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  1. Sep 10, 2021
    This album doesn't deserve the hype.The songs were not bad but.....Normal Songs.Normal Album.
  2. Aug 3, 2021
    A maioria das tracks foram recicladas e não há nada de diferente, totalmente previsível. A melhor música do álbum é Hope Not mas mesmo assim é esquecível e ainda precisou ser tocada alguma vezes no repeat para eu gostar.
  3. Oct 3, 2020
    Don’t know what to do es la única canción que realmente supera las expectativas
  4. Oct 2, 2020
    It sound repetitive. It's a piece of K-pop very sweet and the songs make you dance. The songs are so repetitive but only in the good side. This is not an album who I listen one more time but... It feels Okay.
  5. Sep 6, 2020
    The production of the album is good but the concept is getting old and It’s started to look lazy. You could call this square one pt.2
  6. Sep 2, 2020
    The single 'Kill This Love' is truly the only song who saved the album, because the rest is just... too bland. YG should invert more on their music production, and also on letting the girls write their own music.
  7. Aug 28, 2020
    Cabe mencionar que no me gusta mucho el K-Pop, y menos sacando un EP, mejor la hubieran guardado para su nuevo álbum. Pero les pondré 5, sigan así BlackPink
  8. Mar 27, 2020
    On their US debut, BLACKPINK offers nothing new musically. Due to the hype, I enjoyed this EP a lot at the time of its release and would have given it an 8 or 9 back then. As time passed, I realized how dated it is musically. The Coachella performance probably did make this extended play more enjoyable, though. As catchy as the title track is, it's not immune to aging and probably neededOn their US debut, BLACKPINK offers nothing new musically. Due to the hype, I enjoyed this EP a lot at the time of its release and would have given it an 8 or 9 back then. As time passed, I realized how dated it is musically. The Coachella performance probably did make this extended play more enjoyable, though. As catchy as the title track is, it's not immune to aging and probably needed one last chorus. "Don't Know What to Do" is another dated EDM offering, although their vocals manage to bring some life to it. "Kick It" might sound like another "Really", but it's probably the only track that gives us something slightly different here, with Lisa getting more singing parts than usual. However, it keeps the fast rap BLACKPINK has in almost every song. Initially, the song might not have a great impact on the listener but once you discover the background vocals, the vocal chops and such, it's quite refreshing. "Hope Not" on the other hand is a rework of "Stay", and not an intriguing one. Expand
  9. Feb 25, 2020
    not so good. they can do better but this is not perfect or something like that. square up was so much better. desappointing.
  10. Aug 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not their best work... but the b- track "Don't know what to do" is quite satisfying. Expand
  11. Jul 23, 2019
    The group became popular, with stunning visuals and clips. However, musically they still sound the same as usual. Chorus in the beginning, simple musical excerpt, fast progression and the same return of the chorus of the beginning of the song. And that extends to all the other tracks on the album ... We want to see better content on upcoming albums!
  12. Apr 16, 2019
    BLACKPINK's new EP lacks the spark the group has. The main song seems a rushed trying to cope with the success of Ddu Du Ddu Du, the trumpets are too much and sometimes the beat lacks consistency. The remix of DDDD is pointless they could have released a new song. Kick it is a nice Kpop song with lots of English and has a catchy chorus that could break in the American Industry. Don't KnowBLACKPINK's new EP lacks the spark the group has. The main song seems a rushed trying to cope with the success of Ddu Du Ddu Du, the trumpets are too much and sometimes the beat lacks consistency. The remix of DDDD is pointless they could have released a new song. Kick it is a nice Kpop song with lots of English and has a catchy chorus that could break in the American Industry. Don't Know What To Do is a great song with the sweet voices of the group, I would have expected less Jennie opening the songs because the other girls deserve this chance for a fresher BLACKPINK sound, I regret buying the album when you could just stream. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Apr 15, 2019
    With hits this tailored and successfully executed, the group’s roof-shattering popularity comes as no surprise in the least.
  2. 60
    Kill This Love ... showcases a band who are certainly talented but perhaps not quite ready for the next upward arc in the ride they’re currently on.
  3. Apr 15, 2019
    Though BLACKPINK can sing and dance with precision, the production of Kill This Love is also weirdly dated, like it was crafted earlier in the decade and then forgotten in a time capsule for five years.