
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Oct 10, 2019
    While newer production tricks add some kick to DaBaby's formula, stagnant lyrics and monotonous flows present him as an artist unwilling to change; swamped by slushy imitations of his best work, the gems on Kirk aren't given the platform to shine.
  2. Oct 9, 2019
    The project suffers a bit from hit-chasing evidenced from the bubbly Kevin Gates-assisted “POP” and catchy but baseless Nicki Minaj pairing dialed up on “iPHONE.” Unlike Baby on Baby, which sported “Suge,” it’s the hardcore “XXL” that serves as the album’s most complete record.
  3. Oct 8, 2019
    An ambitious album that takes chance that mostly succeed and only occasionally miss the mark.
  4. Oct 2, 2019
    KIRK is DaBaby in his sweet spot: alone and rapping with the untamed aggression of a tasmanian devil, on a beat that could destroy a 2001 Toyota Corolla from the inside out if played too loud. Change is overrated.
  5. Oct 2, 2019
    DaBaby’s regular invocation of vehicular speed makes KIRK feel like one continuous, relentless flex.
  6. Oct 2, 2019
    He’s just topped off his winning streak with the most predictable rap album you’ll hear in 2019 that isn’t actually bad in any way. And like everything else about his rise, that’s way too soon.
  7. DaBaby has emotionally matured over the last six months, a fact that is reflected in his lyrics. Even if he has the superfluous style of the old DaBaby, there’s greater depth here than there was before.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 41
  2. Negative: 6 out of 41
  1. Feb 17, 2022
    eba so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil
  2. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7
  3. Mar 30, 2021
    A little bit too repetitive, but the tracks are good. If only the production was a little bit diferent and the lyrics better, it would be a classic.