• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: May 7, 2021
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 12 out of 17
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  1. Dec 15, 2021
    Was never a big fan of Van Morrison or his type of music, but after hearing 'Duper's Delight' I was hooked.

    The lyrics are also very good, and extremely relevant to the insane world we're living in today. In fact, they are so good that a certain (((group))) of music journalists have trashed the album, not because of the music, but because they don't like the political message!
  2. Jun 8, 2021
    Can an album with no transcendently great songs but loaded with good songs end up being a great album when the number of good songs just go on and on and on? That's up to you, but this virtuoso double CD (triple LP!) has 28 terrific tracks, no filer, and some standout memorable recordings across a variety of genres: Pop songs ("Double Agent"), jazz ("He's Not the Kingpin"), blues ("My TimeCan an album with no transcendently great songs but loaded with good songs end up being a great album when the number of good songs just go on and on and on? That's up to you, but this virtuoso double CD (triple LP!) has 28 terrific tracks, no filer, and some standout memorable recordings across a variety of genres: Pop songs ("Double Agent"), jazz ("He's Not the Kingpin"), blues ("My Time After A While"), rockabilly ("Where Have All The Rebels Gone?"), even garage band punk that would've fit on a THEM album back in 1966 ("Stop **** Do Something").

    It's funny to see all the cranks giving this album "zero" ratings; it's obvious they have no critical skills are and here to promote an agenda that doesn't like Van the Man taking shots at their hallowed political ideologies. The one clown who goes out of his way to say "It's not the politics, it's the music," might as well underline his bias; if it was TRULY about the music, he wouldn't feel so defensive about his bad take that he feels the need to explain.

    The versatility and sheer vocal range and exuberance on this album is great fun. It's truly a gift that Van Morrison can reach yet another creative wellspring of strong material this late in his hallowed career.
  3. May 28, 2021
    Exceptional album, both as a musical work and a statement of protest. The current political situation has inspired Van Morrison to a work that is alternately eloquently trenchant and soulfully warm, and his vocals have never sounded better. This is both vintage Van and a ground-breaking record that will probably come to be regarded as a classic.
  4. May 9, 2021
    The bad reviews are from the same people Van is talking about and they don't like it. No it is not Astral Weeks and it is not supposed to be. To bad most of you are not intelligent enough to realize it is you who he is talking about. Shallow superficial hiding behind screens spouting nonsense of things you'll never be able to do yourself. Great reviews for music that promotes violence andThe bad reviews are from the same people Van is talking about and they don't like it. No it is not Astral Weeks and it is not supposed to be. To bad most of you are not intelligent enough to realize it is you who he is talking about. Shallow superficial hiding behind screens spouting nonsense of things you'll never be able to do yourself. Great reviews for music that promotes violence and degradation and marginalizes women. Hypocrites the lot of you. That is why Van is the man. Check it out and actually listen. I think the critics don't like to look in a mirror. Expand
  5. May 7, 2021
    I think it's strange that critics who give positive reviews to artists that speak of violence and blatant objectivity of women find political opinions contrary to their own distasteful so much to have that be the main critique of this work. Who cares if you agree or not to the lyrics? Are they well constructed, thoughtful? playful, clever? Trashing songs because of the contents of theI think it's strange that critics who give positive reviews to artists that speak of violence and blatant objectivity of women find political opinions contrary to their own distasteful so much to have that be the main critique of this work. Who cares if you agree or not to the lyrics? Are they well constructed, thoughtful? playful, clever? Trashing songs because of the contents of the lyrics is not critiquing music.. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 12
  2. Negative: 2 out of 12
  1. May 7, 2021
    For the most part though, and we’re talking in the 90% range, the double-album is a full-on dumpster fire fueled by toxic thoughts, meaningless rants, and a surly attitude.
  2. May 7, 2021
    Devoted fans who found pleasure in recent records like Keep Me Singing should discover this one will hit home as well, whereas more objective music lovers may probably miss the natural spontaneity and unusual good cheer that arose from The Belfast Cowboy’s 2018 collaborations with jazz keyboardist/bandleader Joey DeFrancesco, You’re Driving Me Crazy and (to an only slightly lesser extent) The Prophet Speaks.
  3. May 7, 2021
    As always, his saving grace is his expert control of his voice and good musical taste, qualities that prevent Latest Record Project, Vol. 1 from being as sour as its creator.