• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Jul 7, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Like fellow abstract lyricist Kristin Hersh, her quill is aimed at the introverted, resulting in work that is both deeply personal and frustratingly impenetrable.
  2. It’s not easy listening; it may in fact be a case in which one needs to add hundred-degree heat before there’s even a chance of excavating something.
  3. Fortino has created an album that is easily one of the year’s most moving reflections. It’s that life is all but lost and Fortino’s take on things are spectacularly delivered.
  4. Fortino may not have hated the world away, but she possesses a similarly intuitive ability to block everything out so she can operate in her own peculiar vacuum. It’s an admirable quality, but the desperately sad nature of her music makes it a place that’s difficult to visit with any degree of regularity.
  5. Mojo
    The result, unfortunately, is one of the dreariest hours you will even spend listening to music. [Aug 2009, p.100]
  6. These vipers may be tiny, but there’s a bite to Fortino’s harrowing vocal that’s sure to leave its mark.
  7. While it won’t be for everyone, and won’t be an album for all occasions, Life on Earth is a stark, devastating achievement.
  8. The result is a very quiet record (possibly reflecting her admittedly timid nature--stage fright was once a big problem for her), but one that rewards a close listen.
  9. Taken as a whole, Life doesn't really depart from "Hands Across the Void" (itself not exactly a cheery record), but rather refines and builds upon it, besting the previous album's runtime by a factor of 1.5 and boasting, as a bonus, a number of melodies that stick like tar in spite of their spareness.
  10. This kind of deliberate quiet may not be for everyone. But if you’re willing to live with Life on Earth for a while, you might be surprised how comforting its vast isolation can feel.
  11. Fortino's considerable talent for trance-inducing musical honesty could probably use a little bit of editing. It's better in the end for listeners to feel like they're being driven, not just along for the ride.
  12. 70
    While the similarly mystical/mewling Joanna Newsom seems adrift in fantasy, Tiny Vipers finds wonder in being rooted firmly to the terra.
  13. There’s rarely a song here that isn’t beautiful: Fortino’s sense for gorgeous melodies, both instrumentally and vocally, simply shines throughout.
  14. The 11 songs on Life On Earth, her second Sub Pop album, average nearly six minutes apiece, and there generally isn’t much going on beyond her blurry, cold-water voice (think of a much more ethereal Grace Slick) and her sturdy strums and/or intricate finger-picking. But though the songs can be hit-or-miss.
  15. She moves slowly, but she’s a good musician and singer; this is the surprise, because in her line of work you expect more dishevelment.
  16. For as spare as her pallet is (many of the songs consist only of Fortino’s single or multi-tracked vocals accompanied by her own acoustic guitar), there is a staggering diversity in tone and feeling throughout the album.
  17. Under The Radar
    In its excruciating final half, her sophomore album recalls Nico's mid-period solo records not only for it's foreboding, gothic tone but its glacial pace. [Summer 2009, p.63]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. JeremyF
    Jul 15, 2009
    As close to perfect as it gets. The only track that isn't as breathtaking as the others is Slow Motion, because it is just that, slow. As close to perfect as it gets. The only track that isn't as breathtaking as the others is Slow Motion, because it is just that, slow. Too slow, and spaced. This effect works better on Tiger Mountain, and the following track Twilight Property is an enthralling experiment. Dreamer is still one fo the best of the year, as is CM, and Young God is interesting, unique, and bewilderingly beautiful. Easier openers Eyes like Ours and Development are amazing, and the closer Outside is amazing in its emotive delivery. This record is awesome. Full Review »
  2. EricC
    Jul 13, 2009
    Bound to be a love-it or hate-it album, but unfortunately it lacks the grandiose vision and instrumentation of Joanna Newsom or the Bound to be a love-it or hate-it album, but unfortunately it lacks the grandiose vision and instrumentation of Joanna Newsom or the heart-on-sleeve emoting of Bon Iver, so Tiny Vipers may never get the exposure she deserves. Yes, the songs are long and repetive. But they are still musically elegant and powerful, and as a song writer, she is clearly a huge talent. One of those albums you should hear and make up your own mind about. Full Review »