• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Nov 24, 2014
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 108 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 108
  2. Negative: 34 out of 108
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  1. Nov 26, 2014
    This is definitely my favorite upbeat, dance music cd this year. I plan to wear it out, while exercising and during my morning commute to energize me and put me in a positive mood to start the day. Every track is high energy and so much fun.
  2. Dec 27, 2017
    Para mí, un excelente album, como alguien dijo, es más sólido, más maduro. Es algo a lo que los fans de David no habíamos estado acostumbrados a escuchar y menos de él, pero lo hizo. Estaba pasando por un momento difícil. Justo cuando él estaba triste por su divorcio yo estaba así de triste, porque se aprovechaban de mi inocencia en la escuela. Este album me ayudó a desahogarme, a echarPara mí, un excelente album, como alguien dijo, es más sólido, más maduro. Es algo a lo que los fans de David no habíamos estado acostumbrados a escuchar y menos de él, pero lo hizo. Estaba pasando por un momento difícil. Justo cuando él estaba triste por su divorcio yo estaba así de triste, porque se aprovechaban de mi inocencia en la escuela. Este album me ayudó a desahogarme, a echar mis penas afuera. Mis favoritas son Dangerous, What I Did For Love, Yesterday; Hey Mama, I'll Keep Loving, The Whisperer y Rise Expand
  3. Nov 25, 2014
    A great new album of the french DJ David Guetta. The songs are great. After a long time waiting of new songs finally we got it. For me was it a great comeback because the competition is big so i start listen other DJs but now with this amazing album i start listen again. His old music he made was different but despite that i think it is great because that it is one of the best albums iA great new album of the french DJ David Guetta. The songs are great. After a long time waiting of new songs finally we got it. For me was it a great comeback because the competition is big so i start listen other DJs but now with this amazing album i start listen again. His old music he made was different but despite that i think it is great because that it is one of the best albums i have ever listen. Expand
  4. Nov 26, 2014
    No entiendo las notas, su último álbum en mi opinión tenía canciones mucho menos pegadizas, este en general me parece bastante animado, algunas canciones están bastante bien.
    No seáis tan amargados, ¡no merece un suspenso!
  5. Jan 24, 2015
    A nice move from Guetta, a mature and more elaborated album. Not only the usual EDM songs, but some well produced non-electronic sounds like in "I'll Keep Loving You". The French DJ combines his sound with british singers Emeli Sandé and Birdy, the band The Script, Australian songwriter Sia, rapper Nicki Minaj, OneRepublic's front-man Ryan Tedder, brilliant singer Skylar Grey and others.A nice move from Guetta, a mature and more elaborated album. Not only the usual EDM songs, but some well produced non-electronic sounds like in "I'll Keep Loving You". The French DJ combines his sound with british singers Emeli Sandé and Birdy, the band The Script, Australian songwriter Sia, rapper Nicki Minaj, OneRepublic's front-man Ryan Tedder, brilliant singer Skylar Grey and others. The Highlights are "What I Did For Love", "No Money No Love", "Goodbye Friend" and "Listen". Expand
  6. Nov 2, 2018
    A pretty consistent album with decent production and good vocals for the most part. It definitely isn't as good as his previous projects but still pretty good. Favourites include Shot Me Down, Hey Mama, Yesterday, Listen, S.T.O.P. and Bang My Head.
  7. Feb 22, 2015
    Honestly, this album feels more like a top-40 showcase than an actual house album. You could play these songs one after another with Calvin Harris' Motion album, and it'll be hard pressed to tell the difference between the two.

    Thats not to say its a bad thing, but I can see how it would be a turn off to some. Some songs hit, a few more miss, making this album just slightly above average.
  8. Nov 5, 2016
    5 / 10
  9. Jan 19, 2015
    There is an inherent problem with David Guetta's Listen - the lyrics are all sad and downbeat (coming off the break up of his marriage) and yet he insists on employing his usual uplifting EDM music to the tunes. So many of these songs would have benefited from being kept stripped back and simple. Instead Guetta tries to add his signature pounding dance beats to them. The result is a misfire.
  10. Jul 6, 2016
    It's an okay dance album, Motion was definitely better.
    Not as bad as Forget The World by Afrojack
    Some songs are great others are just ehh.
    Could've done better.
  11. Dec 16, 2014
    Saudades David Guetta do álbum Nothing But The Beat, esse álbum está horrível, poucas se salvam
    Pontos altos: S.T.O.P. e Bad
    Pontos baixos: Rise e Goodbye Friend
  12. Nov 24, 2014
    OMG where do i start. this has to be the most boring and worst album made as far as EDm/pop is concerned. There is literally nothing in this album that hasn't been heard before. All the songs follow the same formula and are literally all the same thing with the same drops and the same sound. What makes this worse for me is the fact that David Guetta had the guts to say he focused more onOMG where do i start. this has to be the most boring and worst album made as far as EDm/pop is concerned. There is literally nothing in this album that hasn't been heard before. All the songs follow the same formula and are literally all the same thing with the same drops and the same sound. What makes this worse for me is the fact that David Guetta had the guts to say he focused more on songwriting and was coming out with a new sound. **** please. this is the same boring EDM formula every so-called DJ uses. At least Calvin Harris had the decency to not hype his album knowing he was making some more formulaic crap. This album deserves a nice zero for wasting my time and everyone else's but I'll give it a one just because i actually liked one of the songs.
    NB: This album is literally the first album in which Sia has a song I don't like. You went and broke Sia's perfect streak with this horsecrap. Well done.
  13. Nov 26, 2014
    Agreed completely with the negative reviews. One of the biggest letdowns this year in the genre of electronic dance music. At least Motion was slightly better than this.
  14. Nov 26, 2014
    After huge disappointment of Motion by Calvin Harris, another highly anticipated album by famous French DJ David Guetta made a debut. Lead by single Dangerous featuring Sam Smith, the album failed to impress audience unlike his previous works. There is nothing special to enjoy every single beat of the tracks and the whole album just go wrong. A very bad year for EDM albums.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Jan 5, 2015
    The songwriting remains basic, as always, and vocalist Sam Martin blandly belts "Lovers on the Sun" and the club hit "Dangerous." But the album sounds consistently great.
  2. Q Magazine
    Dec 8, 2014
    Each song still has the inevitable moment of electronic ascent but, as with Coldplay's Recent break-up record, you can';t help but wonder how these songs might've sounded left raw and unslickened. [Jan 2015, p.133]
  3. Dec 8, 2014
    He seems like a featured artist on his own album, which would be standard issue for other producers turned artist, but not Guetta.