• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: May 22, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 59
  2. Negative: 13 out of 59

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  1. JordanJ.
    Apr 4, 2008
    The Used rocks, all albums are awesome.
  2. DavidA
    May 29, 2007
    Love this album!!!!
  3. K-Fed
    Jun 10, 2007
    An amazing album from The Used. Keep it coming.
  4. KevinFed-EX
    Jul 3, 2007
    Easily the best album of 2007.
  5. Justin
    Mar 9, 2008
    The Used did a damn good job on this album. It was no suprise to me that they would do this good of an album following "The Used" and "In Love And Death". I think they did spectacular.
  6. andrewe
    May 31, 2007
    most amazing album ever!
  7. davionk
    May 31, 2007
    wicked good album
  8. michellec
    May 31, 2007
    love this album! best one so far!
  9. Micheals.
    Jun 6, 2007
    great band great music.period
  10. daronZ
    Jun 6, 2007
    The used rock no matter what genre they play in
  11. JIMMYJ
    Jul 28, 2007
    The album actually is very good..i guess you have to be a true Used fan to understand that!!! To the people saying it blows--just go play in traffic!
  12. shawng.
    Jul 5, 2007
    This is classic The Used.
  13. CarolB.
    Feb 29, 2008
    This is a great album. The USed managed once again to succesfully merge crazy awesome chaos with swweeett melody! Earthquake is awesome. I don't think that any of there songs are cheesy. I just think you have to understand them. Yes, the Used can get a little angry at times (like in lies for liars) but I think it is still a great song especially if your mad. Basically this album has This is a great album. The USed managed once again to succesfully merge crazy awesome chaos with swweeett melody! Earthquake is awesome. I don't think that any of there songs are cheesy. I just think you have to understand them. Yes, the Used can get a little angry at times (like in lies for liars) but I think it is still a great song especially if your mad. Basically this album has a song for every mood. It can also be therapy. The used just makes great music and will always make great music! Expand
  14. CarolB.
    Feb 29, 2008
    This is a great album. The USed managed once again to succesfully merge crazy awesome chaos with swweeett melody! Earthquake is awesome. I don't think that any of there songs are cheesy. I just think you have to understand them. Yes, the Used can get a little angry at times (like in lies for liars) but I think it is still a great song especially if your mad. Basically this album has This is a great album. The USed managed once again to succesfully merge crazy awesome chaos with swweeett melody! Earthquake is awesome. I don't think that any of there songs are cheesy. I just think you have to understand them. Yes, the Used can get a little angry at times (like in lies for liars) but I think it is still a great song especially if your mad. Basically this album has a song for every mood. It can also be therapy. The used just makes great music and will always make great music! Expand
  15. LandonW
    Jun 17, 2010
    By far there best release to date. They seem to be trying to seperated themselves from the emo image that i think still hampers thier sales. This album has more variety and off beat rhytms than any other album i have heard in the last 3 years. Absolutely awesome
  16. TylerC
    Jul 28, 2007
    Even though different from they're pevious albums, Lies For the Liars manages to bring out a rare range of emotions while being fairly simple. It might not be for everyone, but those that like it will love it.
  17. Sep 21, 2011
    The Used have been my favorite band for a long time now, and I can honestly say they are without a doubt the most talented song writers ever. Their lyrics are incredible and have helped me get through some of my bad days. I think every album they have done is great (I know all of them by heart) and I will always cherish any music they do.
  18. JoshS
    Jun 2, 2007
    It's at least a 9. Probably about 9.5. It's awesome, I don't get the low rating. It's like, their best CD. Especially if you get all the unreleased songs too. It's amazing, it's the Used with a new, different(But definetly good) twist.
  19. JonC
    Jun 5, 2007
    This is an intresting album from the used. It keeps me coming back for more. Though the amount of screaming has died down i still like this album.
  20. seanf
    Aug 16, 2007
    Bet album overall to date from the used. The used can still rock hard and this is proven on "raise the dead" and Hospital. They should stay away from the piano, but even the slower songs like "light in the tunnel" show a softer side and a balance to the album. THis is ten times better than "In love and death", and just as good if not better than their debut CD "The Used".
  21. CarlyS
    Jun 12, 2007
    I think that The Used new album is awesome. The only thing I can think of for why people are giving this album such low ratings is that they don't like this style or genre of music. If you don't like it, don't listen to it! And plus, the ratings have gone way down because of people like that, I mean 7 out of 10? Thats pretty good, but it could be better if it weren't I think that The Used new album is awesome. The only thing I can think of for why people are giving this album such low ratings is that they don't like this style or genre of music. If you don't like it, don't listen to it! And plus, the ratings have gone way down because of people like that, I mean 7 out of 10? Thats pretty good, but it could be better if it weren't for all those low ratings. Expand
  22. Dec 22, 2013
    If there's one problem I have with this album, it's that the styles and sounds keep randomly changing, which does get irritating at times, but otherwise, this album is definitely worth it. One of the best albums of 2007.
  23. Dec 19, 2015
    This album is a rather odd case. On one hand, I only enjoy 9/11 (or 10/12 including Pain) of the tracks on the album, which brings it down a bit. But the songs that I do like are among my top picks when it comes to songs, which boosts the score a bit. The songs on the album can be grouped into three categories: fast, medium, and slow. The fast songs on the album are The Ripper, Hospital,This album is a rather odd case. On one hand, I only enjoy 9/11 (or 10/12 including Pain) of the tracks on the album, which brings it down a bit. But the songs that I do like are among my top picks when it comes to songs, which boosts the score a bit. The songs on the album can be grouped into three categories: fast, medium, and slow. The fast songs on the album are The Ripper, Hospital, Wake The Dead, and Liar Liar (Burn In Hell) (also Pain if we include it). The medium songs are Pretty Handsome Awkward, The Bird and the Worm, Paralyzed, and With Me Tonight. The slow songs are Find A Way and Smother Me. The funny thing is that the two slower tracks are the ones I don't like. So verdict: The Used is great with fast and medium songs on this album, but needs to work on their slower songs Expand
  24. BenD
    Jun 10, 2007
    This album might not be the best of theirs, as some may have noted, but it seems that they're getting more creative with their sounds (for example: the beginning of "find a way")... In my opinion they've also done well creatively incorporating the "liar liar pants on fire..." and "cross my heart and hope to die" phrases that have become common; but, in my opinion, they could This album might not be the best of theirs, as some may have noted, but it seems that they're getting more creative with their sounds (for example: the beginning of "find a way")... In my opinion they've also done well creatively incorporating the "liar liar pants on fire..." and "cross my heart and hope to die" phrases that have become common; but, in my opinion, they could have done better with some of the songs and should have put "dark days" and "devil beside you" on the cd, as it captures more of the band that they've previously established themselves as. Expand
  25. StevenA
    Aug 4, 2008
    It was overall a good album, but I still think they should revert back to the stuff like what they did in their debut album, where it was less produced.
  26. May 7, 2020
    The Used second best album after in love and death a great album with plenty of bangers. Like hospital,paralyzed,the bird and the worm and many more. One of my favorite albums.
  27. jyotirmayadas
    Jul 3, 2007
    I normally don't like the Used, but this album was getting such good reviews, and there wasn't anything else out there that I was interested in, so I bought it... and I love it!!! Well balanced and shows maturity in music and lyrics.
  28. AaronG
    Jul 24, 2007
    I would give this a 6.5 if I could. This cd is alright. I was hoping for more though. The Used always seem to bounce around extremes on their records (Maybe Memories/On My Own, Sound Effects and Overdramatics/Yesterdays Feelings) and its no different here. On the past two cd's I enjoyed the slower songs, especially on the first CD. Because while they were slower they still had a I would give this a 6.5 if I could. This cd is alright. I was hoping for more though. The Used always seem to bounce around extremes on their records (Maybe Memories/On My Own, Sound Effects and Overdramatics/Yesterdays Feelings) and its no different here. On the past two cd's I enjoyed the slower songs, especially on the first CD. Because while they were slower they still had a rockin' bridge or chorus (Greener with the Scenery), not the case on this CD. As far as slow songs go With Me Tonight is OK. Nothing more. Find a Way is cheesy and Smother Me is full of sappy love lyrics. The hardest (and best) song on Lies for the Liars is Wake the Dead and it could be one of their best songs on any their cd's. Paralyzed has one of the catchiest choruses they have written and Pretty Handsome Awkward has an awesome riff. The bridge in the Ripper is also real good with lots of screaming. If that's one thing I miss is Bert screaming, there just isn't enough of it. I would say the worst thing about this CD though are the lyrics. Liar Liar, Smother Me, Find a Way are the worst of them. Expand
  29. NatashaG
    Jun 7, 2007
    i love the album......especially the song......the bird and the worm.......very cool song
  30. J-tan
    Jan 23, 2008
    I want my 7 euros back. Its hard to listen, it makes me f**king angry, I'm not sure why.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. After a while, the surfeit of ideas starts to sound like a lack. But the choruses are as effective as ever.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    There's no denying the galvanic power of singer Bert McCracken's blowtorch vocals. [25 May 2007, p.84]
  3. Even if Lies for the Liars has the appearance of a crossover album, a la The Black Parade, it doesn't have the substance.