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Generally favorable reviews- based on 62 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 62
  2. Negative: 13 out of 62

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  1. May 18, 2018
    mais una prueba que Bon Jovi, tener talento para hace de tudo, Lost Highway es un excelente disco no solo country, pero como un álbum en si.

    lindas canciones por todo o álbum, mesmo tener la mejor pontuacion un poco subestimado pelos criticos
  2. May 26, 2017
    .13 Brainless Bon Jovi "fans" In lower case and quotation marks!!!.

    That have close mind & think that Bon Jovi is only great when they did Hard Rock songs... Yes!!! Bon Jovi was and is great at Hard Rock songs in their 80's & 90's, but Bon Jovi still doing great & amazing songs out of Hard rock In this great Country Rock album. or in most "pop rock" albums like Have a Nice Day, Crush,
    .13 Brainless Bon Jovi "fans" In lower case and quotation marks!!!.

    That have close mind & think that Bon Jovi is only great when they did Hard Rock songs... Yes!!! Bon Jovi was and is great at Hard Rock songs in their 80's & 90's, but Bon Jovi still doing great & amazing songs out of Hard rock In this great Country Rock album. or in most "pop rock" albums like Have a Nice Day, Crush, The Circle and This House Is Not For Sale
  3. May 11, 2016
    ..........................................................................................................................................................Great country album
  4. Apr 8, 2016
    Excelente Album

    Top Songs Lost Highway (2007)

    1-Lost Highway
    2-Everybody's Broken
    3-Whole Lot Of Leaving
    4-The Last Night

    5-One Step Closer
    6-Any Other Day
    7-I Love This Town
  5. Apr 8, 2016
    There are some brainless POSER, Bon Jovi "Fans", that don't accept that they, ARE ALSO AWESOME IN COUNTRY GENRE, EVEN HALF OF ALBUM ISN'T COUNTRY SONGS IS BALLAD IDIOTS.
  6. Apr 4, 2016
  7. Apr 2, 2016
    Underrated for 12 people who doesn't accept that Bon Jovi, Is Excellent even with a Country Album!!!!

    The Songs are Excellents such as The Last Night, Everybody's Broken, Summertime, Lost Highway, One Step Closer, Whole Lot Of Leavin' & Any Other Day

    Accept is More Easy, The Album is Trash, Just because don't have Rock songs??? Come On...
  8. Jan 23, 2014
    the last great bon jovi album, for not to say more of the count, the last great album, after of this album,is disaster,a great disaster, the 3rd. best Bon Jovi album
  9. Apr 9, 2013
    Lost Highway is a nice country album, I love it. With Lost Highway, Bon Jovi proves the fact that they don't have to be loud to be good. Their lyrics are, as usual, awesome. (You Want To) Make a Memory is, for a single, dissapointing, but the rest of the album is pretty cool. The title track is quite cool. We Got It Going On and I Love This Town are the best songs of the album. TheirLost Highway is a nice country album, I love it. With Lost Highway, Bon Jovi proves the fact that they don't have to be loud to be good. Their lyrics are, as usual, awesome. (You Want To) Make a Memory is, for a single, dissapointing, but the rest of the album is pretty cool. The title track is quite cool. We Got It Going On and I Love This Town are the best songs of the album. Their awesome solos are "fading away" but they still make awesome music. Great album. Greater band. Expand
  10. Mar 26, 2013
    Most songs were okay, 'Lost Highway' being the best track on the album.
  11. ErickV.
    Jan 4, 2008
    Rock ain't about playing loud, rock MUSIC is about playing music, doing it softer sometimes, blending with different horizons. And Bon Jovi did it and still sounding like Bon Jovi. Ain't that amazing, I think a lot of newcomers (and one hit wonders most of them) are jealous of this band.
  12. DonnaO
    Nov 8, 2007
    I was a little apprehensive - love Bon Jovi for making me rock - don't care much for country - but LOVE this album! I put it in my car when it came out in June and haven't stopped listening to it yet. It's the first album in years that I liked instantly beginning with the the title track and all the way through to Love This Town. Sure hope they play Boston on this tour.
  13. LisaB.
    Sep 13, 2007
    I think Bon Jovi's Lost Highway CD is awesome. - Just like his band. They just keep getting better with age - like old wine. I love Jon and Bon Jovi.
  14. BensonB
    Aug 13, 2007
    If 80's Bon Jovi time traveled to 2007, they would kick new Bon Jovi's ass. That's all I can really say.
  15. bedesign
    Jul 27, 2007
    best album of the year!!
  16. bett
    Jul 27, 2007
    Great evolution, they are older than yesterday, they are bigger than yesterday, they are number one again like yesterday, enjoy the album!!
  17. ToddW.
    Jul 11, 2007
    I must admit a guilty pleasure in actually liking the few tunes that Bon Jovi has penned in the past which fall in the area code of country-rock, so a new album comprised entirely of such offerings is fine by me. At least he's moved on from the poseur and vapid Cock Rock which made him famous and into other realms. This shows balls, if not some naivete. But Lost Highway is not art I must admit a guilty pleasure in actually liking the few tunes that Bon Jovi has penned in the past which fall in the area code of country-rock, so a new album comprised entirely of such offerings is fine by me. At least he's moved on from the poseur and vapid Cock Rock which made him famous and into other realms. This shows balls, if not some naivete. But Lost Highway is not art for art's sake. It's a meaningful attempt to branch out with his talent and broaden his appeal, and you can't fault the guy for the attempt. Now if he can only get Richie Sambora's attentions away from the latest Bimbo of the Month and on to his acoustic guitar, then he might really be on to something. Expand
  18. MattD.
    Jul 10, 2007
    Not a return to the glory of their heyday, but still better than what they've put out lately. Bon Jovi is getting older, and the Americana he puts into this CD allows him to mature without losing the hooks.
  19. JesseG.
    Jul 9, 2007
    Life long fan. Great to see the band evolve the way they do. True legends
  20. stevec.
    Jul 3, 2007
    incredibly boring album , i have been a fan since slippery , i know the eighties are well and truely over ,but for gods sake ,ritchie sambora should be let loose , give us something to get into !
  21. DangMonkey
    Jul 2, 2007
    I don't know why these guys aren't getting the recongition they deserve. Truly, truly an amazing album. Something really substantial here folks.....
  22. Janine
    Jul 2, 2007
    Amazing CD. Every song is great. I listen to it at least 3 times a day. I can't get enough of it. I can't wait to see them live in Newark, NJ.
  23. SMP
    Jun 29, 2007
    One thing I have learned over the years....don't label BonJovi! Great album!! Give it a chance and you will love it too!
  24. JerryT.
    Jun 29, 2007
    Great new Bon Jovi album. Excellent Lyrics and great mix of country and rock.
  25. karen
    Jun 29, 2007
    LOST HIGHWAY is awesome!!!!
  26. JeffL
    Jun 28, 2007
    At Least Bon Jovi is smart enough to market their music towards people with really low standards. But who am I to argue, the album's #1. Doesn
  27. TommyG.
    Jun 27, 2007
    Inspiring lyrics, graceful melodies. Extremely good album....
  28. CeeceeK.
    Jun 27, 2007
    I received this cd yesterday. I have to admit that I love it as much as I have loved any of Bonjovi's music. Fantastic music. I'm glad that Jon is not sitting on his laurels and is still bringing out great songs.
  29. JasonL.
    Jun 26, 2007
    Wish they would just go away. It's not like he needs the money.
  30. Neetisht
    Jun 25, 2007
    Lost Highway Rocks, Bon Jovi will make country music popular

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Lost Highway recalls nothing so much as a latter-day Bon Jovi record in how it balances fist-pumping arena anthems with heavy doses of sentiment.
  2. Lost Highway isn't "Bon Jovi goes country" so much as a meaningful tribute to the Nashville ethos done on their own terms.
  3. Billboard
    This is an exciting new chapter for Bon Jovi. [23 Jun 2007]