• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Nov 15, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 52 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 52
  2. Negative: 2 out of 52

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  1. jacok
    Jan 24, 2006
    I want a video of this show!!
  2. SeamusS
    Jan 1, 2006
    All the wilco you'll ever need ever
  3. [Anonymous]
    Mar 3, 2006
    Best live rock album since "Waiting for Columbus" or the like. Stands up to many repeated listenings, and some tracks are really incredible. For Wilco fans, reveals more depth to many songs that probably were not favorites (e.g., Airline to Heaven; Wishful Thinking). Non-Wilco fans who have heard it also express admiration. Tweedy's vocals are sometimes a bit weak, but the overall Best live rock album since "Waiting for Columbus" or the like. Stands up to many repeated listenings, and some tracks are really incredible. For Wilco fans, reveals more depth to many songs that probably were not favorites (e.g., Airline to Heaven; Wishful Thinking). Non-Wilco fans who have heard it also express admiration. Tweedy's vocals are sometimes a bit weak, but the overall musicianship of the band and the strength and originality of the songs (with the exception of the last track) make this a classic. Expand
  4. ale
    Sep 20, 2006
    A great live album by a great band. Nels Cline is a great addition, and this really shows the bands strengths, and highlights JT's excellent songwriting.
  5. JEZZA
    Nov 23, 2005
    I usually don't care much for live albums - who needs poor renditions / recordings of songs you already have? However, this is an exception. It's beautifully recorded, the band sound great and there is a buzz of excitement provided by the audience. The audience are not "terrible" (David S) they are just enjoying a great rock concert and they do not interfere with the recording - I usually don't care much for live albums - who needs poor renditions / recordings of songs you already have? However, this is an exception. It's beautifully recorded, the band sound great and there is a buzz of excitement provided by the audience. The audience are not "terrible" (David S) they are just enjoying a great rock concert and they do not interfere with the recording - it's a LIVE album, what do you expect - silence at all times?? Expand
  6. jay
    Nov 24, 2005
    three words.....muzzle of bees....+pop perfection....love the guitar
  7. eliasi
    Nov 18, 2005
    Wilco are the greatest band in the world right now, and this is a truly wonderful representation of that. They sound different than on record, slightly, with a more jangley sound. Yet they still can really rock, with outstanding guitar playing and a generally superb band. This is essential for a fan, hardcore or casual.
  8. ErinK
    Jan 15, 2006
    Wow. I have every one of their albums and listen to them religiously, but whenever I see them live I remember just how much better they are than what we hear on those clean-cut studio albums. Finally, an album that captures the vivid life and passion of a Wilco concert. If you close your eyes you can actually see Tweedy's eyes squinting as he sings, and feel the intensity of his Wow. I have every one of their albums and listen to them religiously, but whenever I see them live I remember just how much better they are than what we hear on those clean-cut studio albums. Finally, an album that captures the vivid life and passion of a Wilco concert. If you close your eyes you can actually see Tweedy's eyes squinting as he sings, and feel the intensity of his voice. Thank you Wilco! Expand
  9. FletcherB
    Jan 5, 2006
    It's only a 9 because I really missed "When You Wake Up Feeling Old" and "She's a Jar". "Jar" sums up everything i love about music in 6 harmonica notes. And Tweedy brushes it off as sounding akin to the "Close Encounters" song
  10. BryanK
    Jan 10, 2006
    I would give this 10 if Kingpin was on it. You wouldn't want this band as your opening act; they could blow Jimi Hendrix out of the water
  11. tomc
    Jan 6, 2006
    great live album from one of the great underground rock bands of our time!
  12. davidh
    Jan 6, 2007
    A live album of historic proportions. The band transforms their songs, maing the most of new members Nels Cline and Pat Sansone and Glenn Kotche's powerful drumming to set the always heavily studio-driven Wilco sound soaring.Took a few listens to get past the relatively unvarnished sound quality.
  13. PaulRocks
    Jan 17, 2006
    Encompasses what the Wilco live show now has evolved into. Centres mainly around the last two studio albums, but breathes new life into older standards such as Misunderstood and Radio Cure.
  14. TravisB
    Jan 30, 2006
    one of the best live albums I have ever heard. some of the versions of the songs are better than the originals like spiders and ashes of american flags. truly captures the essence of Wilco
  15. MichaelK
    Feb 15, 2006
    Despite the fact that most of the songs are on other Wilco albums, it most often sounds like something completely new. Listening to this album makes me very envious of the people who were at the gigs. Terrific!
  16. romanm
    Dec 7, 2005
    Great selection of songs from a great band on one of their better nights. The only reason it's not a ten is because Tweedy phones in the vocals on "I am Trying to Break Your Heart" The guess here is that maybe now he realizes the lyrics are existential crap. Also, why do people complain when they go to shows and people actually (gasp) enjoy themselves by either (a) singing along, (b) Great selection of songs from a great band on one of their better nights. The only reason it's not a ten is because Tweedy phones in the vocals on "I am Trying to Break Your Heart" The guess here is that maybe now he realizes the lyrics are existential crap. Also, why do people complain when they go to shows and people actually (gasp) enjoy themselves by either (a) singing along, (b) dancing or (c) y'know clapping or cheering for the band? Is that so terrible? That doesn't mean freaking out, pushing people and making a spectacle of yourself, but you can still act like you have a pulse at concerts. This ridiculous, indie-rock-code, crap is why you are going to shows alone in the first place. Expand
  17. Dan
    Dec 9, 2005
    While focusing heavily on Ghost upsetes some of the longtime fans, this album does not disappoint. The power of Misunderstood with the chanting of at the end, and the screams and yelps on Kicking Televison are worth the price of the album alone.
  18. Brett
    Nov 17, 2005
    I wuv Jeff Tweedy this album is a great live album.
  19. Gnarles
    Nov 18, 2005
    Just like when I saw them earlier this year, Wilco sticks largely to A Ghost Is Born material for Kicking Television. While a more well-rounded selection of tracks probably would have earned this a 10, what's there is fantastic. Blessedly removed from Ghost's fussy, muted sound, the songs here from that cd sound huge and enveloping, while still retaining their warmth. If you Just like when I saw them earlier this year, Wilco sticks largely to A Ghost Is Born material for Kicking Television. While a more well-rounded selection of tracks probably would have earned this a 10, what's there is fantastic. Blessedly removed from Ghost's fussy, muted sound, the songs here from that cd sound huge and enveloping, while still retaining their warmth. If you weren't that blown away by Ghost, these gripping versions will help you see its songs in a new light. The production and mixing are just superb, fleshing out subtleties and keeping crowd noise to a minimum. At times, this sounds amazingly like a full studio effort - the sound is that clear and sharp, a must for live albums. Top it off with a beautiful version of "One By One" from the Mermaid Avenue collaboration with Billy Bragg and a chillingly awesome run-through of "Shot In The Arm", and you've got a seriously entertaining disc here, a must for any real Wilco fan. Expand
  20. RaulJ
    Nov 19, 2005
    This is a hometown live concert & Wilco obviously wanted the crown adoring & rightly so. The only way to avoid excessive crowd bantor would be to record live in rural North Korea. The versions of these mainly recent songs are quite compelling and filled with interesting grooves and adornments not found on the studio projects. Wilco sounds great here & may be the new 'Sing along with This is a hometown live concert & Wilco obviously wanted the crown adoring & rightly so. The only way to avoid excessive crowd bantor would be to record live in rural North Korea. The versions of these mainly recent songs are quite compelling and filled with interesting grooves and adornments not found on the studio projects. Wilco sounds great here & may be the new 'Sing along with Mitch' band. Expand
  21. daxr
    Nov 29, 2005
    finally. i'm a long long time fan and i think wilco is probably the best band in the world right now. i have a boatload of live recordings of different incarnations of the band and of jeff tweedy solo. some of them even sound really good. but it's good to finally have an official document, you know? live albums never quite capture the magic
  22. DavidS
    Nov 18, 2005
    A wonderful live set from a great band marred by a terrible audience. (Look, just because you know all the words doesn't mean you need to sing along at the top of your lungs. Just because you recognize the first few notes of a song is not reason enough to scream, yelp, or hoot when you hear them. Near the end of the second disc, you can hear people being shushed by other audience A wonderful live set from a great band marred by a terrible audience. (Look, just because you know all the words doesn't mean you need to sing along at the top of your lungs. Just because you recognize the first few notes of a song is not reason enough to scream, yelp, or hoot when you hear them. Near the end of the second disc, you can hear people being shushed by other audience members. Tweedy even asks one "Freebird" type if it's past his bedtime.) Expand
  23. BenJ
    Nov 29, 2005
    A very good album. This is the first live record I've bought in an age. Dare I also say some cuts here are superior to their studio versions. If you're a Wilco fan I would recommend you check this out.
  24. JamesM
    Jan 26, 2006
    this is about as fun as listening to phish, i.e., not very.

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Billboard
    One of America's greatest bands has never sounded better. [19 Nov 2005]
  2. When the band truly comes together, there's a lightness of touch and a winning intimacy.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    There's no denying this is the sound of a band at its onstage peak. [18 Nov 2005, p.135]