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Universal acclaim- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 41
  2. Negative: 3 out of 41
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  1. Dec 14, 2021
    Incredible, i loved the album! Arca is creating new worlds with her songs..
  2. Aug 23, 2022
    The second album from the Kick serie shows a different Arca from previous projects. We had similar tracks with reggaeton in the first kick album with “KLK” but nothing like this before. Prada/Rakata or Tiro are a neoperreo experimental bop! Other tracks instead are a variety of calming songs or completely distructive.
  3. Dec 3, 2021
    This album is amazing. I was expecting more experimentation but I am pleasantly surprised to see an album like this. the slightly experimental reggaeton sounds good and her vocals are really good here as well, even though I can't understand it lol. However, there are still some experimental songs such as the opening Dona, with weird sound effects, and some vocals, plus the twoThis album is amazing. I was expecting more experimentation but I am pleasantly surprised to see an album like this. the slightly experimental reggaeton sounds good and her vocals are really good here as well, even though I can't understand it lol. However, there are still some experimental songs such as the opening Dona, with weird sound effects, and some vocals, plus the two instrumentals Arana and Andro.
    But I do think that the reggaeton tracks are the best, but I couldn't tell you a favourite track as I like almost all the same.
  4. Dec 19, 2021
    by this album, you can feel the reggaeton, the strech 1/2, in this album. Although the album has a lot of track i don't like but still a great album
  5. Jul 3, 2022
    while the first half of the album is filled with amazing reggaeton bops, the second half just seems unfinished and seems like a waste of potential of interesting ideas. born yesterday definitely deviates from that.
  6. Dec 7, 2021
    onslaught of music masks how well KICK ii refines KiCk i’s chaotic, free-flying spirit into something smoother and more muted—and how KicK iii exaggerates these jagged edges.
  7. Dec 7, 2021
    These albums are absolute garbage. Someone trying to be cute and eclectic with little result.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Rolling Stone
    Jan 5, 2022
    An astonishing - at times overwhelming - four-album, 47-track, two-and-a-half-hour release. [Jan 2022, p.71]
  2. Jan 4, 2022
    Taken together, the albums are overwhelming in their stylistic diversity; one minute, she’s serving up clattering electro on the likes of iii’s ‘Skullqueen’ or ‘Ripples’, and the next, we’re hearing her break classic ideas of what ambience should mean to fit her own mould on the Oliver Coates-featuring ‘Esuna’.
  3. The Wire
    Dec 22, 2021
    Having all this material together is bittersweet – rather than four distinct sets, couldn’t these styles have been brought together in a more innovative way? Arca’s work is invariably surrounded by much chatter about disrupting musical forms, but four albums divided into four distinct moods feels like an unusually conservative vehicle for her ideas. [Jan 2022, p.59]