• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jan 24, 2006

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 4 out of 13
  1. Lights and Sounds' good songs are very good, and the album ends up being the band's most accomplished work yet.
  2. Alternative Press
    It may be one of the least "punk" albums a pop-punk band will make this year--but it's probably one of the best, too. [Feb 2006, p.113]
  3. Billboard
    A strong effort that trades sunny-sounding rockers and breakup songs for weightier concerns of war and family, "Lights" conveys that maturity without seeming strained. [28 Jan 2006]
  4. The band goes a different way now, and it's not necessarily a better one.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    What's surprising, given their rep as just another cookie-cutter teen-emo band, is how well they fare when enlisting unlikely guests for two numbers that abandon their area of expertise altogether. [27 Jan 2006, p.81]
  6. Los Angeles Times
    The band shows willingness to break form. [22 Jan 2006]
  7. So while Yellowcard's hearts may be in the right place, it's clear they're simply incapable of realizing this clumsy faux magnum opus.
  8. Spin
    It's too tepid to be offensive. [Feb 2006, p.87]
  9. A substandard, second-tier album with some strings thrown in for good measure.
  10. Perhaps the most significant proof of Yellowcard's maturity is their restraint: Violinist Sean Mackin's chops are showcased with much greater subtlety on Lights and Sounds.
  11. Q Magazine
    Contains far too many bland ballads. [Feb 2006, p.105]
  12. Unfortunately, the sorta-good parts just don’t make up for the overabundance of flaccid mediocrity on display throughout most of the album.
  13. Blender
    A band that traffics in momentum can't afford to take their foot off the gas as often as Yellowcard does. [Mar 2006, p.112]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 63
  2. Negative: 10 out of 63
  1. MusicLover
    Oct 21, 2007
    A beautiful album. I love how Yellowcard has a violin. It ends up accounting for some really good songs they make, and this album is no A beautiful album. I love how Yellowcard has a violin. It ends up accounting for some really good songs they make, and this album is no exeption. It's even got a jazz-type song in there about war. Go get it. Full Review »
  2. alexf
    Jul 25, 2007
    The BEST Yellowcard album ever!!! I love all the songs. The song I like the most is " Sure Thing Fallen'. I think this album may be The BEST Yellowcard album ever!!! I love all the songs. The song I like the most is " Sure Thing Fallen'. I think this album may be better then Ocean Avenue because all the songs on the album have so much feeling in them. Like "Holly Wood Died" and " City Of Devils" they have so much feeling in them. How can you not like this album? Full Review »
  3. AlfredoR
    Aug 30, 2006
    I am a 100% YC fan...so no matter what they do, i am gonna like their music!... just because its a different style of music then the last I am a 100% YC fan...so no matter what they do, i am gonna like their music!... just because its a different style of music then the last album doesnt mean they are any less "rockish" or "punkish", its just want they felt at the moment...so if you are a fan critizing them...get over yourself and be supportive of the band. Full Review »