
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Crucially, all these nods to Blanche's influences end up enhancing the band's uniqueness; rooted equally in the traditional and more experimental sides of Americana, country, and rock, Little Amber Bottles expands what a Blanche album can be, and it's a joy to hear.
  2. Like Johnny Cash jamming with Holly Golightly, Little Amber Bottles is the grizzled embodiment of everything that's brilliant about sleazy, Deep South rock'n'roll.
  3. Much as the band loves its banjo, pedal steel, fiddles, and melancholy, the album's echoing, bright feel also makes space for some cutting electric guitar and meaty drums, especially on 'What This Town Needs.'
  4. 80
    Unsettling to the last, it’s Blanche all over.
  5. Under The Radar
    This is simply a well-constructed record made by a couple of punk/country vets and some expert backing musicians. [Fall 2007, p.72]
  6. Spin
    At his best, Miller follows ex-bandmate's Jack White's example....Other times, those traditions, however vividly evoked, come off feeling--well a little blanched. [Nov 2007, p.114]
  7. Little Amber Bottles continues to build upon the ghostly-country groundswell of Blanche’s excellent debut, while bringing a lysergic maturity to the back porch party.

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