• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Nov 4, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. In its own way, the Wild Beasts' volatile flamboyance is more difficult to embrace than an overtly dissonant experimental band's music, but that's just another way that this group sets itself apart from the rest of the pack--and there's something very liberating about that, even if it's baffling at times.
  2. A weird little debut, this one has some promising moments.
  3. Until the group learns to keeps pace or more effectively makes space for Thorpe, their singer will remain the first, best, and only reason to listen to Wild Beasts.
  4. There's every sense that Wild Beasts are happy embracing their own ridiculousness and there's enough cheeky humour here, "chocs away!" shagging scenarios and references to old boys and institutions to suggest that whilst there's serious musical craft at foot, the whole lark's just a jolly good old wheeze and "Limbo, Panto" is all the more fun for it.
  5. As such, Limbo, Panto is shocking, funny, and above all irrevocable. Expect this lot to be around for the long haul.
  6. This is a brave and hugely ambitious record, projecting far beyond the limits of most bands in their early twenties today.
  7. It exists in its own eccentric, unique universe, and that is the best thing that any debut album can do.
  8. Truly, Wild Beasts are those rarest of animals; true, untamed originals.
  9. Underneath these filmy and seductive layers is not a band in limbo. This may be Wild Beasts' first album, but they've got a fully developed aesthetic, one that is thematically and vocally alien, but sonically, pop and conventional.
  10. Wild Beasts’ debut takes masterstrokes in its stride, as considered and calculated in its polyrhythmic textures and it is breathtakingly fresh in its approach.
  11. They owe nothing to a far-gone musical moment, nor can they be pigeonholed. Limbo, Panto may be one of 2008’s most startlingly great debuts.
  12. 60
    of whether the dance-punk grooves and elusive, histrionic hooks resonate, Thorpe has a point he's determined to make: Even the most sensitive fop can be a hormonal horndog.
  13. For every failure there is a song of such coruscating originality, it sends you reeling.
  14. As a whole, Limbo, Panto’s uniqueness translates to something remarkably special and substantial rather than mere luster.
  15. 80
    Hayden Norman Thorpe's falsetto squawk is the controversial focal point but his lust for language is equally extraordinary.
  16. Under The Radar
    Wild Beasts have an art rock sensibility for sure, but these songs read like deranged fairy tales of clamoring male maturity. [Fall 2008, p.85]
  17. Urb
    Not to be taken lightly, dramatic tone and lyrical silliness obscure a sinister impulse throbbing within the album, spitting delightfully mysterious candy machines baubles onto your eager palm. [Nov/Dec 2008, p.87]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. Nov 12, 2010
    A debut LP which has songs like His Grinning Skull and Woebegone Wanderers cannot be anything but extremely special. Beautiful record. If theA debut LP which has songs like His Grinning Skull and Woebegone Wanderers cannot be anything but extremely special. Beautiful record. If the songwriting wasn't enough, the lyrics are remarkably ornate and engaging, and somehow never pretentious or uppity. Worth getting into. Full Review »
  2. Rob.
    Nov 6, 2008
    A truly spectacular debut. Really haunting, extremely funny and so stylish. Just look at the song titles and you'll know you be in for A truly spectacular debut. Really haunting, extremely funny and so stylish. Just look at the song titles and you'll know you be in for one of the best albums of the year. Full Review »