• Record Label: Rounder
  • Release Date: Nov 23, 2004

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Mojo
    Tends to drift in one and out the other at times. [Jan 2005, p.102]
  2. Q Magazine
    The results are accomplished, but the yearning twang of the porch is never far away. [Jan 2005, p.127]
  3. Uncut
    One of the finest Americana albums of 2004. [Jan 2005, p.128]
  4. Lonely Runs Both Ways is spit-polished to a high, Nashville sheen, airbrushed into perfection and loaded down with layer upon layer of gooey gloss. Ultimately, all that shine holds Krauss back.
  5. They're superb when they stick to hoedowns and hillbilly music, but much less convincing when they lurch towards the middle of the road.
  6. Few bands in bluegrass can match the virtuosity of Union Station's interplay, but the artistry of Alison Krauss transcends genre.
  7. Los Angeles Times
    On occasion the band feels as if it's slipping into cruise control, but the musical scenery is so gorgeous you really don't mind going along for the ride. [5 Dec 2004]
  8. The pure beauty and craftsmanship of Alison Krauss & Union Station's more commercial sound is undeniable, and somehow they manage to avoid sounding slick and formulaic, still retaining the spark of honesty that seems to be missing from the recordings of so many of their contemporaries.
  9. A defining moment for the band.
  10. Entertainment Weekly
    While it can be unbearably sad, Lonely Runs Both Ways is ultimately a beautiful meditation on heartbreak. [26 Nov 2004, p.117]
  11. Blender
    The utterly flavorless repertoire she sings here... steers her toward Lite FM. [Jan/Feb 2005, p.106]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Negative: 2 out of 25
  1. PeteC
    Jul 26, 2005
    The best of all AKUS albums, with more of the melancholy and beautiful songs only glimpsed at in So Long So Wrong, and handled clumsily in The best of all AKUS albums, with more of the melancholy and beautiful songs only glimpsed at in So Long So Wrong, and handled clumsily in New Favourite, this time with startling and original lyrics, especially in the Gillian Welch penned Wouldn't be So Bad. However, Jerry Douglas' superb Unionhouse Hoedown and the lead single Restless show a refusal to back down from their Bluegrass roots that make them so popular. Beautiful, ironic, and almost perfect down to the last note. Full Review »
  2. TracyB
    Apr 8, 2005
    Definitely the best release from Alison. It is an excellent CD with 4 or 5 songs that can be nominated for awards
  3. GeorgeM
    Feb 17, 2005
    A.K. is a wonderful artist.