• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 15, 2018
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  1. Jul 28, 2023
    Amé este álbum, lo considero uno de mis favoritos. Me agradó la producción, letras fuertes, literalmente Xtina siempre trae lo mejor de lo mejor.
  2. Feb 15, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fantastico disco para futuras generaciones de la industria musical en todo sentido Expand
  3. Feb 8, 2023
    Deusa rainha perfeita muito linda pisa em todos. Muito linda, diva e nunca errou e se errou foi tentando acertar
  4. Nov 25, 2022
    Um albúm muito versátil, com um conceito, músicas muito poderosas a nível vocal e composição!
  5. Aug 23, 2022
    There is a reason why this album remains as my fave from Christina Aguilera's amazing catalogue.
  6. Aug 22, 2022
    É um dos melhores álbuns que ela já lançou, os vocais estão mais poderosos que nunca, a produção foi certeira e eu diria ser o melhor álbum dela.
  7. Jun 24, 2018
    After a 6 year hiatus, Christina Aguilera returns to music with an album that is authentic and purposeful. Aguilera is not one to shy away from going against the norm and experimenting with her sound. Liberation drives this point once again. I've never listened to a singer who knows how to use their voice like an artist uses their paintbrush. Christina paints beautiful layered and texturedAfter a 6 year hiatus, Christina Aguilera returns to music with an album that is authentic and purposeful. Aguilera is not one to shy away from going against the norm and experimenting with her sound. Liberation drives this point once again. I've never listened to a singer who knows how to use their voice like an artist uses their paintbrush. Christina paints beautiful layered and textured pictures on each track. On Liberation, she's honest and playful. She's sexy and powerful. She's raw and emotional.... and I'm enamored with every second of it. Expand
  8. Jul 3, 2022
    LIBERATION is neither an improvement to 2012's Lotus, or makes any memorable, new statement that'll save her falling career. Some good songs, and some low points that go very low. To be honest, it really doesn't feel as much like a liberation as Christina thinks it its.
  9. Jun 21, 2022
    What a comeback! Great production and vocals. Lovely theme of inner rediscovery.
  10. Dec 12, 2021
    For those of you who wants a blonde haired, blue-eyed woman to sing pretty, this is not an album for you. But if you want to sing how a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman with soulful kick-ass vocals break it down to you that she's not gonna fall in line, this is IT. Christina Aguilera's Liberation really lives up to its name: an album to liberate yourself from any restraints that's beenFor those of you who wants a blonde haired, blue-eyed woman to sing pretty, this is not an album for you. But if you want to sing how a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman with soulful kick-ass vocals break it down to you that she's not gonna fall in line, this is IT. Christina Aguilera's Liberation really lives up to its name: an album to liberate yourself from any restraints that's been holding you back Expand
  11. Nov 11, 2021
    A perfect album. Her voice is so mature and it shows. This is a masterpiece. This new style fits on her, she slay.
  12. Nov 5, 2021
    Liberation has great lyrics. Christina knows how to delivery powerfull vocals. Liberation is an album to listening for years
  13. Oct 15, 2021
    "Liberation" is Christina Aguilera going back at what she's doing back: classic r&b with soul and incredible vocals. "Like I Do", "Deserve", "Unless It's With You" and "Twice" are some of her best songs. It feels great to have her back after the disappointing "Lotus" (2012.) This is definitely a sign that the Voice of the Generation still has the creative spark and talent that made her a"Liberation" is Christina Aguilera going back at what she's doing back: classic r&b with soul and incredible vocals. "Like I Do", "Deserve", "Unless It's With You" and "Twice" are some of her best songs. It feels great to have her back after the disappointing "Lotus" (2012.) This is definitely a sign that the Voice of the Generation still has the creative spark and talent that made her a superstar! Expand
  14. Aug 27, 2021
    this album is an overrated and failed piece of **** you can tell that this garbage wanted to fail collaborating with a greasy crap just as disgusting as she I mean Demi Lovato = Flop.
  15. Jan 28, 2021
    Liberation is a grower. Some of its experimental aspects may not seem appealing at first listen, but becomes much better over time.

    Best tracks: Accelerate, Like I Do, Fall in Line, Sick of Sittin', Deserve
    Worst track: Pipe
  16. Jan 23, 2021
    Liberation sees Christina Aguilera triumphantly jump right back to her prime, reclaiming her status as an inspirational, empowered woman who's willing to use her voice to help her congeners while portraying herself as, not only a sexual woman, but also a vulnerable one and a mother.
  17. Dec 16, 2020
    O unicos defeitos dessa obra prima foi não ter mais clipes, mais divulgação e o Grammy da Xtina e a filha Demi Lovato.
  18. Dec 14, 2020
    This album it's a piece of art, it’s like an opera, sexy, funny, one of her best works, proud of her and her growing as an artist, what a stronger woman.
  19. Nov 13, 2020
    Liberation es una joya.
    Una artista que se reinventa cada era
    El mejor tema "Maria" La mejor colaboración "Fall In Line" se merecía el grammy absolutamente.
  20. Sep 25, 2020
    Christina Aguilera Queen ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  21. Sep 13, 2020
    La mejor Canta hermoso Se reinventa, crece como artista y nos entrega un gran trabajo musical
  22. Aug 29, 2020
    Álbum bom algumas músicas são meios chatas mas no geral entrega a proposta Destaque oara Maria
  23. Aug 28, 2020
    Álbum incrível talento puro canções dignas de positividade esplêndido me apaixonei
  24. Aug 2, 2020
    I really enjoyed this album, It is a pity that younger generations don't appreciate these iconic voices anymore. The production and the vocals on this album are sublime.
  25. Jun 6, 2020
    'Liberation' stands up as Xtina's most cohesive, empowered and experimental album until date. Her voice glows through breakable ballads full of ear-catchy samples and delicate R&B mid-tempos, in which her sophomore capacity of self-reinvention is again remarkable.
  26. Jun 5, 2019
    To me, Its one of her best record. She dropped the oversinging and brought a material more fresh. A record short but with good quality music.
  27. May 28, 2020
    Todo el álbum es arte.
    Xtina merecía mucho reconocimiento con este álbum. She si The voice Of Generation
  28. May 12, 2020
    Perfeito e bem produzido, da pra ouvir do começo ao fim e ele se encaixa perfeitamente, faixa após faixa.
  29. Apr 3, 2020
    Not very attractive or great compared to back to basics, stripped, or bionic, nothing different but a good album.
  30. Feb 16, 2020
    What a masterpiece! "Liberation" was an amazing return to form after Christina‘s previous album "Lotus" (2012). I don’t hate "Lotus" but it didn’t feel like an Xtina album at all. For the first time ever she was chasing trends (dance pop), wasn’t involved in the songwriting on many songs and didn’t evolve as an artist. It felt rushed. "Liberation" picks up where the experimental andWhat a masterpiece! "Liberation" was an amazing return to form after Christina‘s previous album "Lotus" (2012). I don’t hate "Lotus" but it didn’t feel like an Xtina album at all. For the first time ever she was chasing trends (dance pop), wasn’t involved in the songwriting on many songs and didn’t evolve as an artist. It felt rushed. "Liberation" picks up where the experimental and misunderstood "Bionic" (2010) left off. Christina experiments again and and sings from her heart. The lyrics talk about self empowerment, feminism ("Fall in Line", self esteem ("Sick of Sittin"), her fiancé ("Unless It’s With You"), self reflection ("Maria") and sex of course ("Pipe" & "Right Moves"). The album has so many gems. "Accelerate" might‘ve been a terrible comeback single choice but it is definitely the best song on the album. It’s experimental, it’s different and fresh. Very urban. It had to grow on me but now I‘m obsessed with it. "Deserve" and "Twice" are two of the best and most beautiful ballads of her entire career. "Fall in Line" is an amazing, powerful feminist anthem and Demi Lovato was a great choice for a collaboration. "Pipe" and "Right Moves" are two EXTREMELY sensual and sexy songs. She has never sounded sexier. The reggae influenced "Right Moves" had to grow on me but now I love it. "Maria" is a great self-reflective album opener which uses a Michael Jackson sample. Xtina experiments with so many sounds on this album. Overall it has a very urban feel to it. There’s R&B, Hip-Hop, pop-rock, reggae, 80s music sounds, electro-pop and pop of course. It’s incredibly diverse but it still sounds so cohesive. What I also like about "Liberation" is the way she uses her amazing voice on this album. All her albums after "Stripped" (2002) were kind of hard to listen to as she was trying way too hard to show off what a great voice she has. Especially on "Lotus". But on this album we hear her voice in a very soft way ("Pipe" & "Right Moves") and she’s belting without oversinging or screaming. The album sounds current without trying too hard. It was definitely worth the looong wait. The only reason why I don’t give 10 points are the interludes. She could’ve kept all of them except for "Liberation". They are not terrible but unnecessary. Favorites: Accelerate, Deserve, Fall in Line, Twice & Maria Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Jul 3, 2018
    An album that keeps pace with modern pop trends while remaining true to Aguilera’s past.
  2. 58
    Liberation never reaches the heights fans likely wanted from Xtina, it serves as a pleasant refresher for a voice that has earned its place in the annals of pop history. That said, it’s a bit sad to feel like her finest moments are, at least for now, also in her past.
  3. Jun 25, 2018
    Aguilera lets her talent fly as high as her freak flag, solving pop’s current obsession with box-ticking by nudging their lines into shapes more her liking.