
Generally favorable reviews - based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 46
  2. Negative: 1 out of 46
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  1. Jun 10, 2014
    What makes it a better, richer work is how it simultaneously holds every side of White, existing at the crossroads where modernity, tradition, hard work, and inspiration all meet.
  2. 80
    Lazaretto finds him simultaneously unbridled as a player, yet meticulous as both mad scientist and personal diarist.
  3. 70
    Ultimately, without the abundance of the fitful, electrified abandon that permeated White’s past records--plus the fact that this album is clearly just another tiny sliver of the lexicon that may someday reveal his true scheme--some fans may feel moored on a lazaretto of dissatisfaction. Yet in the meantime, at the very least, Lazaretto is a damn catchy segue spot to await the arrival of the next intricate puzzle piece.
  4. Jun 19, 2014
    Expansive cross-pollination at its finest, Lazaretto's dizzying Pandora's box of funk, blues, and hillbilly soul shakes and bakes enough to require a shrink-wrapped bottle of Dramamine.
  5. Jun 3, 2014
    On Lazaretto, White rummages through his cart and emerges with fiddles, organs, slide guitars, and fuzz boxes powered by hand-cranked generators. And is that a leftover plate of Ennio Morricone's Western spaghetti? Indeed, it is, and if it all adds up to a better album than his debut, "Blunderbuss."
  6. Jun 10, 2014
    Songs don’t unfold in expected structures; they erupt, recoil, and then ride some jagged riff into another direction entirely.
  7. Jun 10, 2014
    It's only when White breaks through the more familiar framework that the album sparks.
  8. Jun 3, 2014
    Coming two years after his debut ‘Blunderbuss’, a vitriol-filled purge that dropped in the wake of White’s divorce, Lazaretto does sound like a transitional step.
  9. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 18, 2014
    An eclectic work, Lazaretto shows off White's multi-instrumental, seasoned-producer lineage with some charismatic flashes. As a complete exercise in songcraft, however, it's a little thin. [Summer 2014, p.88]
  10. Jun 12, 2014
    The music is smart, diverse and tuned to perfectionist standards, but frequently the lyrics leave the listener wondering, “Where is White’s gut on this?”
  11. Jun 9, 2014
    As an 11-song, 39-minute distillation of his fascination, Lazaretto works more or less as well as 2012′s Blunderbuss, his solo debut.
  12. Jun 6, 2014
    Lazaretto is perhaps the most conventionally made of White’s back catalogue. And for an artist as brilliantly unconventional as he, could prove itself more of a test than any of its predecessors. A test passed with flying colours (or at least various shades of blue).
  13. Jun 9, 2014
    This feels like a deeper record than its predecessor, 2012’s well-received Blunderbuss, not as pretty but certainly sharper and more elegantly formed, something that’s reflected in the respective titles.
  14. 75
    White's best songs combine his songwriting chops with his boundless charisma, and Lazaretto has both in spades--the swaggeringly funky ''Three Women'' and the strutting title track are instant classics. But so far, his solo work lacks the bracing agitation that fueled past projects.
  15. Jun 6, 2014
    Lazaretto will no doubt be heavily scrutinized by critics and celebrated by hardcore fans, but love it or hate it, nobody can call this stuff "watered-down."
  16. Jun 10, 2014
    Our six-string savior not only makes his guitar do things that will have you forgetting that Page and Plant are never to take to a stage together again; he is also keen to remind us in just whose hands now rests that Hammer of the Gods.
  17. Kerrang!
    Aug 5, 2014
    It's vibrant and soulful, but undercut with a darkness that's hinted just enough to haunt these songs. [28 Jun 2014, p.54]
  18. Jun 10, 2014
    A confident, brash, inventive collection featuring songs that lock into the psyche after only a few listens, the White-produced creation is lyrically and musically challenging and filled with many fresh avenues of exploration, even as it nods to key tones and ideas from throughout the history of pre-rap American music.
  19. Magnet
    Jul 18, 2014
    White's aesthetic, as always, is grounded in the immediate and the visceral, and Lazaretto rocks. [No. 111, p.60]
  20. Mojo
    Jul 3, 2014
    At a couple of number shorter than its predecessor, Lazaretto packs a hell of a punch. [Jul 2014, p.84]
  21. Jun 3, 2014
    Lazaretto is an album of singles--it’s also a pretty revelatory record of healing and perseverance for White--that bounds rapidly through America’s South from the ’50s-’70s. It’s another great side to White, and another feather to stick in his pretty feathery cap.
  22. A varied album that lacks any monster riffs like the ones White used to write for The White Stripes, but includes enough intrigue, originality and plain weirdness to delight and, in some places, appal.
  23. The band that has most closely followed his lead--the Black Keys--sticks to conventional takes on American genres, but White treats them with something fresher: a sense of menace.
  24. Jun 12, 2014
    The songs that make up Lazaretto are the most diverse on a White album since Get Behind Me Satan, and even more impressively, the songs themselves could stand alongside those on Icky Thump and Consolers of the Lonely thanks to the wonderful arrangements.... Of course, Lazaretto, for all the growth it shows from Blunderbuss, could never be as good as the work that White rattled off from roughly 2000’s De Stijl to 2005’s Get Behind Me Satan.
  25. Jun 12, 2014
    It’s odd that he doesn’t mind how much he’s starting to sound like the Black Crowes. Still, overall quality remains high, making this a more solid listen than some White Stripes albums.
  26. Jun 10, 2014
    The songs are exciting, effortlessly creative and full of risk-taking, but White taps into the vein of classic rock just enough to filter all of his weird extrapolations so that they’re comprehensible for his audience.
  27. Jun 9, 2014
    It’s an almost self-consciously busy-minded album, chockablock with ideas and sounds, all colliding violently and sometimes brutally.
  28. Jun 10, 2014
    When one pushes past the muckraking and puts Lazaretto on, all the silliness fades away. This is an exceptional rock album by a guy who really is the kind of rock star he’s aiming to be.
  29. 75
    Lazaretto will likely have little impact on his legacy one way or the other, but it’s a solid addition to his catalogue.
  30. Q Magazine
    Jun 13, 2014
    Like Willy Wonka, Jack White is a strange, dramatic and otherworldly figure. Lazaretto amplifies all these character traits to electrifying effect. [Jul 2014, p.106]
  31. Jul 1, 2014
    Sure, there’s a mildly preposterous, posturing axe-warrior in there, but it’s tempered, often joyously, with a self-mocking feminine side here, and makes for some of his most carefree but considered music in a very long time.
  32. Jun 10, 2014
    Lazaretto [is] literally a house of blues (the title is Italian for a lepers' hospital), with each room outfitted according to White's mood and trials.
  33. Jun 9, 2014
    Lazaretto pushes even further in its presentation of strange, misshapen song structures, coming off as kaleidoscopically fragmentary and incendiary.
  34. Jun 10, 2014
    Lazaretto's experimentation sounds ambivalent, its songs fractured and distracted.
  35. Jun 20, 2014
    Despite Jack White's claims that each song is separate due to the archive nature of his source material Lazaretto is a cohesive entity made distinct by the range of styles and structural arrangements on individual tracks.
  36. Jun 10, 2014
    An album that’s otherwise so successful at distilling a singular vision into something both gut-punching and sonically intriguing.
  37. Jun 5, 2014
    Lazaretto sounds dense, to the point of occasionally seeming cluttered and a little messy--the things that are good about Lazaretto are pretty much the same things that are good about every album White has made.
  38. 60
    Like its predecessor, Blunderbuss, it’s a mixed bag, roughly split between heavy blues-rock and country, many songs supposedly drawing on teenage writings White unearthed in a drawer.
  39. 80
    At times, despite the fact that this is his 12th collection of compositions, it’s often as if Lazaretto is Jack White at his most vulnerable.
  40. 70
    Sometimes it’s tightly argumentative, weirdly superstructured, assertive in not wanting to be understood too easily. Sometimes it relaxes into pre-existing Americana hyphenates--blues-rock, country-rock, energies closer to what certain adult listeners hold up as “real music.” The less real Mr. White is, the better he sounds.
  41. 80
    Lazaretto, named after a place of quarantine for sailors, hurtles between moods and tempos, often within the same song.
  42. Jun 13, 2014
    While Lazaretto occasionally hints at some of the excesses of the producer/songwriter genre, what's undeniable is the talent on display.
  43. Jun 11, 2014
    You suspect that getting on the wrong side of White would be inadvisable. Thankfully, he has channelled his demons in Lazaretto to create one of the great break-up albums of recent years.
  44. Jun 23, 2014
    The only crime Lazaretto commits that wasn’t already covered by his misogynistic solo debut, Blunderbuss, is being really boring.
  45. Uncut
    Jun 4, 2014
    So while Lazaretto may sometimes appear to be a more nakedly emotional collection of songs than we've come to expect from its creator, the contents also rate among his wittiest and his wildest efforts to date. [Jul 2014, p.63]
  46. Jun 25, 2014
    It's bold, but Lazaretto argues that White's legacy may still be intact if he plans on waiting several more years for the third act.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 135 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 6 out of 135
  1. Jun 17, 2014
    Jack has FINALLY managed to collate all of his inspirations into one album with it being disjointed or messy. He effortlessly swings fromJack has FINALLY managed to collate all of his inspirations into one album with it being disjointed or messy. He effortlessly swings from gothic blues, to quirky storytelling, to bluegrass rock to folk and country. It all holds well together and takes you on the strange and kickass journey it should be with White as your pilot. His best work to date. Full Review »
  2. Jun 20, 2014
    Jack White is a bizarre character. Other than his freaky obsession with the old; feuds, restraining orders and physical violence have come toJack White is a bizarre character. Other than his freaky obsession with the old; feuds, restraining orders and physical violence have come to define this man. Lazaretto, like White is littered with nostalgic ideals, every 1950s, rock n' roll cliche possible. The problem is with this, that is all the songs are. 'Three Women', the age-old theme of the 'devil woman'. ''Just one Drink' is an ode to honky tonk, but again, that is all it is. The album is nothing new, but because Jack White is such an awful person I'm inclined to rank this a bit lower. Full Review »
  3. Jun 11, 2014
    I am a fan of Jack White, have been for years, however this is the least engaging album of his career thus far, there are few hooks and notI am a fan of Jack White, have been for years, however this is the least engaging album of his career thus far, there are few hooks and not really any good solo's there's not even any lyrics that I remebered after the initial listen, however this is possibly the most interesting thing he's ever done in my books, and the song Black Bat Liquorice is certainly my favourite song of his career so far, it takes the manic freedom of The White Stripes and the heavy sound and metaphor laden singing style of The Dead Weather and blends them into something extremely enjoyable. every song sounds like a single and thats both a plus and a minus, there is little cohesion but every track is masterful in its own way and could easily pass for a 'best of' album for any of Whites contemporaries. I'm not a fan of country music really but once I let the album sink in I got fully on board with it, this is a parade through the bizarre musical mind of Jack White, its sporadic, childish, angry, humorous and egotistical and I use all of those things in the best possible way. The album is mad but is fascinating and benefits from repeat listens. Full Review »