• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Oct 10, 2000

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Besides the limitless charisma that seeps out of Mystikal's loud, rude rapping-meets-shouting-style of vocal delivery, the album also benefits from the production and songwriting variety that No Limit was never able to accomplish...
  2. The James Brown of hip-hop uses his psycho-manic energy and staccato growl to full effect on this spare, eclectic effort. [11/10/00, p.90]
  3. Let's Get Ready', Mystikal's fourth LP and his first Billboard chart-topper, is one wholesale fighting muthaf**ker, a full theatre of opportunities to offer the world outside. Women? Mystikal will take you down for one. Or, preferably, two. Reputation? Come see about him. Neighbourhood? You don't wanna go there... Mystikal is the fightingest bastard and his grin's never wider than when he's putting the hurt on.
  4. The only flaw is the former soldier's gravelly drill-sergeant bark. It packs a visceral punch in small doses, but an unadulterated hour of it is like being violently bullied by Busta Rhymes.
  5. Spin
    With such a steady-rocking formula, the record loses from repetition (and occasional knuckleheadedness) but gains mightily from shaking the groove with rhythm switches and guest voices. [Nov. 2000, p.203]
  6. Perhaps hip-hop's hottest production duo, The Neptunes can claim credit for many of the best moments on Let's Get Ready, from the Spaghetti Western guitar of "Danger" to the nervous sonic aggression of "Jump." Mystikal's whirling-dervish flow has seldom sounded better, but like Snoop Dogg's otherwise-excellent No Limit Top Dogg, Let's Get Ready is undermined by monotonous production from the producers formerly known as Beats By The Pound. Though off No Limit, Mystikal has brought his old team (now renamed Medicine Men) with him, and their six tracks pale in comparison to those from the album's other producers (OutKast, PA, Bink, The Neptunes).
  7. 80
    Although Mystikal's last two albums earned him platinum plaques, Let's Get Ready is poised to be the album that will put him over the top.... However, Let's Get Ready does have a few slip-ups. The Neptunes-produced "Jump" - previously available on the Any Given Sunday soundtrack - displays the production team's sloppy tendency to recycle their beats.

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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Nov 8, 2021
    I genuinely think that this is Mystikal's most iconic album from the Y2K. Everything from the raw emotion displayed throughout the album, theI genuinely think that this is Mystikal's most iconic album from the Y2K. Everything from the raw emotion displayed throughout the album, the burning building backdrop, and the production; which was decent. Full Review »