• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Aug 20, 2002

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Blender
    Singer-songwriter Britt Daniel's gift for obtuse yet engaging melody is now where it ought to be: up front. [#9, p.155]
  2. Meticulously choppy and frequently free of inherent genre boundaries, it's an askew masterpiece of brains, brawn, heart, and soul.
  3. Uncut
    Spoon's secret is that this tension is never quite released, the martial beat never breaks down, full rock music never quite kicks in. [Oct 2002, p.120]
  4. Something much bigger than last year's Girls Can Tell, the breakthrough album skeptics like me took for a fluke peak.
  5. The arrangements, referencing indie-rock more than participating in it, pile on heft to the small-life tragedies: Matt Brown's sax toughens up Spoon's welterweight ranking, while [Eggo] Johanson's piano gives it roots, rag, and bonus rhythm.
  6. The complexity and depth of the songs has increased; the band sounds less like they're trying to channel The Pixies, and more like they're reaching toward the sublime.
  7. Will be among many year-end best-of lists, and deservingly so.
  8. Built mainly of solitary guitar/keyboard figures and elementary rhythm parts, the songs are too direct for this to be Daniel's Kid A, but he's obviously enjoying tweaking people's expectations.
  9. Entertainment Weekly
    Could be the Strokes in 10 years--if they work hard. [Listen 2 This Supplement, Aug 2002, p.14]
  10. If this isn’t a breakthrough album for them that takes them to the top of the heap, seeing them showered with money, women and limos, well, then the consumer and music fan is not doing their job.
  11. Daniel diminishes his melodies to fit the demands of arty cadence throughout Kill The Moonlight's first half, which makes the more generously melodic second side not just welcome, but inspiring.
  12. Spoon's latest is their magnum opus to date; it takes a scalpel to the highlight reel of their career, cutting and pasting a 35-minute tour de force that ends too soon.
  13. 100
    Spoon rebounds from the insurmountable challenge of following up the colossally brilliant Girls Can Tell with an equally impeccable album.
  14. Spin
    The result is indie-rock as passive-aggressive blues implosion. [Sep 2002, p.128]
  15. Even the album's sparest moments feature Spoon's much-heralded knack with catchy melodies and hooks, even if songs such as "Don't Let It Get You Down" would be even more memorable with a slightly more fleshed-out approach.
  16. This is simple music, driving music, perfect music for getting a good bath from the asinine perils of nu-metal and modern rock.
  17. With Kill the moonlight, Spoon complete their transformation from ragtag rockers into beat-driven post-punks.
  18. It’s that rare record that’s equal parts innovation and familiarity, or what one might refer to as a perfectly designed and executed experiment in indie aesthetics.
  19. Yet another brilliant pop record for the college radio crowd.
  20. Moonlight, which grows more and more likeable with repeated listens, is Spoon's strongest effort yet, topping 2001's Girls Can Tell and even 1998's A Series of Sneaks.
  21. Magnet
    While every cut is identifiably Spoon and the album will satisfy hard-line fans of the band, a fiery R&B element is now a significant component. [#55, p.88]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 111 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 7 out of 111
  1. Aug 16, 2015
    Simple. Spacious. Airy. Light. These adjectives were some of many used by fans and critics alike to describe Spoon's 2002 magnum opus "KillSimple. Spacious. Airy. Light. These adjectives were some of many used by fans and critics alike to describe Spoon's 2002 magnum opus "Kill the Moonlight," yet the record proves upon closer examination to be a good bit more than meets the eye. 10/10 Full Review »
  2. Mar 20, 2011
    A near flaw-less album. Kill The Moonlight has amazing tracks. Each track has it's own significant sound that gets better with each listen.A near flaw-less album. Kill The Moonlight has amazing tracks. Each track has it's own significant sound that gets better with each listen. Britt Daniel has a great voice and it sounds a lot more different than any other Spoon album. The tracks are catchy and some of the synth beats are wonderful. All In All, Kill The Moonlight is an impeccable album. A Full Review »
  3. j30
    Feb 1, 2012
    One of the best pop rock records of the past decade. This was a huge turning point for Spoon commercially and creatively. Kill The MoonlightOne of the best pop rock records of the past decade. This was a huge turning point for Spoon commercially and creatively. Kill The Moonlight was Spoon's Kid A. Full Review »