO 2 Dancing With A Stranger (with Normani) - 6,8/10 How Do You Sleep? - 7,5/10

    Young - 6/10
    Diamonds - 7/10
    Another One - 6,5/10
    My Oasis (feat. Burna Boy) - 6,3/10
    So Serious - 6/10
    Dance ('Til You Love Someone Else) - 6,5/10
    For The Lover That I Lost - 7,3/10
    Breaking Hearts - 6,3/10
    Forgive Myself - 7/10
    Love Goes (feat. Labrinth) - 6/10
    Kids Again - 6/10

    DISCO 2

    Dancing With A Stranger (with Normani) - 6,8/10
    How Do You Sleep? - 7,5/10
    To Die For - 6,7/10
    I'm Ready (with Demi Lovato) - 6,3/10
    Fire On Fire - 7/10
    Promises - 6,3/10
  13. Dec 5, 2020
    ngl i was expecting more upbeat album bc of the singles & era but we get what we get:) i really like the new sam smith sm. i hope they keeps evolve as an artisttt bc wow they definitely have potential!!! Their vocals are good as always. production & lyrics could’ve been better anywayyys overall it’s an good album.
    Fave: Fire One Fire
    Least Fave: Another One
  14. Nov 27, 2020
    Gila ini 1 album lagunya bagus² semua bisa bisanya dapat rate rendah banget
  15. Nov 22, 2020
    A truly piece of art, the lyrics, the production, the feelings, and the magnificent voice of Sam Smith. Iconic!!!
  16. Nov 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 1. young: the vocals, the lyrics and the production are amazing. 2. diamonds: solid pop single. on of the best of his career. 3. another one: the lyrics are beautiful. the musical production feel far from off. 4. my oasis: the pre chorus is really good as well as the post. the colaboración takes the song to another level. 5. so serious: is really relatable, the synth is a little cringy tho. 6. dance (till you love someone else) the intro scared me. it’s a good song for the disco. the chorus is everything. (vogue vibes) 7. for the lover that i lost: it builds up too much for the week chorus, aprart from that is an incredibly sad song, the one you wanna sing in your car drunk. 8. breaking hearts: relatable and super sad lyrics. 9. forgive myself: beautiful. 10. love goes: the intro was way too long. the chorus gave me chills. Labrinth stole the song. the bridge was a surprise (for good). 11. kids again: it’s a sweet and heartbreaking song. (the song is saturated tho.) Expand
  17. Nov 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Love Goues de Sam Smith es maravilloso, cada letra, ritmo, es glorioso. El trabajo que hizo Sam es glorioso para saber que tenemos un grandioso album y rival para album del año en cualquier premio. Los ritmos que incluye el album son abrasadores y sobre todo que enamoran y te hacen llorar sin importar que momento de tu vida vivas, pero el sufrimiento de Sam se transmite en cada cancion.

    Sam Smith's Love Goues is wonderful, every lyric, beat, it's glorious. The work that Sam did is glorious to know that we have a great album and rival for album of the year at any award. The rhythms included in the album are scorching and above all they make you fall in love and make you cry no matter what moment of your life you live, but Sam's suffering is transmitted in each song.
  18. Nov 6, 2020
    is an incredible album with smart lyrics and a current sound without losing the artist's identity.
  19. Nov 4, 2020
    Love Goes es una biblia, todo lo que hace Sam con sus álbumes es maravilloso, sonidos diferentes, canciones movidas, baladas, una voz espectacular. Sam Smith merece tener mejor calificación, se lució con tremenda biblia que no regaló. Stream now.
  20. Nov 3, 2020
    Love Goes make me feel all the emotions in the way, the collabs are incredible, the vibe, they are so amazing.
  21. Nov 3, 2020
    Probably their best album. Emotional ballads that sound like their previous work yes, but also new genres and sounds on their music. Also surprisingly cohesive despite the fact that there are so many different sounds.
  22. Nov 3, 2020
    Sam Smith is an amazing queen, i'm obsessed with sam. This album made me wanna dace, cry, dance and dance, made me really happy. Sam's voice is definely a mark for me, love it, love it, love it. SAM I LOVE YOU.
  23. Oct 31, 2020
    É um álbum bom, mas ele colocou umas músicas que foram singles anteriores que não se encaixaram muito bem no álbum e isso fez com que perdesse um pouco da coesão.
  24. Nov 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. nice. his voice is just sugar.
    not his best work but some songs are really enjoyable.
  25. Nov 2, 2020
    I love Sam Smith but he didn't leave the comfort zone, it's more of the same.
  26. Nov 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's so touchable! One of the best of the year for sure. We all have to appreciate. It's art! Expand
  27. Nov 1, 2020
    Sam Smith mandou muito bem nesse álbum. Claro que não é o álbum do ano pois o folklore existe, mas Love Goes é um álbum extremamente coeso.
  28. Nov 1, 2020
    Is not the same sam but was so the same.... so bored with the album..........
  29. Nov 1, 2020
    It’s so wrong a singer like Sam Smith putting old songs to get a big stream on his album just to count on charts

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Nov 5, 2020
    The faintly cosmopolitan dance-pop grooves and finely measured ballads offer few unexpected turns. They're set apart more by a lack of gospel and soul, consequently rendering Love Goes plain by Smith's standard -- unfortunate for an artist whose instrument is anything but that.
  2. Nov 5, 2020
    Love Goes, Smith’s third album, unfortunately fails to deliver on the promise of “How Do You Sleep?” The album is clumsily split in two, with no regard to sequencing; it begins with a collection of bubbling, at times electric songs spanning melodic funk, pulsing deep-house, and mid-tempo pop, before abruptly veering to five messy ballads that would be better delivered via Hallmark card.
  3. 60
    It’s nice to hear them taking a few small risks. Next, it’d be great to see Smith get really wild.