• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Apr 12, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 64 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 64
  2. Negative: 12 out of 64

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  1. [Anonymous]
    Jun 30, 2006
    Mudvayne isn't real metal, it's pretend metal. It's like Monopoly money vs real money, or tofu vs real meat. The difference between this and N'Sync is marginal, and no fan of actual heavy music would find any of their songs worth listening to
  2. excusemealex?
    Dec 2, 2005
    Death metal? I don't even know where to begin. To call this death metal is absurd. To claim that this band is respected is absurd. to say that they're respected in the "death metal world" is a f%#^ing JOKE. Morbid Angel or more recently The Red Chord are (roughly) death metal. Give them a listen and tell me, my friend, is Mudvayne death metal? Listening to this vacuous crap is Death metal? I don't even know where to begin. To call this death metal is absurd. To claim that this band is respected is absurd. to say that they're respected in the "death metal world" is a f%#^ing JOKE. Morbid Angel or more recently The Red Chord are (roughly) death metal. Give them a listen and tell me, my friend, is Mudvayne death metal? Listening to this vacuous crap is giving you a tumor. Stop it. Expand
  3. NickR
    May 3, 2005
    this cd is the best one made by them and the best one i have ever heard beating out even "the war of art" and "The Height Of Callousness"
  4. JohnR
    May 3, 2005
    What can you say? Really....it's bands like this that A) Give 'metal' a bad name & B) Help to keep talented, innovative, metal bands down in the underground (where many obviously DO want to stay, but I digress) while obtaining record contracts that enable them to churn out indistinguishable crap by the bucket load. This garbage sells because it's easier to sell to kids What can you say? Really....it's bands like this that A) Give 'metal' a bad name & B) Help to keep talented, innovative, metal bands down in the underground (where many obviously DO want to stay, but I digress) while obtaining record contracts that enable them to churn out indistinguishable crap by the bucket load. This garbage sells because it's easier to sell to kids than legitimate metal, mainly because it's not about ANYTHING and it is so self-aware of it's own attempts to be badass and angry that the lyrical content suits a 13 year old who has come home pissed off because he got pushed over at school...which is fine, some of the best metal is undeniably lyrically embarassing, albeit for other reasons, but these guys are 3 or 4 records in and they've got NOTHING going instrumentally...sort of a big deal in the metal world. I suppose Mudvayne are trying their best, but when you end up with "I'm tired of holdin' up the weight, the weight of the mother fuckin world. All I want is to just get right HERE RIGHT NOW !!! " The results should be apparent to the record buying public... Unfortunatley, these guys are millionaires...BTW- What happened to all the masks and costumes and fake names and all that bull****? I bet they wanted to be taken seriously... Expand
  5. CosmoJPrelog
    Jun 4, 2005
    Buy this and "Something To Be" by Rob Thomas and get ready for a night of magic!
  6. OAKside
    Jun 12, 2006
    Mudvayne's Lost and Found is currently in the Bottom 30 of Metacritic's All-time Worst metascores. I'm astonished, as this would easily be my pick for Mudvayne's best. Scream what you want, Lost and Found delivers serious metal that will hook you like nothing else.
  7. jeffs
    May 18, 2005
    it was a very good cd
  8. caroleer
    May 1, 2005
  9. JasonH
    May 2, 2005
    The album starts out fairly well but the longer you listen to it the more monotonous it gets
  10. ezzer
    Jun 16, 2005
    i loved it fuck the critics!!!!!!!!
  11. jacksonb
    Oct 31, 2006
    To the anonymous, i started out listening to twisted sister and all the greatets and i will tell you right now that mudvayne is one of the greatest bands to play. If you would actually take the time and listen to what they are trying to get across, then you will find a new (light) in there music. They are everything but average my friend
  12. Metalman
    Mar 23, 2006
    I admit, I was unsure of what to expect out of this album, compared to their others. After reading most of the user comments, I suggest more people need to at least finish highschool, and learn to spell and write. Honestly, how can you take someone's review seriously when they have the vocabulary of a six year old? Deep lyrics? Do you even know what they mean? Death Metal has such a I admit, I was unsure of what to expect out of this album, compared to their others. After reading most of the user comments, I suggest more people need to at least finish highschool, and learn to spell and write. Honestly, how can you take someone's review seriously when they have the vocabulary of a six year old? Deep lyrics? Do you even know what they mean? Death Metal has such a small following anymore, it's not even worth calling a genre. This is simply pure METAL. You morons should try listening to music for it's complexity and range, not for it's tendency to make you want to head bang. The composure of this album supercedes the previous albums by a vast margin. Maybe if you pull your heads out of your @$$es and actually listen to the music, instead of comparing them to everything else, you'll realize there's more to metal than powerchords. But I suppose that would require a brain wouldn't it? Expand
  13. AnthonyL
    Apr 1, 2006
    Sadly, I love Mudvayne, but this is what happens when they get on a major label that tells them they need radio play. What I mean is they alienate everyone. Thier old fans (like myself) feel very disappointed by lyrics and chords that all sound like they were made in about an hour in a studio with the sole propose of trying to get radio play, and new fans really can't jump on because Sadly, I love Mudvayne, but this is what happens when they get on a major label that tells them they need radio play. What I mean is they alienate everyone. Thier old fans (like myself) feel very disappointed by lyrics and chords that all sound like they were made in about an hour in a studio with the sole propose of trying to get radio play, and new fans really can't jump on because their seen as too "metal" for most people. I am NOT dissing slower more musical songs by metal bands, I loved some of their content on the End of All Things to Come album and respect a band that can change its tone, and that would have been great if they did it wholeheartedly for themselves. What they have given us now though just SOUNDS like a copout to get on the "mainstream" and get radio play, the lyrics sound like they came up with them an hour before recording. Expand
  14. JonS
    Nov 17, 2005
    The songs that are good on this album (which are about 5) are awesome songs! But the rest of the album I can't really say much about. It was worth the money, but don't put it on your top 10 "to buy" list.
  15. toms
    May 26, 2005
    best album from mudmayen to date.
  16. CoreyP
    May 4, 2005
    I really like the album. It's not quite as good as LD 50, but it doesn't deserve the reviews it's received by Billboard or Rolling Stone. Talk about magazines that are out of touch.
  17. TylerF
    Jun 9, 2005
    best cd from them to date! LD 50 was just as angry and I feel they've included some stuff from their earlier "Kill I Oughta" days. Again, the "big" critics don't have a feel for harder bands because they are too into the pop stuff. This is a true Mudvayne album!!!
  18. alexc
    Jul 5, 2005
    mudvayne is one of the most respected bands in the death metal world this CD is as great as any theyve made i think theyre the sh*% and i bet my life on it that the critic reviews for this band sell this band short because of their own personal opinion towards this genre and their lack of understanding towards the qualties in a death metal band that make a band in this style great i bid u mudvayne is one of the most respected bands in the death metal world this CD is as great as any theyve made i think theyre the sh*% and i bet my life on it that the critic reviews for this band sell this band short because of their own personal opinion towards this genre and their lack of understanding towards the qualties in a death metal band that make a band in this style great i bid u good day. Expand
  19. johnb
    Jan 11, 2006
    this was one of mudvaynes worse, but it is still muydvayne
  20. skudl
    Oct 14, 2006
    i agree totally with metalman, mduvayne are one of the most original, under-rated, talented bands of all time so much thought must go into what they do, its so heavy yet so beautiful at the same time which is a very hard thing to aomplish in a metal album and yes this is METAL album and one of the best ive personally ever heard its is on the same level as l.d50 the begginings of all i agree totally with metalman, mduvayne are one of the most original, under-rated, talented bands of all time so much thought must go into what they do, its so heavy yet so beautiful at the same time which is a very hard thing to aomplish in a metal album and yes this is METAL album and one of the best ive personally ever heard its is on the same level as l.d50 the begginings of all things to end and the end of all thigns to come and they have recently started writing there new album i cant wait for anyone who doesnt go nuts your a bitch! MUDVAYNE OWN YOU ALL Expand
  21. RageMcTurpentine
    May 21, 2006
    This is one of those albums where every song makes you wanna rock out. IMO the best thing Mudvayne could have done was to release a hard rock album.
  22. JamesM
    May 23, 2006
    Simply and utterly awesome, shows that "nu metal" has more soul and power than many precieve it to have. I like this album so much I'm having a mudvayne tattoo. Melodic but not sell-out and that speaks volumes in a time when Linkin Park clones are ten-a-penny. Heavy and melodic...need I say more? (Slipknot and Mudvayne rule!)
  23. Kas
    Jul 26, 2006
    This is the first Mudvayne album I've aqquired and frankly I think its one of the best I've gotten recently. I really enjoyed every track on the album but "Happy?" is by far the best song on the album, if not one of the best songs released this year. Dont listen to these geeks downing the album, listen to it for yourself before making a decision on this one, IMO this album is This is the first Mudvayne album I've aqquired and frankly I think its one of the best I've gotten recently. I really enjoyed every track on the album but "Happy?" is by far the best song on the album, if not one of the best songs released this year. Dont listen to these geeks downing the album, listen to it for yourself before making a decision on this one, IMO this album is great and offers the promise of more great albums to come. Expand
  24. AndrewD.
    Oct 18, 2007
    Not the best Mudvayne album, but to say this album deserves a 46 is a travesty. There are far worse things in existence. As an album i'd say this is an alright Nu-Metal album that has it's moments. Not on the level of their first 2 albums but still good enough to listen to and pick up from the "Sale" bin.
  25. kims
    Feb 10, 2007
    although mudvayne isn't real metal like pantera and iron maiden, etc, they are still extremely talented. they manage to blend their screaming with actual melody, which many bands are not able to do competently. the reason this album received such poor reviews is because the majority of music critics do not appreciate good music. they believe that any screamo/ death metal bands have although mudvayne isn't real metal like pantera and iron maiden, etc, they are still extremely talented. they manage to blend their screaming with actual melody, which many bands are not able to do competently. the reason this album received such poor reviews is because the majority of music critics do not appreciate good music. they believe that any screamo/ death metal bands have pointless lyrics and that only suicidal/depressed/pissed-off-at-the-world-in-general teenagers listen to them. although i am a teen, i am neither suicidal nor am i depressed and even though i may get pissed off at certain people, i am not pissed off at the entire world. unlike the critics, i appreciate good music and i know a good rock album when it comes along. this album gets a 9 from me because i believe it rocks, but also because i believe that mudvayne is so talented that the next album they release will blow this one away. ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  26. robh
    Feb 15, 2007
    I really liked this album, as kim s said, you don't have to be angry with the whole world to listen to them. In fact this period of my life has been the happiest ever and i have just started listening to mudvayne, and lost and found stuck out as their best yet. Choices lends a lesson to all and fall into sleep and happy?, not to mention forget to remember are all gems, as are all the I really liked this album, as kim s said, you don't have to be angry with the whole world to listen to them. In fact this period of my life has been the happiest ever and i have just started listening to mudvayne, and lost and found stuck out as their best yet. Choices lends a lesson to all and fall into sleep and happy?, not to mention forget to remember are all gems, as are all the other tracks, with perhaps the exception of, actually they're all amazing. Expand
  27. Mithyus
    Apr 5, 2007
    Lost and Found doesn't deliver, just like Mudvayne--but they try hard, gotta give them that.
  28. mudfan
    May 6, 2007
    I would say this band is not really metal (its metal-ish), but they get away with it by their screaming/singing combination. Brilliant!
  29. EricL.
    Feb 23, 2008
    MAN it drives me crazy when critics write Mudvayne off! Their last two albums have been clever and experimental in ways it seems (to me) hard to notice - are critics even listening to this stuff before they rate it? This group is a lot smarter than people give them credit for; just listen to the clash between all instruments. The guitar, bass, and drums each go their own way and come MAN it drives me crazy when critics write Mudvayne off! Their last two albums have been clever and experimental in ways it seems (to me) hard to notice - are critics even listening to this stuff before they rate it? This group is a lot smarter than people give them credit for; just listen to the clash between all instruments. The guitar, bass, and drums each go their own way and come together for the grooviest of grooves. And obviously the fans on this website gave it a 7.9/10, so what gives? What bias to critic associations have? Expand
  30. PatrikD.
    Apr 18, 2008
    this album rocks, the score on here says nothing a metalhead does know when an album is good a this is brilliant, these guys sure can play not like the most of the artist on first position here 100%

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 6
  2. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. Ultimately Mudvayne gets lost between thrash and diluted Slipknot devotion.
  2. The album is, while not terrible, not very memorable, either.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Weaving crystallized melodies into their signature rage clusters, the metalheads dip a toe in clearer waters without losing any of the grime. [29 Apr 2005, p.147]