
Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 27
  2. Negative: 1 out of 27
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  1. Mojo
    Apr 20, 2012
    An intriguing partnership that fails to entirely live up to expectations. [May 2012, p.86]
  2. May 3, 2012
    Little Broken Hearts is held back by a lack of intimacy and the unemotional stiffness we associate with Jones. Still, it's almost a great album.
  3. May 15, 2012
    Jones is good at what she does, but it never feels like something she burns to do.
  4. May 1, 2012
    Little Broken Hearts finds an effective way to grab the listener by the lapels: with kid gloves.
  5. It's exquisite, of course, but dull.
  6. Apr 30, 2012
    Mostly, though, Little Broken Hearts finds an effective way to grab the listener by the lapels: with kid gloves.
  7. May 21, 2012
    Danger Mouse's presence-and underperformance-on Little Broken Hearts turns what might otherwise just be another safe but bullshit-free Norah Jones album into an especially underwhelming affair.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 64 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 64
  2. Negative: 3 out of 64
  1. Feb 18, 2015
    "Beautiful Soldiers in Their beds, make love inside Their hands" .This seems to be enough to prove that norah grown and matured in his latest"Beautiful Soldiers in Their beds, make love inside Their hands" .This seems to be enough to prove that norah grown and matured in his latest album, now everything she does has double meaning and is angry and perverse.
    All this because of a broken heart, norah decided to take "Happy Pills" and fully recycle your music, giving up shy of pieces of jazz-blues and folk, with overdose of piano, which were the composition of their albums up to "The Fall ". In "Little Broken Hearts" Jones makes a change in his career, diving in Indie-pop melodies, embracing the way Lana del Rey to make music and finally bringing great news to his fans.
    The album starts with no big surprises with "Good Morning", and will gradually conquering, with "Say Goodbye" and "Happy Pills", great indie songs. You can bring tears to the sadness of "She's 22". Be surprised by this sexual content in "Little Broken Hearts" and the anger and jealousy in "Miriam".
    With many good moments, Little Broken Hearts is a big step in Jones' career, and is his best album since "Feels Like Home."
    We hope to continue evolving into something even better, because the latest Jones's work is very good but can be even better.
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 7, 2013
    I am a male who strongly favors music with a beautiful female voice. As such, I have always liked Norah Jones singing. But with the album,I am a male who strongly favors music with a beautiful female voice. As such, I have always liked Norah Jones singing. But with the album, "Little Broken Hearts." I have reached a totally new appreciation for her. It crept up on me. I liked "She's 22" right off because it hit real close to home. You hear a woman, still obviously in love, ask her ex forlornly whether the 22 year old he's now with "does she make you happy." Norah used to put her mouth close to the microphone and let her beautiful voice be heard with fairly standard musical accompaniment. With this album, she allows her voice to be the lead instrument in wonderfully stylized songs with a new mix of electronic music, cello, and steel guitar, all of which establish the mood for each song. "Take It Back" is a wonderful example of this new Norah Jones as her voice melds with a melody but does not dominate by any means. "Miriam" tells the story of a woman wronged and the lyrics haunted me from the first listening. Long after falling in love with this song, I found the video on YouTube. It is nothing short of Music Video Art. I hope Norah Jones continues to follow this new career path. Full Review »
  3. Nov 9, 2012
    Norah has changed her sound in just the slightest, and it's only noticeable in a few songs, but it's refreshing. She realized maybe she needNorah has changed her sound in just the slightest, and it's only noticeable in a few songs, but it's refreshing. She realized maybe she need to surprise people, and I think she will. Little Broken Hearts is a different kind of masterpiece. Full Review »