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Universal acclaim- based on 49 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 49
  2. Negative: 3 out of 49

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  1. TiffanyC
    Oct 3, 2006
    I absolutley LOVE Taking Back Sunday. they are my all time favorite band. although i think "Where you want to be" was a better album. This still ROCKS!
  2. AlyssaW
    Oct 3, 2006
    love love love this album =D
  3. AngelC
    Oct 9, 2006
    this is my alltime favorite banad EVER!!they kno how to rock out nad ...Adam is GORGEOUS!!!!
  4. Joe
    May 3, 2006
    This album is NOT emo. Taking Back Sunday have broken away from the emo 'mold' with this one. While some emo fans won't like it because it doesn't sound like what they know, it's much, much better. From a technical standpoint this is by far the best album they've ever done and it ranks with Tell All Your Friends on content. MakeDamnSure, the first single, is This album is NOT emo. Taking Back Sunday have broken away from the emo 'mold' with this one. While some emo fans won't like it because it doesn't sound like what they know, it's much, much better. From a technical standpoint this is by far the best album they've ever done and it ranks with Tell All Your Friends on content. MakeDamnSure, the first single, is probably one of the WEAKER tracks on the album. It may not be a 10, but the people who don't listen to the album and simply post "great another emo album" with a 1 rating need counteracted. Expand
  5. Katu
    Apr 2, 2007
    amazing. it's been almost a year now and I still can't quit listening to it. they are my all time favorite band!! lyrics, music are amazing and they can put on a hell of live show! seen them twice and I'm going to keep going!! I LOVE TBS!!
  6. GabeS
    Apr 26, 2006
    Good, They've really grown musically, Dont listen to everyone who says they sold out, They cant sound the same forever if they did it would be incredibly boring......
  7. LongrodJ
    May 23, 2006
    i love taking back sunday but not a big fan of CSI:Miami i mean come on dont you think there is enough CSI's, Law and Order the best
  8. PaigeW
    May 3, 2006
    I loved this cd I listen to it everyday!!
  9. BrooklynS.
    May 9, 2006
    Louder now is definatley a cd to listen to it is amazing! I love TBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. LaceyJ
    Jul 11, 2006
    I freakin love love taking back sunday. Their Album "Louder Now" Is the Best yet.. Although i do like "Tell All Your Friends" and "Where You Want To Be" , "Louder Now " Takes the cake. Their lyrics and music are fantastic. I dont see how they could get a 7.7, no way. Their Album is realllly good. I love all of the songs.
  11. SJK
    Mar 23, 2007
    Amazing CD love miami and liar
  12. Andrew
    May 11, 2006
    I have to agree with Joe on this one, anyone who deems this record emo is completely wrong, if one looks closely and taking back sundays three albums and, for example, the music videos, they will see a definite maturing and straying away from the "emo" genre. While Tell All Your Friends is easily one of my favorite cds ever it lacks the creative and intelligent songwriting found at places I have to agree with Joe on this one, anyone who deems this record emo is completely wrong, if one looks closely and taking back sundays three albums and, for example, the music videos, they will see a definite maturing and straying away from the "emo" genre. While Tell All Your Friends is easily one of my favorite cds ever it lacks the creative and intelligent songwriting found at places in Where You Want To Be and very evident in Louder Now. Taking Back Sunday has clearly evolved from an band that would probably fall into the "emo" to a band of unique creativity and songwriting ability. Louder Now is the best cd from TBS so far. Expand
  13. Kc
    Apr 30, 2006
    Look, if you didnt want Emo, dont buy Emo. In fact it seems that louder now is the sound of TBS trying to claw there way out of the played-out abyss which is Emo. They do so with some pretty striking sucess. Songs like " I'll let you live," and "Divine intervention" are creative high points which expose the tip of a new iceburg for TBS. The remainder of the album does not disapoint Look, if you didnt want Emo, dont buy Emo. In fact it seems that louder now is the sound of TBS trying to claw there way out of the played-out abyss which is Emo. They do so with some pretty striking sucess. Songs like " I'll let you live," and "Divine intervention" are creative high points which expose the tip of a new iceburg for TBS. The remainder of the album does not disapoint in terms of their promissed heavyness and growth in maturity. Louder now Is an agressive new avenue for TBS, they wear it well and only can be faulted when they step into the territory already marked by other bands such as My Chemical Romance (see: "Liar".) But in the end they are undeniably Taking back sunday, not the TBS of Tell All Your Friends, But we all know thats never coming back because they arent the TBS of Tell All Your Friends. Expand
  14. ShawnM
    Apr 25, 2006
    Better than their previous work. Excellent engineering leads to a sound that really is as the title of the album describes. Glad to see them take some risks by moving away a little from that typical 'emo sound.' Still plenty here to appease their old fans, but hopefully they will reach some new people as well.
  15. MiguelS
    May 5, 2006
    great stuff
  16. Mike
    Jun 7, 2006
    I enjoyed the album. I really thought the beginning and ending songs were appropriate for the album, because it opens up with passion, and it ends with kind of a sad-angry theme, while the middle of the album is a blast of energy. Overall, it is just good ol' TBS.
  17. Arm-Farm
    Apr 26, 2006
    this is an AMAZING album, from the slow songs like devine intervention to the heart pouding sounds like what's it feel like to be a ghost? and spin. this album is one of there best. way better then where you want to be. and just below Tell all your friends.
  18. DustinP
    Apr 26, 2006
    Great album they kept their style but branched out and made an aweosme rock album. HE whines but you don't hate it.
  19. JoeM
    Jun 15, 2006
    Awesome album. Saw them live. Great show.
  20. May 22, 2012
    Attitude and swagger combined with ground shaking guitar riffs and distortion make this one of the greatest album's i've come across. Everything is profound and the double vocals work amazingly!!! yoh!
  21. Alex
    May 3, 2006
    although much removed from 'old school' TBS, "Louder Now" is still a fantastic disc in it's own right, chocked full of cracking songs (Liar, MakeDamnSure, Spin, Twenty Twenty Surgery, I'll Let You Live...). kudos boys.
  22. NickB
    Apr 25, 2006
    As good as their first two albums.
  23. JennaP.
    May 26, 2006
    Okay so by no means is this a horrible record. It's not even a bad one really. There's just a few songs that don't work (Divine Intervention, Error:Operator) but for every bad song there are two really really good ones (Miami, What's It Feel Like...Ghost). The transition from Miami to Error:Operator to I'll Let You Live also doesn't really work. I wish they Okay so by no means is this a horrible record. It's not even a bad one really. There's just a few songs that don't work (Divine Intervention, Error:Operator) but for every bad song there are two really really good ones (Miami, What's It Feel Like...Ghost). The transition from Miami to Error:Operator to I'll Let You Live also doesn't really work. I wish they had put another song there so the two halves of the album would balance out. Regardless, Louder Now is leaps and bounds better than Where You Want to Be. And for those of you still lamenting the loss of John Nolan, just stop. It's been three years and two records. Take TBS for what they are now; a very talented band with tremendous potential. Expand
  24. BenL
    Apr 28, 2006
    By now we're all familiar with Taking Back Sunday's sound, palm muted verses and gang vocals for the choruses. Their reach for a new sound on Louder Now produces mixed results. Compare the edge of opener "What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost?" to the overly repetitive "Miami". Louder Now opens quickly from the blocks but loses its way through the middle section. The By now we're all familiar with Taking Back Sunday's sound, palm muted verses and gang vocals for the choruses. Their reach for a new sound on Louder Now produces mixed results. Compare the edge of opener "What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost?" to the overly repetitive "Miami". Louder Now opens quickly from the blocks but loses its way through the middle section. The re-recorded version of "Error: Operator" (which manages to improve on the original) momentarily saves things before the messy "I'll Let You Live" closes the album. Overall a relatively solid album much like "Where You Want To Be" but can't hold a candle to their much-lauded (and now much-copied) debut. Expand
  25. BigCat
    May 2, 2006
    I find this album to have weak lyrical content, overused sound and it is entirely to slow. I pray for the days when TBS will play faster and more original, so i can one day feel the exclamation of the two albums, not the boring and strangely (could be ripped off) sound that makes Louder now. Someone break Adams Lazarra's heart s he can make gold once again. As it may be, TBS is my I find this album to have weak lyrical content, overused sound and it is entirely to slow. I pray for the days when TBS will play faster and more original, so i can one day feel the exclamation of the two albums, not the boring and strangely (could be ripped off) sound that makes Louder now. Someone break Adams Lazarra's heart s he can make gold once again. As it may be, TBS is my Favorite band. Expand
  26. JB
    Apr 28, 2006
    I love " What's it feel like to be a ghost"!!!
  27. TomC
    Jun 2, 2006
    Even though my musical tastes have moved on from this type of music, I've always kept a special place for Taking Back Sunday. Unfortunately, this album doesn't really do a whole lot that the band hasn't done before. Some of the songs are entertaining and keep me interested, but for the most part I was really hoping they'd have changed a bit more for this release.
  28. DaveH
    Apr 26, 2006
    It's hard to deny the catchiness Taking Back Sunday brings to the table, and that alone is what makes them a good band. One of my guilty pleasures for sure, Louder Now steps it up a notch and provides even catchier tunes than I ever imagined possible. A great listen.
  29. JasonW
    Apr 26, 2006
    It's better than their last album but doesn't get close to touching tell all your friends. They still do this type of music better than most other bands in their genre.
  30. RoisinO
    Apr 28, 2006
    It took me awhile to like this album but after listening to it about ten times im starting to see the good in it. The album is slightly repeative and has the potential to be so much better however it has some quality songs like Make Dame Sure. All of TBS previous album where alot better and likable, this is just ok
  31. Mattk
    May 9, 2006
    ehhh. Not great, and certainly not too original. It lacks the power and feels more contained than the previous albums. They tend to soung like the Juliana Theory (first track) and even Dashboard (the bridge in track 5). Definitely a huge step down from their first cd, and better, but only by a little, than their second. Get someone to burn it for you, not really worth buying.
  32. JasonA
    Apr 26, 2006
    Overproduced and bland. MakeDamnSure is by far the best track. None of the other songs are particularly great either. Nothing on here is bad per say but nothing lives up to their past glories. Bring back John Nolan I say!
  33. JeanaD
    Apr 27, 2006
    no where can it compare to tell all your friends. where yo uwant to be was eh. and louder now is an amazing cd. just not true to taking back sunday. i was dissapointed.
  34. MattD.
    May 2, 2006
    Aimless emo = very forgettable CD.
  35. Feb 20, 2012
    Louder Now, just really doesn't work. After finally breaking into the mainstream, Taking Back Sunday begin to embody parts of Indie Rock into a sound which is not their own. Over-production is clearly the main culprit here- 'Spin' remains the only reasonable track on offer.
  36. Gordon
    Apr 26, 2006
    Oh, good. Another emo album.
  37. Domino'sNewXLP
    May 6, 2006
    OK while people are saying this isnt an emo album, its still what they are classified as. Taking Back Sunday is still one of those bands where if you dont listen to emo music, you arent going to like them. I am one of those people. To me all they and every other emo band just like them are just another group of whiny people who hate life.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Even if Louder Now brings the mosh-pit fun ready to be embraced by new and old fans alike, an attempt to push themselves further would be more than welcomed.
  2. Alternative Press
    Taking Back Sunday should be commended, not for just choosing not to rehash their older work, but for truly trying to branch out artistically--and succeeding most of the time. [May 2006, p.155]
  3. Blender
    Without a target for their ire, TBS opt for sheer emo relentlessness. [May 2006, p.111]