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Universal acclaim- based on 163 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 12 out of 163

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  1. Oct 14, 2022
    The sonic sequel to 1997's "Time out of mind " and his whopping 31st record, Bob Dylan returns older and his voice rougher. Part of his later years renaissance "Love and theft " feels like a good step in the right direction. Taking a step back ,love and theft feels like a thematic stroll down memory lane with his best moments rehashed through a just as urgent light. From the openingThe sonic sequel to 1997's "Time out of mind " and his whopping 31st record, Bob Dylan returns older and his voice rougher. Part of his later years renaissance "Love and theft " feels like a good step in the right direction. Taking a step back ,love and theft feels like a thematic stroll down memory lane with his best moments rehashed through a just as urgent light. From the opening "tweedle de &tweedle dum " to the comparably sparse "sugar baby " ,Dylan shows hes still got a lot to say and just as many interesting ways to say it. Expand
  2. Nov 10, 2015
  3. Nov 9, 2011
    If your a fan of Dylan in blues mode then this is vintage. The greatest lyricist of the 20th century transitions nicely into the next one here. Some of his best work in decades can be found here and he really just confirms his place among the greats by adding another masterpiece to his colossal volume of work. Amazing that the guy is still able to produce such high quality material after 40 years
  4. Jul 15, 2011
    It's Bob Dylan. Enough said. Probably the wittiest and most care-free he's been on a record. Fantastic follow-up to Time Out Of Mind. "Mississippi" ranks among his greatest songs, which is saying quite a damn bit. More proof that this Jokerman will always have some bite in him.
  5. Sep 7, 2010
    An absolutely amazing album ! In my opinion, its Dylan's best since Blood on the Tracks (1975) and arguably one of Bobby's best three or four records. Love and Theft improves with each listen. Brilliant.
  6. JamesD.
    Mar 16, 2009
    It smells like dust and sweat. Dylan's rocky voice takes us along road 66. With a raw sound and a bluesy, rock and folk orchestration that lead the great man's poetry and humour on the winding and sunny roads of lucid hope. A great album !
  7. AlanB.
    Feb 7, 2008
    This album was released on September 11, 2001. Bod Dylan may not be a prophet but he is a poet and poetry and prophecy go hand in hand. Listen to each track several times and you will be rewarded with beauty, insight and truth.
  8. JackH.
    Dec 10, 2007
    A mosaic, a masterpiece. Album of the decade thus far.
  9. RussellF
    Sep 18, 2007
    The critics are right on this one - a truly great CD.
  10. JamesB
    Jun 21, 2007
    Yes, if you DON'T like Bob, you won't like this. But if you are a fan (and you SHOULD be), this is a GREAT album musically and lyrically. There are some very funny lines in a few songs that you really need to pay attention to.
  11. waynet
    Jun 15, 2007
    I have been a Dylan fan for over 25 years and 6 years after the release of the album, I still find myself having to play it. Every track is Dylan at is best. This is the best of his recent trilogy
  12. EVHVH
    Jan 31, 2007
    Again an icredible album from bobbie. He is the best. I don't know any artist who wrote more than 750 songs, who are beautiful. EVERY important artist is influenced by dylan, and if (s)he's not, he should not be named as a great artist!
  13. PeterE
    Sep 14, 2006
    An astonishing album. This is up there with Dylan,s masterpieces.
  14. frankd
    Aug 13, 2006
    a wonderful homage to the music of 30s & 40s. Pure joyous Americana.
  15. JesseF
    Jun 22, 2006
    The Dylan album to own, if you only own one.
  16. paulh
    Jun 12, 2006
    not a 10 out of 10 album but a worthy addition to the canon.doesnt reach the peaks of time out of mind but then again never tries to following its on beat which flows through an America of bygone days.Mississipi is the stand out track - havnt heard Dylan so playful in decades..Still the poet of our times who seems still able to express what everyone else can only feel.........
  17. BrianM
    Mar 5, 2006
    Excellent in almost every way! Total enjoyment is to be expected when playing this recording, and not from just Dylan fans. This is for anyone that enjoys meaningful music, from the lyrics of "Missisippee" to the driving beat of track 5.
  18. jamess
    Feb 9, 2006
    Being a Dylan freak, I might be biased ;) but this CD is worth being biased about. The epitome of cool.
  19. royr
    Jan 21, 2006
    Bubba Hick....Dye? Let's leave writing to those in the know how hey?
  20. SammyM
    Jan 8, 2006
    This is my favorite album. It's not only a great album but a great document in American music history.
  21. ThomasD
    Dec 25, 2005
    Wow, he's happy again. I'm glad Bob, it's good to see you happy again.
  22. RebeccaR
    Nov 14, 2005
    This latest dive (for me) into the work of Dylan pulled up gold once again in Love and Theft. I shared it with my father, dying in a hospice, hoping it would bring him as much joy and serious reflection as it's brought me.
  23. AnthonyN
    Sep 22, 2005
    Leave it to the master
  24. kennetho
    Jun 25, 2005
    dylan's most lyrically daring disc in ages succeeds on all levels for his ripening fans and will generate a new decade of afficionadoson scale of importance with ''sKYLINE'', ''SELF-PORTRAIT'' and ''J.W.H.''
  25. ScottA
    Jun 12, 2005
    I don't believe that you can (or should ) take the work of an artist like Dylan and make comparisons to earlier work. He is a dynamic creator who must be absorbed in the time of the creation itself. That being said, Love and Theft is a remarkable set of lyrics that is almost prophetic in its accuracy. The fact that it was released on 9/11 sends a shiver up the spine ("things should I don't believe that you can (or should ) take the work of an artist like Dylan and make comparisons to earlier work. He is a dynamic creator who must be absorbed in the time of the creation itself. That being said, Love and Theft is a remarkable set of lyrics that is almost prophetic in its accuracy. The fact that it was released on 9/11 sends a shiver up the spine ("things should start to get interesting right about now"). Sugar Baby transcends melancholy and sentimentalism. It is a meditation on the condition of an aging thinker. Expand
  26. JimB
    Mar 27, 2005
    What an outstanding,heartfelt collection of songs. Bob's finest album since 1975's "Desire".
  27. kathc
    Jan 2, 2005
    " .. got nothin' for you, had nothin' before.." But you did and you still do
  28. tim
    Oct 5, 2004
    not only one of the best by dylan -- one of the best by anyone. if i could only take one song to a desert island, it would be mississippi...
  29. wayneh
    Apr 7, 2004
    still got it
  30. BenjaminH
    Jan 6, 2004
    No doubt a great album. A friend told me once that Bob was a shit, he listen to this album and i get him impresionate. Bob is a great singuer, he has a unic voice and her guitar is simple and beautifull carrying us to the paradise. He is poetry not only for his lyrics, also for his beauty. May be a little less monotomy will be better (9,8 willl be my rate), but there are different No doubt a great album. A friend told me once that Bob was a shit, he listen to this album and i get him impresionate. Bob is a great singuer, he has a unic voice and her guitar is simple and beautifull carrying us to the paradise. He is poetry not only for his lyrics, also for his beauty. May be a little less monotomy will be better (9,8 willl be my rate), but there are different elements that we forgot that monotomy. Thanks Bob... Expand
  31. HarmS.
    Jan 4, 2004
    A relaxed and laidback record. Dylan and the other musicians are really enjoying themselves. One of the best records he has made in the last 20 years, but compared to his best work this record is not very special. It is good, but not great.
  32. chuck
    Jul 5, 2003
    One of the best albums I have heard in years. It took a while for it to sink in and make sense. Don't judge it before you listen twent times, after that it will not leave you cd player for long.
  33. MichaelS
    Jun 25, 2003
    Brilliant and raw. Sits on the same shelf as my Charlie Patton, Son House and BLind Willie Johnson cds.
  34. Thomas
    Apr 15, 2003
    Des chansons fabuleuses : certaines d'entre elles sont capables de donner le sourire au plus mélancolique. Bravo Monsieur Bob !
  35. SigurjonThorF.
    Oct 1, 2002
    Unbelievably good! You alway hear something new with each listen, every song is a plesant surprise. So many qoutable lines, so many clever word play and different things tied together you never thought would ever be related. Thank you Bob. sion
  36. ecole
    Sep 14, 2002
  37. JimS.
    Aug 14, 2002
    Bob Dylan simply amazes me. He's one of the few reasons I wanna live to be 60.
  38. HailahA.
    May 29, 2002
    in love with this record
  39. WimE.
    May 23, 2002
    No words needed
  40. TomT.
    Dec 28, 2001
    I popped this gem in my player on September 11 and have been listening to it ever since. Everything else sounds trivial next to "Love And Theft." We should all feel fortunate just to be alive while this man is creating music.
  41. JeremyP.
    Dec 26, 2001
  42. RandyW.
    Dec 19, 2001
    so much to ponder, yes. but a great driving album, too.
  43. LloydC.
    Nov 11, 2001
    One of his best. Reminds me of Highway 61 Revisited.
  44. RossM.
    Nov 2, 2001
    The record if a happy man who no doubt gets up in the morning looks in the mirror and thinks he now likes what he sees.
  45. SjefH.
    Oct 24, 2001
    Best album since Blood On The Tracks.
  46. nickc
    Oct 11, 2001
    An album of old age. Dylan hides his world-weariness behind traditional musical forms and quotes (which, fittingly, allude to both love and theft) for some comfort.
  47. erikhaatvedt
    Oct 6, 2001
    as dylan himself said: "it's a greatest hits album"
  48. erikhaatvedt
    Oct 6, 2001
    as dylan himself said: "it's a greatest hits album"
  49. PeterD.
    Oct 5, 2001
    Grand Pa' Bob know what is Music ... Blues, Rock, Country, Jazz, Folk and Love Italian Friend
  50. JohnD.
    Oct 3, 2001
    Remarkably loving & energetic, a celebration of freedom from w/in pain, a meditation on fate & its refusal, this collection soars throughout like very few other high points in this artist's long career.
  51. JohnD.
    Oct 3, 2001
    Remarkably loving & energetic, a celebration of freedom from w/in pain, a meditation on fate & its refusal, this collection soars throughout like very few other high points in this artist's long career.
  52. AlbertoC.
    Oct 3, 2001
    A great album near to 10 !
  53. KnutK.
    Oct 2, 2001
    The more times you listen to this the more you will like it! K
  54. NelsonMuntz
    Oct 2, 2001
    What do you mean you can't repeat the past? Of course you can. The onstage greatness of Dylan captured in studio.
  55. NicholeB.
    Oct 2, 2001
    Not his best, but still any album by Bob Dylan is better than most anything else. Love the traditional bluesy sound.
  56. mike
    Oct 2, 2001
    A great album. He captures his live sound which is only done because he is the producer, and no one is screwing with his voice, it's just recorded the way it comes out. Of course, the way it just comes out is the best. Dylan amazes me again and has once again solidified his place in history as one of the best music makers ever.
  57. sanv
    Oct 2, 2001
    I think this is a great album, though call me crazy but Time Out Of Mind was THE album for me. I think TOOM was a 10 so I have to give this one a 9 and a half. It is a masterpiece still, and overall, this is the disc that I would assume could convert the conquered. His lyric style has sort of reverted back to that style which produced his seminal albums like Blonde On Blonde and Highway I think this is a great album, though call me crazy but Time Out Of Mind was THE album for me. I think TOOM was a 10 so I have to give this one a 9 and a half. It is a masterpiece still, and overall, this is the disc that I would assume could convert the conquered. His lyric style has sort of reverted back to that style which produced his seminal albums like Blonde On Blonde and Highway 61. He is the master, there's no doubt and I think he remembers that finally, and I must add, it's about time that he did. Now we can continue on in the direction that should have stayed had there probably been no boos in the audiences way back when. Buy this album, if not steal it from Walmart. There's bound to be something on it you'll love. He knows alot of things and no one says it better than Bob so take heed. Expand
  58. MarkR.
    Oct 2, 2001
    Truly exceptional! In this age of cotton candy country and bubble gum pop/rock, Love and Theft is so refreshingly real. Absolutely authentic. A patchwork quilt of genius. Plus, Ol' Bob seems to be having himself a ball...which in and of itself is something to hear.
  59. Botticelli'sNephew
    Oct 2, 2001
    Gets better and better with repeated llistenings.
  60. JasperS.
    Oct 2, 2001
    some funky, some bluesy, some jazzy, some rocky it's a nice album but also very strange. So a real Dylan album.
  61. Heather
    Oct 2, 2001
    It's simple. Bob rocks.

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. "Love and Theft" sees Dylan roaring back from Highway 61 at full bore, reminding us -- as he did on Blonde on Blonde, The Basement Tapes, and Blood on the Tracks -- that, like him or not, there isn't anybody else who can do his job.
  2. Mojo
    An album virtually bereft of fluff and filler. [Album Of The Month] [Oct 2001, p.104]
  3. Spin
    Where [Time Out Of Mind] stared down heartbreak and mortality with somber melancholy, Love and Theft finds Dylan taking on those same themes loaded up with piss and vinegar. [Nov 2001, p.127]