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  1. Jun 23, 2023
    amazing album! so much good energy, all tracks are bombastic, specially Forever Young, the best song on the album!
  2. Dec 17, 2022
    Don't know what to do, my most favorite song from this mini album. Definently my favorite ep of Blackpink.
  3. Nov 24, 2022
    'Dont Know What To Do' is just magical and the title track is literally an energetic song but lacks in something. The other tracks are great.
  4. Oct 22, 2022
    The title track and single from the EP, ‘Kill This Love’, showcases the groups’ rap and vocal skills, accompanied by a trap fused EDM instrumental. The chorus relies on onomatopoeia rather than actual lyrics. However, this results in the song being more catchy than what it may have been.

    ‘Don’t Know What To Do’ acts as a polar opposite to the song that comes before it. A relaxed and
    The title track and single from the EP, ‘Kill This Love’, showcases the groups’ rap and vocal skills, accompanied by a trap fused EDM instrumental. The chorus relies on onomatopoeia rather than actual lyrics. However, this results in the song being more catchy than what it may have been.

    ‘Don’t Know What To Do’ acts as a polar opposite to the song that comes before it. A relaxed and chilled pop song, but doesn’t stray too far from BLACKPINK’s usual sound and structure to the point where you would think it is sung by somebody else.

    ‘Kick It’ continues this trend in genre from its predecessor, but appears to be more upbeat with the presence of a rap done by the rapper/dancer of the group, Lisa, in the second verse. ‘Hope Not’ is the last new track included on the EP, showcasing the groups’ vocal abilities and acts as an outro to the EP. It is the second ballad the group has ever released, but they have already mastered the sound of these songs.

    ‘Ddu-Du Ddu-Du (Remix)’ is the final track on the EP, and seems to be added just to make the project appear larger than it actually is. While the remix is good, it doesn’t seem necessary and actually feels out of place with the rest of the project. Maybe it would have fit in better if it were to be released at the same time as their last EP, where the original track can be found.

    Overall, it seems that, whilst the project is good, the group have played it extremely safe in releasing 4 new songs and a remix of their breakout hit in the western music market. It would be nice to see the girls take more risks and explore more styles with their music. After all, they’ve been a group for almost 3 years and have yet to release a full body of work.
  5. Oct 5, 2020
    EP certeiro nas escolhas. Músicas variadas e mostra o potencial do BP em se tornar o maior Girl group da atualidade.
  6. Sep 21, 2022
    I don't care if this EP is only 5 songs I still love it and think it's blackpink's best EP
  7. Jun 12, 2022
    Iconic mini album that birthed kick it, not a singe skip on this album, it never gets old!
  8. Feb 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best EP in Kpop history... Kill This Love MV becomes the first KPOP MV to reach 56M* views in less than 24H Expand
  9. Jan 16, 2022
    Realmente es muy bueno, sonidos fuertes y calmados muy bien ejecutados, me encanto.
  10. Jul 24, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Simplemente es un muy buen EP el que vuelven a demostrar que son chicas empoderadas, sin duda reinas del kpop Expand
  11. May 24, 2021
    Absolutely amazing! This is the way to release something to the world, girls. You deserve all the success
  12. May 14, 2021
    Best song ever im Asian,American and i loveee k-pop this is a great song and a big fan of blackpink!
  13. Apr 24, 2021
    this album by far is the best of kpop in 2019, the main track is SOTY, they delivered one of the best albums of the year without a doubt
  14. Apr 10, 2021
    It is no surprise that they gave us a tremendous success such as the EP kill this love

    They had already shown us with their previous songs that they had talent and with DDU DU DDU DU that they could create worldwide successes.

    Postscript: I just appreciate and love the fact that they gave us a bonus with a remix of a previous song like DDU DU DDU DU (Remix)
  15. Nov 24, 2020
    for an ep this is pretty good! especially for a group that’s in a company that mistreats them
  16. Nov 24, 2020
    I feel happy everytime I hear songs from this EP, it sounds like an eternal youth and one love that lasts forever. I can't describe the freedom and vividness Kill This Love EP makes me feel.
  17. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. No soy fan pero pienso que es su mejor EP, la verdad todas las canciones me encantan Expand
  18. Nov 3, 2020
    Me gusta como muestran su potencial en todas las canciones. Kick It fue la mejor, muestra su potencial en vocal. DKWTD no es para nada repetitive, es potente y bailable. Hope Not no te llega a aburrir a pesar de ser lento. KTL es muy buena, poderosa y fuerte, finalmente hasta el remix de Dux4 te da como si fuera una nueva canción, nada igual y eso es bueno. Un buen EP!!!
  19. Oct 31, 2020
    muito bommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Oct 9, 2020
    kill this love is a historical event. period.
    they are the biggest girlgroup in the world. they are THE moment. period. period, period.
  21. Oct 8, 2020
    i really liked it. it definitely is more on their pink side concept. hope not is beautiful. kick it is probably my favorite, i loved the beat and rhythm.
  22. Oct 5, 2020
    ktl a powerful title track, hope not a beautiful ballad, kick it one of their best songs, and dkwtd a second title track material, and dddd remix with amazing production skills, this album has no flaws
  23. Oct 5, 2020
    I stumbled across the Kill This Love music video on Youtube and let me tell you... I was obsessed for days with them. Their music is addictive, it makes you feel empowered and confident. They have sweet songs like Don't Know What To Do and Hope Not which are also completely different but great as well. The production is excellent.
  24. Oct 4, 2020
    me encanta! es cortito pero para ser un mini album está genial! el grupo es bastante bueno y sus canciones son pegadizas y de buen rollo!
  25. Oct 4, 2020
    such an amazing ep with well rounded song of different genres & their voices are amazing. singing is artistry & their live albums & every single show performances are always praised & loved by vocal coaches & a lot of ppl for a reason. their hard work & talents are so evident :)
  26. Oct 4, 2020
    I love this album, Blackpink is always surprising everyone, my favorite song is kick it.
  27. Oct 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. such a great use of an ep format! the emotions portraited in each song create a complete story, from breaking up a relationship from your own good, to not knowing what to do now that this person isnt in your life, to growing up and fell in love with someone new, theirselves to not wanting to forget.
    this ep is a clear example of how great artists this people are
  28. Oct 4, 2020
    A great album, with great songs from a great group.
    Nothing else to say that you haven't read already, carry on.
  29. May 29, 2020
    Hermoso Ep por parte de las reinas, las mejores blinkssss ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
  30. Oct 2, 2020
    im so happy with her debut album, lograron colaborar con ganadoras de grammy como dua lipa, lady gaga y cardi b.
    armys como siempre de misoginas dando 0 porque no les gusta ver a su propio genero triunfar, como fandom, si me preguntas, me parece patetico saber que unas mujeres insultan a otras solo para defender a unos hombres que no saben de su existencia, en fin, the album aoty, y sin
    im so happy with her debut album, lograron colaborar con ganadoras de grammy como dua lipa, lady gaga y cardi b.
    armys como siempre de misoginas dando 0 porque no les gusta ver a su propio genero triunfar, como fandom, si me preguntas, me parece patetico saber que unas mujeres insultan a otras solo para defender a unos hombres que no saben de su existencia, en fin, the album aoty, y sin 11 remixes...
  31. Oct 2, 2020
    Muy buen álbum. BLACKPINK nunca decepciona, siempre se superan a si mismas.
  32. Oct 2, 2020
    O mini álbum é ótimo, mostra versatilidade e apresenta deliciosas faixas pop! São as ****
  33. Oct 2, 2020
    The best album of 2019, all the songs are good and Lisa looks like eminem’s & Lisa Left Eye daughter
  34. Oct 2, 2020
    the best of 2019 that you most want me to say flaco

    Roty Kill this artisima
  35. Oct 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un poderoso mini álbum. Talento de las chicas es asombroso y en cada canción se lucieron. Una palabra "arte" Expand
  36. Oct 2, 2020
    Besides being short, the EP contributes a lot to blackpink's image and how they want to express themselves. They are girls that feel love, fear and anxiety just like the other one's, but show all their emotions in a beautiful way through this work.
  37. Oct 2, 2020
    Perfect! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  38. Sep 20, 2020
    Artisima lastima que hay mucho hater que no quieren ver a otros grupos tener exito
  39. Aug 10, 2020
    I love their past album(Square Up) and I love this one too that exudes more female empowerment but still has meaningful and captivating songs
  40. Sep 2, 2020
    Un álbum fantástico, logra abarcar varios temas tanto de superación, tristeza, etc
  41. Aug 29, 2020
    Eh, aunque el sencillo principal no es el mejor en lo personal, me gustan más los B-SIDES y aún así es un gran álbum ^^
  42. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What can I say ... as expected girls still were nit allowed to express themselves. Hopefully we can soon have work by themselves!! About this EP, i’d say kick it is the one!! Otherwise same, recycled teddy sh!t, despite that, girls as always delivered!! So as a long time blink, obviously 10 for the girls. Expand
  43. Aug 28, 2020
    Un EP con buena combinación entre sonidos y el mensaje de que el amor no lo es todo es una joya para poder salir adelante para matar ese mal amor
  44. Aug 28, 2020
    Nada nuevo de las reinas del kpop Blackpink, arte y más arte, Kill This Arte
  45. Jul 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Instrumentals Are Great , the korean lyrics are great and for an EP This is above great.
    Kill This Love And Other Tracks From The EP Are Awsome
  46. Jul 25, 2020
    This album is absolutely fire! I loved every song! As you can tell, the 50 people who left negative reviews are fans of BTS that hate seeing another group do better than their faves. If you check their profiles, you can see that they rated this song with a 0 and rated BTS' albums with a 10. What kind of fandom does that? Shame on the ARMY fandom for being sexist to successful women.
  47. Jul 18, 2020
    Good beats and god rhythm. I love this album. Very energetic and power girl.
  48. May 29, 2020
    Yall know that Blackpink's had been known for their girl crush concepts but this one's such a kicker tbh. Even though Kill This Love wasn't as much hyped as their previous DU-DDU-DU-DDU, this is not as tiring to listen to unlike to DDDD.
  49. May 20, 2020
    Blackpink just shined this comeback. Teddy Park continues to give us the powerful lyrics and music. Different from Ddu-du-ddu-du, title track of previous EP Square Up, where blackpink showed up as the “I don’t care” girls, in Kill this Love they show the desire to end for good the toxic love that has been under them. The next song is Don’t know what to do. The sub-title song is differentBlackpink just shined this comeback. Teddy Park continues to give us the powerful lyrics and music. Different from Ddu-du-ddu-du, title track of previous EP Square Up, where blackpink showed up as the “I don’t care” girls, in Kill this Love they show the desire to end for good the toxic love that has been under them. The next song is Don’t know what to do. The sub-title song is different from the EP main song. Blackpink show themselves as girls which after a break up feel weak to continue. The rappers of the group Jennie and Lisa, show their amazing vocal skills. If the two first songs were made for both Korean and international markets, Kick it, the third song of the EP, is made for the US market. The song starts with Jennie’s mini-rap. After the Demi Lovato-Jessie J kind of chorus, comes the full-english rap of Thai singer, Lisa. Not too easy and yet not harsh, the rap is a try-not to sing along part, like most of the song. The english bridge in the end of the song is the highlight of the song and makes Kick it perfect. The EP takes another side on its fourth song, Hope not. A slow ballad which shows the vocal side of all four of the group. The iconic ‘For You, but you’ and the only Korean chorus in the whole EP make Hope not the second, wonderful ballad of Blackpink (after the 2016’ Stay). Then comes the remix of the previous hit Ddu-du Ddu-du. For my opinion, this is the only track that is kind of skip, and it's clearly because it's a remix. The removed traditional-Korean music in the end and Rose’s bridge make it a lower level than the previous tracks, but it’s a perfect song for a party on fire. The EP has songs for all moods: break-up mood, falling in love mood, happy, sad and party mood. Expand
  50. Apr 5, 2020
    The album presents consistency in the quality of the production following the tendency from the previous BLACKPINK's releases but still has a distinctive sound, making it remarkable and easily recognizable. From fierce rap verses to gentle vocals, from fast and empowering beats to slow heart-touching melodies there's something for every taste.
    Kill This Love perfectly represents what
    The album presents consistency in the quality of the production following the tendency from the previous BLACKPINK's releases but still has a distinctive sound, making it remarkable and easily recognizable. From fierce rap verses to gentle vocals, from fast and empowering beats to slow heart-touching melodies there's something for every taste.
    Kill This Love perfectly represents what BLACKPINK is - a beautiful mix of power and gentleness.
  51. Mar 29, 2020
    Es uno de mis albumes preferidos, te demuestra que hay que acabar con relaciones amorosas toxicas, "es triste pero verdadero". Lets kill this love!
  52. Mar 29, 2020
    Siempre BLACKPINK sacando joyas
  53. Mar 28, 2020
    This is my favorite mini album of 2019, I need more music of them.
    These girls are amazing and talented.
  54. Mar 28, 2020
    The 4 new songs are so good and the remix too. I really like the lyrics of the songs, especially 'Kick it' and 'Kill this love', and the harmony that 'Dont know what to do' and 'Hope not' have. And about DDDD, we know it's a total bop and the remix is ​​too
  55. Mar 28, 2020
    Blackpink es lo mejor para la Salud
  56. Mar 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Blackpink showed with this ep that their production is amazing
    kill this love has an amazing production, in the drop the trumpets going up an octave and then returning one octave below and dropping the rest of the drop makes you want to jump from how epic it sounds and how excited it makes you
    blackpink proves that with each launch they are exceeded.
    this ep has an edm style that can perfectly be put on at a party and dance until dawn to end with a ballad like hope not while holding your girlfriend's hand
    I really loved this ep
  57. Mar 28, 2020
    I love this EP . Blackpink the best girl group . Blackpink Is the revolution
  58. Mar 28, 2020
    Aunque a algunos haters le duela aceptarlo, el álbum es muy bueno, mejora la distribución de lineas entre las 4, muestra unos ritmos diferentes y apasionados, además tiene una gran canción sentimental, lo único negativo seria poner un remix de alguien ajeno al grupo, no es bueno para la producción y para el álbum en si.
  59. Mar 28, 2020
    !Blackpink me encanta!, sin duda traen buena música , espero con ansias su regreso sin duda será genial.
  60. Mar 28, 2020
    I really liked it, each song is so different in its meaning but at the same time they have harmony with each other. Everything they do is art
  61. Mar 28, 2020
    In this album the BLACKPINK members show us that in the group there are 4 great vocalists, the songs have a great production and in general it is a very good EP
  62. Mar 28, 2020
    Their music is really beyond Kpop, the sounds are different from any other girl group
  63. Mar 28, 2020
    BLACKPINK toda su música es arte y no me canso de escuchar todo lo que nos ofrecen.
  64. Mar 28, 2020
    La calidad lo vale, siempre se tardan en sacar nuevo material , pero es porque exigen calidad. De nada sirve tener comebacks 2 veces al año y sacar puro mugrero. Blackpink ha hecho un buen trabajo y espero sus futuras canciones.
  65. Mar 28, 2020
    Blackpink is one of the more refreshing girls group of today. Their sound is a kind of mix between the nowadays american pop and the corean pop. Both have a different style and development.
  66. Mar 28, 2020
    They indeed have the best sounds and lyrics of their generation. Seems like all girl groups are doing the same but then BLACKPINK comes to change the game
  67. Mar 6, 2020
    Album stupendo, pieno di canzoni forti e grinta. Hope Not dà quella tranquillità che serve in ogni album e kill this love fa scatenare chiunque quando parte, album ben bilanciato e kick it una delle loro migliori canzoni. Complimenti Blackpink!
  68. Feb 25, 2020
    Iconic, memorable and amazing, aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa
  69. Feb 21, 2020
    Blackpink is incredible, I hope they can come with a full album, it would be very good for them. I hope that they gain more and more space in the world of music
  70. Feb 6, 2020
    The fact that they have something big, and also something so basic of the simple EP and maddening. I see a lot of flaws in their totally basic productions and compositions, except the single music, which draws attention strongly. I hope they have more space, to make something less commercial and totally mature, there are good things within all this but needs to be reviewed when it makes better.
  71. Jan 10, 2020
    Esse mini álbum do blackpink trás musicas muito cativantes e muito melhores produzidas que o álbum passado do grupo
  72. Apr 15, 2019
    Rainhas do kpop, donas do mundo, a música e otimaaaa eu amoo elas muito aaa
  73. Dec 14, 2019
    Le BLACKPINK ritornano nel 2019, finalmente, con un nuovo EP. Quattro sono le canzoni, come il numero dei membri del gruppo, che compongono l'album: esse mettono in luce i loro due colori, il rosa e il nero. KTL e Kick It rappresentano il nero: due track potenti, una accompagnata da tamburi e trombe, l'altra da influenze trap ed hip-hop, nelle quali mostrano un lato di sé più agguerrito.Le BLACKPINK ritornano nel 2019, finalmente, con un nuovo EP. Quattro sono le canzoni, come il numero dei membri del gruppo, che compongono l'album: esse mettono in luce i loro due colori, il rosa e il nero. KTL e Kick It rappresentano il nero: due track potenti, una accompagnata da tamburi e trombe, l'altra da influenze trap ed hip-hop, nelle quali mostrano un lato di sé più agguerrito.
    DNWTD (edm) e Hope Not (pop, ballad), invece, richiamano il colore rosa: track diverse fra di loro, ma che mettono in risalto le loro abilità canore ed il loro aspetto più dolce e da girl-crush.
    In quest'album le BLACKPINK ci mostrano che possono fare la qualunque.

    Aspettiamo il full album.
  74. Dec 7, 2019
    Every time I listen to this mini album I just feel really happy and full of energy. It reflects the fresh and young vibe of BLACKPINK; the sound and rhythms from the non singles have an aesthetic feeling, if a calm and beautiful afternoon in the city could have a sound, it would sound like Kick It and Don't Know What to Do. Also Hope Not is a really beautiful and touching ballad, I loveEvery time I listen to this mini album I just feel really happy and full of energy. It reflects the fresh and young vibe of BLACKPINK; the sound and rhythms from the non singles have an aesthetic feeling, if a calm and beautiful afternoon in the city could have a sound, it would sound like Kick It and Don't Know What to Do. Also Hope Not is a really beautiful and touching ballad, I love how their voices have diffrente colors Expand
  75. Dec 7, 2019
    blackpink is the revolution

    stop hating successful women and start streaming thus album
  76. Dec 6, 2019
    Um mini muito bem produzido e acredito que tenha sido o melhor delas. Apesar das críticas que a faixa-título "Kill this Love" seja uma tentativa apressada de lidar com o hit DDDD, não vejo muita semelhança entre eles, talvez apenas a distribuição das linhas, mas a achei facilmente enjoativa, e o refrão não muito cativante, porém o resto do álbum foi muito interessante, "Don't Know What toUm mini muito bem produzido e acredito que tenha sido o melhor delas. Apesar das críticas que a faixa-título "Kill this Love" seja uma tentativa apressada de lidar com o hit DDDD, não vejo muita semelhança entre eles, talvez apenas a distribuição das linhas, mas a achei facilmente enjoativa, e o refrão não muito cativante, porém o resto do álbum foi muito interessante, "Don't Know What to do" com um refrão eletrônico ótimo de de ouvir e com os vocais das garotas no ponto, apesar de ter achado o remix de DDDD desnecessário, também o achei bom, no geral elas sabem como conduzir a fama que estão tendo independente do hate da injustiça, e tem muito mais a conquistar! Expand
  77. Sep 13, 2019
    Blackpink just SLAYYY! They're beautiful, awesome dance choreography, catchy songs
  78. Sep 2, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Why only an EP? BLACKPINK needs a full album. Their management really sucks. They are 3-year old group with only 13 songs. Crazy right? Expand
  79. Aug 16, 2019
    Blackpinks newest EP 'Kill This Love' proofs that the Korea-native Girlgroup is ready to take over the world.
  80. Jul 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. even after so much hate coming from women fans from other bands BLACKPINK made history on this mini album and with its presentation at Coachella, I hope that YG ENT gives you new songs and new styles Expand
  81. Jun 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Honestly, I don't listen to K-Pop songs. But this K-pop girl band a bop after 2NE1. It's totally worth to listen. Kill This Love music video is more than BOP. Expand
  82. Jun 4, 2019
    This catchy EP really shows off the girls' vocals. Its just a pity that its only 4 songs (not counting DDDD Remix)
  83. May 18, 2019
    Definitely one of the best female Kpop bands out right now, great performance with this album you definitely get a variation of style to loud instruments, to EDM type of songs to slow ballads KILL THIS LOVE is a good EP together
  84. Apr 25, 2019
    Some of the best albums of the genre, that I've heard. Beats and voices combining and super demanding and one realizes that it was made in minute details and this is simply incredible.
  85. Apr 18, 2019
    blackpink is amazing for kpop

    I could not be more grateful that these girls are spreading our music to the world
  86. Apr 16, 2019
    The album is great, each song is unique and tells a story. The chorus of each song is well build that it keeps stuck in your head.
  87. Apr 15, 2019
    This EP starts off with Kill This Love, a powerful anthem like song. DKWTD and Hope Not are slower songs that showcase their vocals best. Kick It is an upbeat song that shows BLACKPINK’s tough and fun side. Despite the fact that this mini album only has 4 songs (I’m not counting DDDD remix), all the songs are enjoyable and unskippable.
  88. Apr 15, 2019
    Esse EP é simplesmente divino! BLACKPINK trouxe com essas 4 músicas e o remix, uma nova perspectiva do que elas podem trazer para o mercado, músicas dançantes com vocais fortes e com letras impactantes e divinas
  89. Apr 15, 2019
    THE PERFECTION in 4 songs and a remix.
    BLACKPINK came to show to the world how make a song with quality and meaning, they came to conquer their place, we can see a title song who show a quality in their vocals and arrangement, b-sides who has a beautiful meaning and a awesome lyrics, BLACKPINK can change the musical world, and Kill this Love is a wonderful proof of it.
  90. Apr 15, 2019
    the songs are really good with their addictive beats that do not leave them wanting.
    The EP all in itself is good.
  91. Apr 15, 2019
    BLACKPINK presents a worthy EP deserving of all success, the explosive track KILL THIS LOVE really catches the public on an ecstasy sensation not previously presented by the group in their work "SQUARE UP" and followed by the EP subtitle "Don't Know What To Do "captivates the audience with a joyful melody and lyrics that make us repeat the same track several times as if it were the firstBLACKPINK presents a worthy EP deserving of all success, the explosive track KILL THIS LOVE really catches the public on an ecstasy sensation not previously presented by the group in their work "SQUARE UP" and followed by the EP subtitle "Don't Know What To Do "captivates the audience with a joyful melody and lyrics that make us repeat the same track several times as if it were the first time.

    points cons: YG Ent. once again uses the practice of remixes not to deliver a complete album of these girls, I think he's afraid of them becoming bigger than he predicted for the group.
  92. Apr 15, 2019
    Rainhas do pop, kill this love um grito de liberdade, Rose com sua voz maravilhosa encanta qualquer um, jisoo demonstrou uma melhora vocal, jennie e lisa esbanjam poder nos seus raps em kill this love, que é um tiro certeiro rumo a dominação mundial ✊❤️
  93. Apr 15, 2019
    I really loved this album, these girls deserve every success in the world. Congratulations!
  94. Apr 15, 2019
    BLACKPINK shows their diversity and confidence with this project. Its a very laid back yet fun album. They bring back the familiar vibrant yg production with edm and trap inspired instrumentals, but with a an extra focus on their vocal abilities.
    And the bonus track "Ddu-du-ddu-du remix" is an amazing concert-ready mix of their most popular song. Can't wait for the full album!
  95. Apr 15, 2019
    One powerful title track and some more songs who gives us a different stuff on Blackpink's repertory, with more chill and darker tracks, a great EP.
  96. Apr 15, 2019
    An improvement with more innovation to BLACKPINK's sound for such a small EP.
    The Coachella performance really showcased how enjoyable this Extended Play could be.
    Hopefully the full studio album comes this year for the next step in BLACKPINK's growth.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Apr 15, 2019
    With hits this tailored and successfully executed, the group’s roof-shattering popularity comes as no surprise in the least.
  2. 60
    Kill This Love ... showcases a band who are certainly talented but perhaps not quite ready for the next upward arc in the ride they’re currently on.
  3. Apr 15, 2019
    Though BLACKPINK can sing and dance with precision, the production of Kill This Love is also weirdly dated, like it was crafted earlier in the decade and then forgotten in a time capsule for five years.