• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 12, 2012
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 62 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 62
  2. Negative: 9 out of 62
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  1. Jan 1, 2016
    Looking 4 Myself is an album with remarkable consistancy in quality, while having a good variety in styles. I enjoyed every song. I even dare to see that the less known songs of this album like "Sins of my father" and " what happened to you" are better than the songs that charted well such as "Scream".
  2. Dec 7, 2012
    The idea of making a new genre ''revolutionary pop'' seemed to convince me it deserved that kind of name, the concept, the instrumentals of the album shows this primary advantage of how Usher's brilliant idea of mixing genres was worth it, he has tracks for every single audience; The retro-infused songs ''Show Me'', the 90s-esque RnB-infused dubstep track ''I Care 4 U'' and ''What HappenedThe idea of making a new genre ''revolutionary pop'' seemed to convince me it deserved that kind of name, the concept, the instrumentals of the album shows this primary advantage of how Usher's brilliant idea of mixing genres was worth it, he has tracks for every single audience; The retro-infused songs ''Show Me'', the 90s-esque RnB-infused dubstep track ''I Care 4 U'' and ''What Happened To U'' including the periodical-RnB deluxe track ''IFU''! The seemingly melodramatic electro song ''Euphoria'', which in this case it shows how the album changes the electropop scene that's been going on and on since the start of this decade, and Usher is the only artist at the moment that has done this! Nearly every song has the old RnB fragments yet mixed with the modern electro synths...great examples like Climax, Twisted, I Care 4 U, Can't Stop Won't Stop and Dive. As for Sins of My Father..that must be a future number 1, this just creates a sudden resurrection to neo-soul and this i album is still very underrated, it might be abstract but it is aesthetically interesting at this rate you can see how this album is different to today's same-old electro garbage! Expand
  3. Dec 6, 2012
    I didn't enjoy this album at all. I wasn't big fan on it. Usher really let me down, but I give him credit for his songs "Scream" and "Climax" they were enjoyable to a certain extent. The rest of the songs didn't met my standard though. My standard was very high, its not the best album he has created.
  4. Oct 22, 2012
    E se de um lado veio um produto que parecia muito bom só que não era bem assim do outro veio um que eu não dava nada e no fim fiquei surpreso, mas uma surpresa muito boa. Depois de dois álbuns de qualidade duvidosa com uma forte tendência de cair na armadilha do "pop farofa", Usher resolveu voltar para as suas raízes com o lançamento deE se de um lado veio um produto que parecia muito bom só que não era bem assim do outro veio um que eu não dava nada e no fim fiquei surpreso, mas uma surpresa muito boa. Depois de dois álbuns de qualidade duvidosa com uma forte tendência de cair na armadilha do "pop farofa", Usher resolveu voltar para as suas raízes com o lançamento de Looking 4 Myself, seu sétimo álbum inédito. E, graças a Deus, o que ele tem de melhor é o seu inegavel dom para fazer R&B. Não que no álbum não tem pop, é que a alma do trabalho vai muito além.

    As qualidades do álbum começam pelo próprio Usher que está perfeito. Ele voltou a equilibrar o poder de falsete que ele tem na voz com interpretações mais poderosas. Esse efeito é importantíssimo principalmente nas canções de tendência mais R&B onde ele arrebenta (em quase todas). Mais autorais em certos momentos, mais divertidas em outros e mais maduras em outras, as composições conseguem dar liga no trabalho unindo de forma coesa todas as músicas. Contudo, o melhor do álbum é sua produção. Apesar de ainda ser multifacetada, a coerência musical alcançada por Looking 4 Myself é surpreendente. Claro, os produtores que vão em um caminho mais R&B/hip hop se saíram melhor, mas aqui as canções pop também tiveram ótimo tratamento. De todos os produtores Pharrell conseguiu produzir as melhores canções com a ótima Twisted onde ele faz um featuring e Hot Thing, colocada na versão deluxe. Há dois momentos surpreendes quando Usher segue um caminho mais pop alternativo com a Looking 4 Myself com participação de Luke Steele do duo Empire of the Sun e na estilizada Say the Words. Nas canções mais pop ele acerta em Scream (resenha a seguir) e com produção de Wil. i. Am em Can't Stop Won't Stop. Na R&B com reggae Sins of My Father, Usher abre o coração de maneira surpreendente. Não existe nenhum momento realmente ruim, mas algumas músicas ficaram abaixo do resto do álbum com a R&B I Care for U e na dance pop Euphoria. O mais curioso é que o álbum, apesar de estrear em 1° na Billboard, vendeu apenas cerca de 120 mil cópias na primeira semana sendo a melhor vendagem para a carreira do Usher. Isso só confirma o que sempre digo: qualidade nem sempre é sinônimo de sucesso.
  5. Jul 24, 2012
    The seventh Usher's studio album can not really clearly be classified as classic R&B, even through songs such as: hip-hop, created with the participation of Rick Ross "Lemme See" or tinged by electronic elements singles "Scream" and "Climax". And although on the disc can be found more or less exposed motifs of different styles (pop, soul), however "Looking 4 Myself" is the album whereThe seventh Usher's studio album can not really clearly be classified as classic R&B, even through songs such as: hip-hop, created with the participation of Rick Ross "Lemme See" or tinged by electronic elements singles "Scream" and "Climax". And although on the disc can be found more or less exposed motifs of different styles (pop, soul), however "Looking 4 Myself" is the album where electronics themes -among which strong positions are "Numb" and "Euphoria" heavily prevails. Expand
  6. Jul 15, 2012
    The idea of making a new genre ''revolutionary pop'' seemed to convince me it deserved that kind of name, the concept, the instrumentals of the album shows this primary advantage of how Usher's brilliant idea of mixing genres was worth it, he has tracks for every single audience; The retro-infused songs ''Show Me'', the 90s-esque RnB-infused dubstep track ''I Care 4 U'' and ''What HappenedThe idea of making a new genre ''revolutionary pop'' seemed to convince me it deserved that kind of name, the concept, the instrumentals of the album shows this primary advantage of how Usher's brilliant idea of mixing genres was worth it, he has tracks for every single audience; The retro-infused songs ''Show Me'', the 90s-esque RnB-infused dubstep track ''I Care 4 U'' and ''What Happened To U'' including the periodical-RnB deluxe track ''IFU''! The seemingly melodramatic electro song ''Euphoria'', which in this case it shows how the album changes the electropop scene that's been going on and on since the start of this decade, and Usher is the only artist at the moment that has done this! Nearly every song has the old RnB fragments yet mixed with the modern electro synths...great examples like Climax, Twisted, I Care 4 U, Can't Stop Won't Stop and Dive. As for Sins of My Father..that must be a future number 1, this just creates a sudden resurrection to neo-soul and this i album is still very underrated, it might be abstract but it is aesthetically interesting at this rate you can see how this album is different to today's same-old electro garbage! Expand
  7. Jul 8, 2012
    I'm not a pop fan so I wanted to hate this album. But the lead single Climax intrigued me enough to buy the album. While there are a few throwaway club tracks like Can't Stop Won't Stop, Scream & Lemme See, there's also some impressive tracks on here with an overall depth that I never would've expected out of the guy that did Yeah & OMG. The title track in particular is one of my favoriteI'm not a pop fan so I wanted to hate this album. But the lead single Climax intrigued me enough to buy the album. While there are a few throwaway club tracks like Can't Stop Won't Stop, Scream & Lemme See, there's also some impressive tracks on here with an overall depth that I never would've expected out of the guy that did Yeah & OMG. The title track in particular is one of my favorite songs of the year so far; it's a very well-crafted pop song with simple yet insightful lyrics. But as impressive as this album is, I can never forgive him for introducing the world to BIEBER. Still, I might eventually check out this Confessions album everyone keeps talking about. Expand
  8. Jul 3, 2012
    This is what I call - contemporary R&B album. Usher has really changed his style from his previous albums. The trinity of ''Looking 4 Myself'' - ''Lemme See'', ''Dive'' & ''Climax''! One of the most enjoyable & fresh albums released this year.
  9. Jul 1, 2012
    Looking for Myself is the best album released so far in 2012.Usher's best since his legendary Confessions. Looking for myself is an album that will satisfy both old and new usher fans both male and female.Looking for myself includes the classic climax, great R&B jams such as lemme see,What happened to you, Dive, Sins of Father, Twisted and more as well as club anthems Numb and Euphoria.
  10. Jul 1, 2012
    Looking for Myself is a great album. Usher's best since the classic Confessions. On looking for myself usher combines elements of pop,R&B and soul to create a new sound that will please both fans of his last project Raymond v Raymond with the songs Numb & Euphoria as well as fans of his classic albums 8701 and Confessions with tracks like Climax,Lemme see, Dive, Lessons for theLooking for Myself is a great album. Usher's best since the classic Confessions. On looking for myself usher combines elements of pop,R&B and soul to create a new sound that will please both fans of his last project Raymond v Raymond with the songs Numb & Euphoria as well as fans of his classic albums 8701 and Confessions with tracks like Climax,Lemme see, Dive, Lessons for the Lover,Sins of Father, I.F.U and more. Expand
  11. Jun 30, 2012
    Usher is in the music scene since 1994, its evolution is remarkable. Looking 4 a success Myself A to Z, from music to lyrics, to the singles to the realization, in short, a perfect album. Usher in the songs that go past the radio as Scream, Climax and Leemee See. Little anecdotes: I listened to the album by Usher along with that of Jusitn Bieber, and I noticed that the student has notUsher is in the music scene since 1994, its evolution is remarkable. Looking 4 a success Myself A to Z, from music to lyrics, to the singles to the realization, in short, a perfect album. Usher in the songs that go past the radio as Scream, Climax and Leemee See. Little anecdotes: I listened to the album by Usher along with that of Jusitn Bieber, and I noticed that the student has not surpassed the master (check out the review I'm on Believe) . Expand
  12. Jun 29, 2012
    this may be his lowest selling number 1 album to date but its by far his Best album since Confessions. This reminds me of Beyonce's 4, they both went more on a traditional R&B route and probably there best albums in they're entire career but they're lowest selling ones as well. the album is a very good R&B album.
  13. Jun 28, 2012
    When Usher puts out an album he is among the few artists that are on my "must listen" list. His voice is pure and very versitile. Listening to this album he was clearly gearing for club/dance/remix rotations. I did like "can't stop" "what happened to u", Looking for myself" and "Euphoria." I do not think it was his best album nor his worst. I think it is worth a listen to enjoy his pureWhen Usher puts out an album he is among the few artists that are on my "must listen" list. His voice is pure and very versitile. Listening to this album he was clearly gearing for club/dance/remix rotations. I did like "can't stop" "what happened to u", Looking for myself" and "Euphoria." I do not think it was his best album nor his worst. I think it is worth a listen to enjoy his pure voice-as it has not changed. Expand
  14. Jun 16, 2012
    The album is long, the deluxe edition is even longer and there's a lot of different styles. Elements that could destroy a body of work, but it's not the case of Looking 4 Myself. In fact, the new album is surprisingly cohesive and well executed. That sense of passion, love and lost is all over it.

    Favorite: Climax, Euphoria, Lessons For The Lover, I Care 4 U, Sins Of My Father and I.F.U..
  15. JRD
    Jun 13, 2012
    Looking for Myself is Usher's third greatest album after the classics 8701 and Confessions.It mixes elements of Soul,Pop,Dance and R&B music to form a new and impressive sound.Looking for Myself will Impress all his fans with club anthems such as Euphoria and Scream for his pop fans and classic R&B records like Climax,Sins of a Father,2nd Round Show me and so much more for fans of his R&BLooking for Myself is Usher's third greatest album after the classics 8701 and Confessions.It mixes elements of Soul,Pop,Dance and R&B music to form a new and impressive sound.Looking for Myself will Impress all his fans with club anthems such as Euphoria and Scream for his pop fans and classic R&B records like Climax,Sins of a Father,2nd Round Show me and so much more for fans of his R&B Jams.Looking for myself has no filler and is an essential buy for any fan of R&B music. Collapse
  16. Jun 13, 2012
    Looking for Myself is a very good album.Not quite as revolutionary as usher said it would be but by far his best abulm since Confessions and a return to form. Looking for myself blends element of soul, pop and R&B to create a new sound.Looking for myself is the a solid abulm that reaffirms Usher's position as the king of R&B and is an essential buy for any Usher fan. Stand out tracksLooking for Myself is a very good album.Not quite as revolutionary as usher said it would be but by far his best abulm since Confessions and a return to form. Looking for myself blends element of soul, pop and R&B to create a new sound.Looking for myself is the a solid abulm that reaffirms Usher's position as the king of R&B and is an essential buy for any Usher fan. Stand out tracks include the instant classic Climax, Show Me, Sins of a Father and Twisted Expand
  17. Jun 13, 2012
    Looking for Myself is Usher's best album since 2004's Confessions.Not as revolutionary as he said it would be but a very good album.Looking for myself is a good mix of Pop and R&B music that will impress most usher fans. Stand out tracks include lead single Climax,Twisted and Sins of a Father.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jul 2, 2012
    This is still a record pushing the boundaries of what modern R&B music can be and still keep its audience. Usher sounds and looks good out on that cutting edge.
  2. Jun 21, 2012
    It's more about sound quality and songwriting than the calculated brand-building of his recent releases.
  3. Jun 20, 2012
    Where the experimentation often succeeds, the editing fails.