
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. May 8, 2014
    The album doesn’t have a lot of replay value, and the songwriting is hit-or-miss, but Aloe Blacc is able to tap into a market that isn’t seeing a lot of action right now.
  2. Blacc proves he’s more than capable of stepping into the spotlight for his first major-label album which features 60s soul, folk, retro pop, R’n’B and even country.
  3. Mojo
    Apr 23, 2014
    It's less effective on the bland troubadour pop of Here Today and The Man, which samples Elton John's Your Song and is already a US Top 5 hit. [May 2014, p.92]
  4. Q Magazine
    Apr 23, 2014
    Five tracks from the album were released as the Wake Me Up EP late in 2013, but on an album packed with possible alternative hits, the future is already his. [May 2014, p.107]
  5. 60
    Aloe Blacc's major-label debut does what it promises: it lifts your spirit.
  6. Apr 4, 2014
    Blacc's gravelly, expressive voice sounds terrific throughout, his trills and melodies indebted to Stevie Wonder and Bill Withers, but isn't enough to make the album sound particularly exciting.
  7. Uncut
    Apr 2, 2014
    His leftfield takes on protest soul have been ditched in favour of pick'n'mix revivalism and banal inspirational platitudes. [May 2014, p.67]
  8. Mar 31, 2014
    There’s good songwriting in places, but with the artist’s idiosyncrasies effectively airbrushed out by a bloated production, the result is a dull, vapid collection of songs desperate to please.
  9. Mar 14, 2014
    A major label debut filled with the sound of his smoky baritone voice, front and center.
  10. As great as the tune ["Wake Me Up"] may be, it’s Blacc’s voice that hooks you. It’s substantive, searching, and full of the depth modern soul men too often lack.
  11. Mar 11, 2014
    Highlights like the boisterous "Can You Do This" and an EDM-free mix of "Wake Me Up" (just in case anyone forgot he's that guy) are plenty radio-friendly, but the songs never quite add up to a cohesive album.
  12. Mar 10, 2014
    Throughout the album, Mr. Blacc sings with the kind of earthy vitality that many studied neo-soul singers don’t have the voice to match. But too often, the production--most of it by DJ Khalil--is so thoroughly retro that Mr. Blacc only reminds a listener of whom he’s emulating.
  13. Mar 10, 2014
    It remains as easy on the ears as a worn pair of slippers on the feet.
  14. Mar 10, 2014
    Lift Your Spirit is rather formulaic from that standpoint--not as spicy or daring as past efforts--but it's folksy, soulful, and groovy enough to catch your attention.
  15. Mar 10, 2014
    If only its last few tracks were just as focused and compelling [as "Wake Me Up"]. Lift Your Spirit only suffers when it winds down, as it panders to Blacc’s booming audience.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 27
  2. Negative: 14 out of 27
  1. Dec 6, 2014
    This album is so unique and fun to listen to.'s great to hear the genuine lyrics sung so lovely by Mr. Blacc. Unlike John Legend, Aloe'sThis album is so unique and fun to listen to.'s great to hear the genuine lyrics sung so lovely by Mr. Blacc. Unlike John Legend, Aloe's music makes you swoon - not just sit there trying to figure out if you like what you're hearing. lol When I saw Aloe on the Soul Train awards, I was like "Who is THAT? I LOVE him!" lol So when I found him on iTunes I was happy to get a taste of the new record - which, although his album "Good Things" received more critical accolades, this album is more fun to listen to. Sometimes the critics just get it wrong! This album is SO recommended! Full Review »
  2. Mar 11, 2014
    Lift Your Spirit is rather formulaic from that standpoint--it's a fun EP and is a must-buy.Lift Your Spirit is rather formulaic from that standpoint--it's a fun EP and is a must-buy.

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