
Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
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  1. Dec 7, 2015
    On Kannon, Sunn O))) illustrates through heavy sonic immersion that noise and silence are equals--aspects of circular, self-perpetuating emptiness. Like the persona of the deity, they generously receive and contain all the sounds of the world in all their dimensions of darkness and light.
  2. Dec 4, 2015
    A singular listening experience, Kannon is best consumed at extreme volume and with an open mind.
  3. 80
    This is beyond immersive; this is music to suffer a cleansing obliteration to.
  4. Dec 2, 2015
    At a mere 35 minutes, Kannon is a fleeting journey. But in that allotted time, Sunn do what they do best, crafting an inescapable atmosphere of flowing drone metal, and as a whole, it’s arguably their best composition to date.
  5. Dec 3, 2015
    Kannon, like Terrestrials, says its three-section piece in under 40 minutes, but is a more intense, punishing affair.
  6. Jan 28, 2016
    What’s left is distinctly Sunn O))) in scope and scale, as heavy and loud and intense as anything they’ve produced.
  7. Dec 3, 2015
    Kannon is Sunn O)))'s most sparse offering in years, but the experiment in meditative metal minimalism is more than capable of shooting listeners towards a higher plane of consciousness.
  8. Kerrang!
    Dec 10, 2015
    The slo-mo mantras of this three-part suite successfully blast the divisions between high and low culture to smithereens. [5 Dec 2015, p.52]
  9. Dec 2, 2015
    Sunn O))) devotees will find satisfaction, but newcomers should start with 2009’s igneous rock classic Monoliths & Dimensions.
  10. Dec 11, 2015
    ts concise nature, glossy finish and sense of clarity (something that even extends to the band photography) suggest that, as strange as it might seem, this is not a return to Sunn O)))’s metal roots, but is instead, for all intents and purposes, their pop album.
  11. Dec 3, 2015
    [Anderson and O'Malley] find a middle ground of compromise that steers safely away from the frisson of conflict. At least they sound good doing it.
  12. Dec 3, 2015
    The abstract, astral plane trifecta of the Kannon pieces is undeniable and one suspects that the spiritual connections these masters hold with their instruments and the frequencies which emanate are deeper and more remarkable than we could have imagined.
  13. Dec 14, 2015
    While some will still view the album as a 30-minute intro to a track that never starts, others will want to pull this cacophonous duvet up to their chins and luxuriate in what might just be the most sumptuous, atmospheric and varied SunnO))) album to date.
  14. Dec 7, 2015
    Even as they add unimaginable depths to a deceptively simple form, Kannon reasserts their commitment to merely existing, unapologetically out of genre and out of time.
  15. Dec 4, 2015
    This is the soundtrack to the decline of our species, once again illustrating that Sunn O))) is one of the most interesting and progressive groups in heavy music.
  16. Dec 3, 2015
    It’s a daunting 30 minutes of music, but there’s something surprisingly calming about Kannon, something that hints at the hidden depths beneath Sunn O)))’s cloak-and-dagger routine.
  17. 80
    Kannon certainly won’t be delivering any Christmas number ones, but what Sunn O))) have managed to deliver is an exhilarating, colon-shaking song cycle of pitch black metal that will perfectly complement those approaching January blues.
  18. 70
    Kannon is surprising in two ways. One is its brevity: just over half an hour. The other is its austerity, even for a fairly austere band. This music demands a lot. It’s hard to love, and hard to share.
  19. 80
    The lack of any sort of beat only adds to the disorientation. And yet, played loudly enough, Kannon sounds astonishing: by turns eerie, hypnotic and thrilling.
  20. The Wire
    Dec 16, 2015
    The album retains a taste for annihilation. [Dec 2015, p.56]
  21. Uncut
    Dec 9, 2015
    Kannon will leave other neophytes feeling awed by the complexity and physicality achieved here. [Jan 2016, p.70]
  22. Dec 3, 2015
    The riff mantras that comprise each of these three "Kannon" are among the most laser-focused and emotionally charged pieces ever to emerge from the camp.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 15
  2. Negative: 3 out of 15
  1. Jan 2, 2016
    A relatively short review for Sunn o)))'s three track long album, Kannon.

    An overall less interesting project with Sunn o))) playing it
    A relatively short review for Sunn o)))'s three track long album, Kannon.

    An overall less interesting project with Sunn o))) playing it even more safe. Less exhilarating and punishing, with the only exception being "Kannon Pt.2". It's pretty much the same sound they have been toying with for the past years without even the slightest of experimentation.

    Soused, the collaborative album they did with Scott Walker in 2014, sounds like they were going the extra mile in comparison.

    Kannon is quite the disappointing album. Maybe it 'll grow on me after some extra listens....if six were not enough...

    Fav Tracks: Kannon Pt.2
    Least Fav Track: Kannon Pt. 1
    Full Review »
  2. Dec 8, 2015
    Very atmospheric drone metal. The compositions are relatively uncomplicated, but still create a very heavy feeling. It is not an accessible orVery atmospheric drone metal. The compositions are relatively uncomplicated, but still create a very heavy feeling. It is not an accessible or commercial record by any means, and listening to it can be a challenge for someone who isn't sure what they're getting in to, but if you give this a chance I think you will find it a worthwhile listen. Full Review »