• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 21, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Jun 21, 2019
    Overall, this is one of Ronson's best works--a complete pop album.
  2. Jun 17, 2019
    Ronson’s ability to tap into each artist’s strengths and dig out their particular prowess allows each voice to shine through and own each individual track. This is what elevates the record to a guaranteed award winner and a truly empowering listen.
  3. Jun 21, 2019
    A record that pushes each of its contributors to stamp their own mark, uniting them under the banner of heartbreak but leaving room for each vocalist to twist the blueprint to their own shape.
  4. 75
    Feelings all goes down easily, but Ronson’s own creative DNA remains a mystery. This isn’t his manifesto; it’s a mixtape.
  5. Jun 21, 2019
    In the solid Late Night Feelings, sadness is more than an abstraction here: it's multifaceted, multilayered and mellifluous melancholy.
  6. 80
    There are some total gems on ‘Late Night Feelings’, which are occasionally marred by a handful of sleepy filler tracks. But in general Mark Ronson’s immense talent as both a producer and songwriter shines through. It’s bold, brilliant and genuinely interesting pop music.
  7. Jun 18, 2019
    One could get away with lazily DJ-ing a late-night party by hitting play and letting Late Night Feelings run all the way through, a possibility that attests to the record’s consistency and the comfort it offers despite its darker themes.
  8. Jun 28, 2019
    Late Night Feelings is not the first recent record to treat the sadness of women as a healthy response to all manner of hurt. It is, however, a worthy entry in this still-developing pop pantheon, authentic and honest in its rendering of many shades of feminine sorrow.
  9. Jun 21, 2019
    Late Night Feeling is the better album [than 2015's Uptown Special] — rangy, sexy and fairly seamless, an LP to play all the way through after a night of clubbing if you happen get lucky, or if you don’t. If there’s a problem, it’s songwriting and processed vocals that can feel anonymous; bold-faced names lost in string arrangements, pillowy reverb and period simulacra in a way the singers on Daft Punk’s like-minded Random Access Memories managed to avoid.
  10. 80
    The emotional cohesion the record loses in its shifting cast of singers/songwriters/genres it makes up in DJ-savvy textural variety.
  11. Jun 27, 2019
    Individual songs don’t matter quite so much as the overriding mood. Compared with the brash appeal of Uptown Funk, I’m not sure you could really describe these as bangers. They are more like Catherine wheels spitting flames into the night before burning out. And all the lovelier for it.
  12. Uncut
    Jun 17, 2019
    Contributions from Angel Olsen and newcomer YEBBA may be more subtle, but reveal themselves to be the real hidden diamonds. [Aug 2019, p.36]
  13. Jun 21, 2019
    As is most of this album. With “Late Night Feelings,” Ronson has served up a perfect post-night-out soundtrack, romantic and intimate — and a real album, with nary a weak track to disrupt the late-night feels (sorry).
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 51 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 51
  2. Negative: 5 out of 51
  1. Jun 21, 2019
    I actually created an account to be able to post a review - What a disappointment - the songs were weak until Miley and then I couldn't beI actually created an account to be able to post a review - What a disappointment - the songs were weak until Miley and then I couldn't be bothered listening to the rest.....
    MOJO & Q Reviews are best.
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 21, 2019
    A producer that launches an album with different productions of the generic beats that we are accustomed to. Congratulations, Mark!
  3. May 29, 2020
    Extravagent with radio-friendly songs that carry personality and charm. Mark has always had an ear for great pop collaborations and "LateExtravagent with radio-friendly songs that carry personality and charm. Mark has always had an ear for great pop collaborations and "Late Night Feelings" is another example of this. Full Review »