• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Nov 17, 2009

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Unhip it may be by design, but at least Kris Allen delivers the goods: it’s tuneful and likeable, melodic enough to merit a close listen.
  2. It’s a polite mix of soft rock with hints of boundary jumping that, unfortunately, never truly come. There’s really nothing wrong with the set; it’s sweetly executed and produced.
  3. Despite scoring writing credits on an impressive nine of these 13 tracks, Allen gets himself stylistically lost somewhere between Fly White Guy Avenue ('Can't Stay Away') and Bleeding Heart Boulevard ('The Truth'), while rarely visiting original territory.
  4. Most of the material, though, tends toward a flavorless pop-rock sound that doesn't even do much to flatter Allen's appealingly rumpled vocals.
  5. The likability that helped Allen win last season is so carefully low-key here that it's nearly lost.
  6. The surprising and effective acoustic arrangement of West's song demonstrated that Allen has some genuine interpretive skill, but the studio version here layers on a heavy-handed drum machine that sounds like Phil Collins's "In the Air Tonight" and pulls focus from Allen's performance. It's just one of the miscalculations that makes Kris Allen yet another lackluster, characterless Idol debut.
  7. Sure, there are a handful of half-decent cuts included here, but even they have limited lasting value. Meanwhile, the filler (arguably half the LP) is mind-numbingly boring.
  8. It’s a seamless continuation of his “Idol” run, full of gentle songs that he only rarely tries to rough up. The flattening of the recording process suits him well.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 55
  2. Negative: 17 out of 55
  1. JK
    Dec 7, 2009
    I love this album! The songs are all really catchy, and there isn't a single track that I don't like. I especially like Before We I love this album! The songs are all really catchy, and there isn't a single track that I don't like. I especially like Before We Come Undone, Let it Rain, and Red Guitar. I think Kris did a great job on this album. Looking forward to seeing him in concert once he goes on tour! Full Review »
  2. lyamani
    Nov 30, 2009
    An excellent debut CD that show's a glimpse of Kris Allen's versatility and leaves you wanting more. From such amazing tracks as An excellent debut CD that show's a glimpse of Kris Allen's versatility and leaves you wanting more. From such amazing tracks as Bring it Back and I Need To Know, which is full of vocal rawness that leaves your heart wrenched, to the funky uptempo Alright With Me and the flirty Can't Stay Away. The album is full of amazing tracks, with something for everyone. Full Review »
  3. JamesD.
    Nov 23, 2009
    Exceptional post-Idol album--quite possibly one of or THE pinnacle(s) of any Idol alum's first attempt while on tour. The songs are Exceptional post-Idol album--quite possibly one of or THE pinnacle(s) of any Idol alum's first attempt while on tour. The songs are melodic, catchy, enjoyable...and they LACK cheese! It's...well, a time for miracles. Mwahahah. Kris Allen was a worthy winner. But not only that, he's shown such growth from his first, indie album, "Brand New Shoes". I'm not sure why the critics are so hard on him, because he doesn't deserve it whatsoever. (Probably slanted and biased. I also think the calculations are askew.) Check out songs like: "Can't Stay Away", "Before We Come Undone", "Written All Over My Face", "The Truth", "Alright With Me", and of course, "Live Like We're Dying". Any of those are enjoyable singles, but several others are quality choices as well. Enjoy! Full Review »