• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Mar 19, 2021
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  1. Mar 20, 2021
    Absolutely incredible. Bieber outdid himself. Face off is one of the best ballads in recent memory. An all around brilliant album
  2. Mar 19, 2021
    It's a great album. Each song conveys a unique and distinct message that shows people the real situations that are lived every day. Justin did an excellent job with this album, he did it with the best intentions. The world needs JUSTICE.
  3. Mar 19, 2021
    This album is much way better than Changes, Justin redeemed himself on this album and it is a true masterpiece. Each song conveys a bouquet of ineffable feelings to the listener. Listening to the entire album is an incredible journey.
  4. Mar 19, 2021
    Amazing álbum!!! Each song conveys a beautiful message, I'm proud of Justin and I can't stop listening!
  5. Mar 19, 2021
    The best album of him. So proud of the man he became,this album is a masterpiece.
  6. Mar 19, 2021
    This album is a masterpiece, the best of Bieber's career so far, it is time for them to stop hating this boy for stupid things and values ​​his talent, living legend I think
  7. Mar 19, 2021
    El mejor disco hasta ahora, es algo nuevo, original y diferente a todo lo que hemos escuchado este año.
  8. Mar 21, 2021

    I'm just saying hear i cry everytime i listen toGhost. i mean, when he says "if i can get so close to, i'll settle with the ghost of you" i cryyyy my heart out. I think of all the people that i loved and passed away and all the people who lost somebody special during the pandemic
  9. Mar 19, 2021
    el mejor álbum de justin por lejos, puso todo su corazón en esto y se nota, temones tras temones y todos con una temática que te rompe en mil. 10/10
  10. Mar 19, 2021
    Esse álbum superou todas as minhas expectativas. Letras lindas e batidas contagiantes. Uma grande evolução do artista.
  11. Mar 19, 2021
    i love every single track in this album! the vibes, collabs and melodies are perfect to my ears! justin’s voice is just so beautiful
  12. Jun 12, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album of 2021 My top 5 songs Off my face
    Peaches As I am Ghost Loved by you
  13. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I LOVE THIS ALBUM WITH ALL MY SOUL!!! JB U KILLED THAT♡♡♡♡ THE BEST OF 2021 Expand
  14. Mar 19, 2021
    THE BEST ALBUM EVER!!! Justin is amazing, everything in this album is perfect, he did a really great job. I love him.
  15. Mar 19, 2021
    'journals' was so far my favorite Justin Bieber album but really 'justice' is even better, i'm in love with this incredible new album, all his songs are beautiful, his voice sounds great with all the artists! no one will do it as cool as Justin.
  16. Mar 19, 2021
    Every single track has a different vibe and they perfectly balance each other out.
  17. Mar 21, 2021
    This is what we expected from the pop prince. An incredibly beautiful and sensual album, each song resonates in the soul. Justice is a treasure of beautiful music.
  18. Mar 19, 2021
    Muito bom, um dos melhores trabalhos dele. Tem uma junção de todas as eras, desde o início, e ao mesmo tempo soa tão diferente, um misto de sentimentos, músicas diferentes para diferentes momentos, com mensagens únicas. Peço que, se forem escutar o álbum, escutem de coração aberto, porque vale a pena. Bom trabalho Justin. ❤❤
  19. Mar 23, 2021
    Another bad record by Justin Bieber. He has not managed to release a good song or album after Purpose
  20. Mar 19, 2021
    Beautiful, very much a great album. Absolutely loved the two opening songs. Appreciating that Justin is donating to so many organisations to achieve justice.
  21. Mar 19, 2021
    This is his best album so far. The vocals, the rhythm, the artists featured and everything regarding the making of this album is a masterpiece. It’s one of Justin’s most original albums... Even the “MLK Interlude”, it has such a connection to the song that goes after it in the album, Die For You. I might need to take a rest because I’ve been listening to it nonstop.
  22. Mar 19, 2021
    Justice is one of his best music yet. It has sounds similar to his previous albums like Believe, Purpose & Changes but it’s still unique and stands on its own. It’s absolutely on repeat!
  23. Mar 19, 2021
    One of his best album ! Justin has just proven,once again,who's the real prince of pop. So proud.
  24. Mar 19, 2021
    su voz se escucha re bien, me da mezcla entre purpose y believe, con el tiempo te va gustando cada vez mas, muy buenas colaboraciones, altas melodías y letras.
  25. Mar 19, 2021
    We have seen Justin Bieber go through many stages that have even been reflected in his music. Justice is clearly a reflection of one of Bieber's greatest musical eras.

    Right now he is exploiting the inspiration he receives from his wife and expressing the love in every possible way. Many may say that it can be extra cloying, but his work sounds much more mature now and the focus he is
    We have seen Justin Bieber go through many stages that have even been reflected in his music. Justice is clearly a reflection of one of Bieber's greatest musical eras.

    Right now he is exploiting the inspiration he receives from his wife and expressing the love in every possible way. Many may say that it can be extra cloying, but his work sounds much more mature now and the focus he is taking on music together with his band makes you enjoy it even more.

    This album can be listened from beginning to end without skipping any tracks because they all have an immersive, fresh and catchy sound. it’s not only about love, in short it’s a look at how love saved him from his worst moment and how sometimes it feels so unreal that he doesn’t believe he is worthy of being loved by that person. He also sings about loosing someone you love in Ghost which I think is one his best songs. Deserve You has a very attractive sound and without having listened to the whole album it became one of my favorites. But then when you keep listening to the other songs like Off My Face, Unstable, Die For You, Peaches they also sounded so good to me that it was very difficult to choose a song as the best on the album.

    Nor can you pass up tracks like Anyone, Holy and Hold On that were previously released as singles and included in Justice. These songs attracted the attention of a more mature audience to the Canadian singer's work.

    Speaking of vocal skills there is not much to say. He has a voice that in the studio versions can be simple and without much risk but that makes anything sound good even better in live performances. There will come a day when Justin brings us the best album of his career, but right now I can say that Justice is his best work to date, which does not mean that his previous albums have been bad, on the contrary all his works have left a mark and are part of his evolution as a human being and an artist.
  26. Mar 23, 2021
    His best album so far. In a world fulfilled with injustice, he just brought soothing music, where he talks about love, his journey, self hatred, instability.... Its an album he definitely experienced more, he went from slow ballads and r&b, to afrobeat and EDM, it’s an album you can hear at any time and situation. So proud of him.
  27. Mar 19, 2021
    Creo que este álbum es el mejor que ha **** Justin. Estoy muy orgullosa de su evolución como artista.
  28. Mar 21, 2021
    Amazing album from the Biebs! Peaches will be on repeat all Summer for me :)
  29. Mar 19, 2021
    Finalmente o sucessor do Purpose! O Changes sonha em ter a qualidade deste album.
  30. Apr 3, 2021
    Defintetely worth listening! its one of his best works done so far and theres not a single skip on the entire album! On this album is something good for everyone
  31. Mar 19, 2021
    Justin Bieber just created a masterpiece, there's no words to describe how good it Is, you have to listen to it for yourself. 10/10
  32. Mar 20, 2021
    Great piece of art! This album is so versatile and matured. Justin trying with a lot of different genres. Every song sound amazing!
  33. Mar 20, 2021
    El mejor álbum de Bieber sin duda alguna, aunque purpose es bueno también
  34. Mar 27, 2021
    Justin Bieber's "Justice" was promoted as an album that would sum up the state of the world (especially the US), but it doesn't meet up those expectations. He mostly sings about love, something that literally nobody would give a crap about hearing. Really makes you think what "Justice" this album serves; the best Justin could've done was to put a charity component into it, but nope. EveryJustin Bieber's "Justice" was promoted as an album that would sum up the state of the world (especially the US), but it doesn't meet up those expectations. He mostly sings about love, something that literally nobody would give a crap about hearing. Really makes you think what "Justice" this album serves; the best Justin could've done was to put a charity component into it, but nope. Every song follows a formula that has one purpose: make money, and that money presumably doesn't go to the wallets of non-profit organizations. The songs are mixed and compressed to the point where they are just noisy cubes that roll around and don't inspire anybody to do anything The album features samples from Martin Luther King, which again keeps the theme of "Justice" present. But the lyrics are not political whatsoever, which is disgustingly misleading and just plain pathetic. If you want to know what melodic white noise sounds like, then this is the album for you.

    Overall score: 3.2/10
    Best tracks: 2 Much, Off My Face(?)
    Worst tracks: Holy, Lonely, etc
    The album is: "FILLER: the album"
  35. Mar 22, 2021
    Terrible better than Changes but still terrible over all, basic pop tone deaf he thinks he’s doing something
  36. Jun 16, 2021
    Nem é bom nem é ruim
    As letras e a produção são ok mas nada q chegue a impressionar. A parte oitentista e as pegadas de R&B são claramente pra tentar surfar no hype, elas ficam bem desconexas. É uma evolução comparado ao changes até pq seria difícil fazer outra bomba igual aquela
  37. Mar 20, 2021
    Amazing album, he’s insanely talented . Most of the songs are beautiful and emotional the other are catchy and fun.
  38. Mar 19, 2021
    I really loved this album, it is much better than changes. in this one he demonstrates his art in the form of love and with great songs, luckily a good album after the changes.
  39. Mar 19, 2021
    Com toda a Certeza um dos melhores trabalhos do Justin. Ele expandiu horizontes para encontrar novos estilos e formas de contar seu ponto de vista.Novamente, Bieber demonstra ser um artista flexível e altamente versátil na indústria.
  40. Mar 20, 2021
    Bieber has never sounded better! The collabs are amazing and im happy he chose non mainstream artists to collab, they didnt dissapoint!!
  41. Mar 23, 2021
    Peço desculpa aos meus ouvidos por ouvir uma coisa tão ruim e sem profundidade. Mais uma vez, Justin Bieber superou seu próprio record de superficialidade.
  42. Mar 19, 2021
    JB's most amazing album. You can't choose a favorite song. It's awesome the way he's trying to make people feel better.
  43. Mar 20, 2021
    O álbum mais lindo da carreira do Justin Bieber e isso é um fato, achei tudo muito bem organizado e as músicas são tão boas que fica difícil escolher uma preferida.
  44. Mar 20, 2021
    Justin rescued himself for releasing this after the mess he released last year (Changes). Good job JB. I'm so happy to see your growth on both music and personality.
  45. Mar 20, 2021
    loved the album a lot! Bieber really came through with this one. although the interlude was unnecessary
  46. Mar 19, 2021
    i love this album so much!! all songs are amazing, one of his best albums for sure!!
  47. Mar 19, 2021
    Justin se superó así mismo con este álbum, arte en toda la extensión de la palabra. Por mucho su mejor albúm
  48. Mar 20, 2021
    El álbum es muy bueno, después de haber experimentado por primera vez en R&B en su álbum pasado y ser duramente criticado, Justin es de esos pocos hombres que realmente se reinventan, siendo que en sus inicios su álbum debut fue un pop comercial, cambio a géneros de la electrónica como dubstep con Believe, algunas tendencias al Trap en Journals y de más géneros, para pasarse al HouseEl álbum es muy bueno, después de haber experimentado por primera vez en R&B en su álbum pasado y ser duramente criticado, Justin es de esos pocos hombres que realmente se reinventan, siendo que en sus inicios su álbum debut fue un pop comercial, cambio a géneros de la electrónica como dubstep con Believe, algunas tendencias al Trap en Journals y de más géneros, para pasarse al House electrónica en Purpose, como siempre Justin nos dio un álbum muy distinto a los anteriores, ninguno de ellos se puede comparar ya que siempre nos da algo nuevo y fresco, y las letras son bastante buenas acompañadas de un buen sonido Expand
  49. Mar 19, 2021
    This is literally one of his best works so far. As one critic said, “ Bieber has nothing left to proof. He can walk away from music any day now knowing that he did well.”
  50. Apr 7, 2021
    Best album ever, Justin did a really great job with this album. I'm so proud of him. No skips!!
  51. Apr 20, 2021
    A definite upgrade from Changes (which isn't really that hard to do), but somehow the name doesn't fit the overall the theme of the album. Nevertheless, the album contains outstanding songs with impressive production that is nostalgic to Believe and Purpose Bieber.
  52. Mar 19, 2021
    Ainda não escutei o álbum mas só tô dando nota alta pela billie ser fã dele e ele apoiá-la
  53. Mar 28, 2021
    But but the only Holy that i like is H.O.L.Y by Florida Georgia Line.......
  54. Mar 19, 2021
    Solo tengo poco por decir: que buen álbum 10/10 :)
  55. Mar 26, 2021
    Despite not being his most brilliant body of work (that's a position still won by "Purpose"), this is definitely a good moment for Bieber, especially if we think about his previous album "Changes". This one brings the pop genre that made him so famous in the first place.
  56. Mar 19, 2021
    Justice is justin's best album. His apex in pop music, full of mature, exciting and delicious songs to listen to.
  57. Mar 19, 2021
    Justin Bieber gave us the best album of his career, since the album "Purpose" There has never been an album by such a wonderful male artist, but now Bieber gave us the male album of the century, the album has everything you are looking for. Without a doubt this album deserves to be acclaimed by the critics, it is everything that "Changes" wanted to be and could not, this album is the best !!!
  58. Apr 8, 2021
    All the vibe, a pop album in which Justin showed that he is here to bring good music, one of the best pop albums
  59. Apr 7, 2021
    The same , boring , meaningless songs , this guy is so overrated scooter Braun and radio save him from flop cuz his music is not good at all
  60. Mar 19, 2021
    I liked it, I found it very cohesive and with well-worked songs. just needed a feat with Ariana
  61. Mar 19, 2021
    Excellent album, Justin is back. The prince of pop returns. Unstable and As I Am wonderful songs
  62. Mar 19, 2021
    This album is a Masterpiece, congrats Justin Bieber. My favorite song is Peaches.
  63. Mar 19, 2021
    Love this album so much! He really did it
  64. Mar 20, 2021
    a bleh album, its bad but at least its better then changes. they told me that this album would be like purpose but he cant do music like that anymore
  65. Mar 19, 2021
    O Justin Bieber saiu do seu antigo álbum "Changss" com uma crítica muito negativa e não foi aceita pela maioria do público. Esse novo álbum o Justin Bieber trouxe sua volta ao pop e forma sofisticado e luxuosa. O álbum flui muito bem e não é cansativo ouvir igual o seu álbum passado. Ele realmente voltou para suas origens com muito gás e fôlego. O Justice é muito bo,o melhor álbum doO Justin Bieber saiu do seu antigo álbum "Changss" com uma crítica muito negativa e não foi aceita pela maioria do público. Esse novo álbum o Justin Bieber trouxe sua volta ao pop e forma sofisticado e luxuosa. O álbum flui muito bem e não é cansativo ouvir igual o seu álbum passado. Ele realmente voltou para suas origens com muito gás e fôlego. O Justice é muito bo,o melhor álbum do cantor até o momento. Expand
  66. Mar 19, 2021
    this album is a blessing bops after bops we all love him we kiss him. All the songs sounds amazing and the album overall is a masterpiece
  67. Mar 19, 2021
    Definitivamente entra en su top 3 de albums junto a Journals y Purpose. Album super variado en cuanto a beats y melodías pasando por el, pop, r&b, electro, baladas, trap y otras variaciones mas. Su voz suena mas matura y afinada que nunca a la vez que sus letras son cada vez mas profundas. Definitivamente Justin logro encontrarse y no decepciono
  68. Mar 20, 2021
    This album is a masterpiece, i love de combination of all artists they fit so well. I really loved it.
  69. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Pra mim, esse é o melhor album do justin ! Os vocais perfeitos, tem ballads maravilhosas como 2 much e lonely, tem uns mid-tempos mais animados como deserve you e somebody. Enfim, justin bieber entregou tudo nesse album ! Já é meu top2 dele, só perde pra journals. Expand
  70. Mar 20, 2021
    Hermoso álbum , definitivamente el mejor de su carrera que los selenators digan ardiendo
  71. Mar 19, 2021
    Amé completamente este álbum, su mejoramiento vocal, los sonidos como te llevan a diferentes puntos a lo largo del album y la madurez de el al hablar en sus canciones, logra trasmitir lo que siente.
  72. Aug 2, 2021
    Apenas um ano após o divido pelo público e pela crítica "Changes", Justin não apenas renova seu arsenal de músicas, mas como comprova o que todos sabe, Justin Bieber nasceu para o Pop, é novamente o grande foco do trabalho assim como em "Purpose" e ele não decepciona, desde os singles do álbum era esperado uma reviravolta na carreira do canadense musicalmente falando e é o que ele entrega.Apenas um ano após o divido pelo público e pela crítica "Changes", Justin não apenas renova seu arsenal de músicas, mas como comprova o que todos sabe, Justin Bieber nasceu para o Pop, é novamente o grande foco do trabalho assim como em "Purpose" e ele não decepciona, desde os singles do álbum era esperado uma reviravolta na carreira do canadense musicalmente falando e é o que ele entrega. A primeira faixa do álbum "2 Much" além de introspectiva se assemelha as aberturas antecessoras, assim como na obra anterior o cantor se declara ao amor de sua esposa Hailey Bieber, abordando o quão apaixonado está por sua amada e que o tempo com ela é precioso. Segunda faixa "Deserve You" é hit certeiro, balada Pop com letra linda e abordando o amor tão grandioso a ponto de se questionar se merece tudo aquilo, os anos 80 e 90 são claramente fontes de inspiração para essa faixa, como também em "Die For You", no qual Justin entrega uma música extremamente semelhante aos trabalhos de Michael Jackson no aspecto rítmico, com uma letra refletindo que faria tudo pela parceira, até mesmo sua morte, como também em "Hold On", melhor faixa do álbum, onde o baixo e os vocais ganham destaque nas trilhas e no desenvolvimento durante toda música, vocais que por sinal são impecáveis, mostrando que o canadense está no seu auge vocal, vale destacar que as 3 faixas citadas são pontos altíssimos do álbum. "As I Am" parceria com Khalid, é a música de Trap Pop que precisávamos, com um piano baixo e apenas a voz de Bieber, com o progresso da faixa, ela ganha um ar de grandiosidade e é celebrada com um refrão maravilhoso e liricamente muito sincero, abordando a aceitação do seu grande amor independente dos seus defeitos e problemas, Khalid toma conta da segunda parte da música e ao desenrolar da parte final da faixa, suas vozes combinam e se tornam um grande destaque dentro do álbum, finalizando com um rap rápido de Justin muito autentico com seus sentimentos e vocais novamente poderosos, assim como em "Unstable" parceria com The Kid Laroi, ele aborda o mesmo tema dentro de um relacionamento acerca da aceitação mesmo nas adversidades, porém dessa vez com um tom e clima mais soturno, lembrando a parceria "Monster" com Shawn Mendes. Quinta faixa do álbum e o primeiro single lançado "Holy" parceria com Chance the Rapper é a música que define a nova fase da carreira de Justin, sua proximidade com Deus, a importância de ter fé na vida e no seu relacionamento são explorados na letra da canção, mas além de ser uma proeza lírica, é um hit gospel pop nunca visto antes na indústria musical e demonstra a grandiosidade do talento de Justin em interpretar suas experiências e transformar isso em arte, sendo a segunda melhor faixa do álbum. Após as 6 primeiras faixas, uma interlude divide o álbum no meio, com um sermão de 1 minuto e 44 segundos de Martin Luther King, que já havia sido citada na abertura do álbum em sua primeira faixa, o discurso aborda a justiça como tema principal e a importância de continuar lutando pelos seus direitos, além de tratar o amor e a fé como as chaves para o desenvolvimento humano. Neste momento o álbum possui seu momento de virada, se tornando mais Pop, mais colorido, com letras sobre temas diversificados e diferentes estilos musicais, porém focando sempre no amor como o elemento para todas as soluções, é assim em "Somebody" música eletrônica/pop dançante do álbum, onde Justin aborda que todos nós precisamos de alguém e que o amor pelo próximo sempre vai existir, é assim em "Ghost", onde a perda é o foco da faixa, mas com ritmo animado, caracterizando o sentimento de cantar/dançar sobre a dor, mas não deixando de sensibilizar pela falta daquela pessoa na sua vida. O grande hit do álbum "Peaches" é uma mistura de Pop e R&B perfeita, refrão extremamente gostoso e fácil de cantar, candidata a música do verão, possui um sentido mais pessoal sobre o amor pela sua esposa e reflete que onde quer que ele vá, ele sempre consegue o melhor disponível por sua fonte ser Hailey. "Love You Different" e "Loved by You" são hits influentes da música africana e possui parceiras com justamente esse tom, são as faixas mais desconectas e descaracterizadas da obra, mas não deixam de ser ótimas musicas e extremamente lembráveis pelos seus refrãos e pela capacidade de Justin em trabalhar em todas as áreas da música. Finalizando o álbum temos os dois últimos singles "Anyone" que segue as tendências dos anos 80 e cumpre o papel de música romântica e animada ao mesmo tempo com um final grandioso pelo progresso nos instrumentos e na potencia da voz de Justin. Por fim temos "Lonely", musica mais autoral e pessoal, apenas o piano e seus vocais, abordando a solidão até para o ápice da fama, grande fim o melhor álbum da carreira, Justin Bieber faz justiça com grande propriedade.
    Nota "Justice" 9.3
  73. Mar 19, 2021
    Literally the best album Bieber has made till now, Every damn song is **** perfect & puts you in different vibes & emotions. Vocally Bieber has always been at his best so no surprise there, Production is of the highest level, Moreover what makes this album so incredible is that the different genres( POP, R&B, EDM, BALAD, SOFT ROCK & AFRO BEATS) he was able to touch effortlessly &Literally the best album Bieber has made till now, Every damn song is **** perfect & puts you in different vibes & emotions. Vocally Bieber has always been at his best so no surprise there, Production is of the highest level, Moreover what makes this album so incredible is that the different genres( POP, R&B, EDM, BALAD, SOFT ROCK & AFRO BEATS) he was able to touch effortlessly & flawlessly. Songwriting is also so good. MLK INTERLUDE is really going to impact people so it was a great decision his behalf to put it in the album. All the featured Artists from Khalid to Dominic fike really did their Job really well & took the songs to the next heights.
    Lastly I can't rank the songs, cause I'm in love with every single song.
    My score is perfect 10/10
  74. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. No soy fan de Justin pero me molesta mucho que los demás hagan malas críticas solo para molestar . Así que aquí está mi puntuación . 10! Tpwk . Expand
  75. Mar 19, 2021
    me encantó el álbum, y más el concepto, los vocals son muy lindos y diferentes a lo que suele hacer justin bieber, merece mucho y promete este álbum!
  76. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Justice es una obra de arte. Una mezcla de emociones, ritmos, vocals, grandes colaboraciones y letras muy profundas. Definitivamente el mejor álbum del príncipe del pop. Es una joya de principio a fin. Expand
  77. Apr 9, 2021
  78. Mar 19, 2021
    Ele consegue entrega um álbum bem fresco e atualizado com os tempos atuais após lançar Changes que é simplesmente um dos piores álbuns lançados em 2020 e possível desta década. Justice serve para estancar a sangria.
  79. Mar 19, 2021
    This is such a great album. In my opinion it is his best album along with purpose. The thing I liked the most is the diversity of the album. Justin Bieber really put different genres of music at a same place and it is so good. Overall this is by far the best album of this year in my opinion.
  80. Mar 19, 2021
    A vibe desse álbum é uma mistura de sensação que eu não sei descrever esse álbum merece uma chance de ser ouvido mensagens que ele transmite são importante
  81. Mar 19, 2021
    i was generally surprised how good the album was. i loved the almost 80s vibes to the whole thing. peaches was catchy as hell. i’ll give it a 10 because honestly changes gave me hella low expectations and justin on this one exceeded them all
  82. Mar 26, 2021
    Another album that sounds repetitive, boring, generic, and forgettable. Please stop this pandemic.
  83. Mar 20, 2021
    Confuso. Justin parece ter, finalmente, encontrado seu nicho musical e evoluído como cantor, no entanto, isso não quer dizer que evoluiu acerca de sua identidade. O projeto possui músicas interessantes e divertidas de ouvir, mas, quando unidas em um álbum, soam genéticas, repetitivas e sem muito rumo conceitual.
    "Justice" circula em volta de seu relacionamento com Hailey. Inicialmente,
    Confuso. Justin parece ter, finalmente, encontrado seu nicho musical e evoluído como cantor, no entanto, isso não quer dizer que evoluiu acerca de sua identidade. O projeto possui músicas interessantes e divertidas de ouvir, mas, quando unidas em um álbum, soam genéticas, repetitivas e sem muito rumo conceitual.
    "Justice" circula em volta de seu relacionamento com Hailey. Inicialmente, não seria um problema, até você perceber que o álbum contém quase 16 faixas variantes da mesma - e cansativa - narrativa. Como mencionado, muitas das músicas, de forma isolada, possuem certa qualidade, no entanto, ouvir repetidamente sobre os mesmos dois tópicos (amor e insegurança) dentro seu relacionamento é exaustivo.
    Um detalhe irritante é a falta de coesão no álbum. A sequência de "MLK interlude", uma faixa emocionante com um trecho marcante de um discurso de Martin Luther King, para "Die For You", um pop romântico para Hailey, chega ser um insulto, mesmo tratando-se de uma boa canção.
    "Justice" transparece a incapacidade de criar o inovador, de sair da caixa, de criar histórias. Em um geral, é divertido e com faixas interessantes, mas o conjunto é decepcionante.
  84. Mar 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the worst new album of 2021, I didn't like it. Imagine disrespecting MK like that! Expand
  85. Mar 19, 2021
    Huge improvement from his last album and it shows his range. Ghost, die for you, off my face and ass I am are some of my favorites from the album. It’s excellent.
  86. Mar 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Justin manages to touch the hearts of several people with this album even though there are inconsistencies, his merit should not be taken away, being superior to his predecessor Justice is a rare jewel nowadays, his best tracks are "Off my face", "hold on" and "Peaches".The album is really incredible and sentimental even having his mistakes, justin wrote relaxing songs for these difficult times. Expand
  87. Apr 9, 2021
    what the hell he was thinking , better than changes but still very bad. He needs good song writers he is being really generic.
  88. Mar 19, 2021
    I love how he started with 2much, such a beautiful song along with the lyrics, however I think my favorites are die for you as its sampled from the king of pop himself. i would love to see the future of his music as Justin is still only 27.
  89. Mar 21, 2021
    This Album is Gold in 2021. "Justice" Album is so strong. Also take a look at its featured artists: Khalid, Daniel Caesar, The kid LAROI, Dominic Fike, Chance the Rapper and more. These artists have different tastes of music and give you different vibes. Now, Justice brings them all together on the same album
  90. Mar 21, 2021
    it's a great album, production, lyrics, justin's magnificent voice makes each song sound better than the last. he really did
  91. Mar 22, 2021
    This album is awful the production is boring the vocals are mind numbing this could of been a better project if it had heart
  92. Mar 23, 2021
    A waste of time with a disrespectful MLK interlude as a cherry on top, funniest pandemic album by far.
  93. Mar 19, 2021
    10/10 VOCALS, letras, hay canciones para bailar y para llorar, justice aoty 2021
  94. Mar 19, 2021
    second fandom (taylor fans and selena fans) drop your justin obsession, drop him you won’t get it, and this álbum is all that’s right
  95. Mar 19, 2021
    Este album esta fuera de serie. Es una fusión perfecta entre pop/electropop/r&b e inclusive algo de afrofusion en loved by you. Excelente producción con una influencia en los 80's muy marcada. Y si bien es un album muy pop es vaivén de emociones donde también encontramos canciones más lentas y significativas como lonely, ghost u off my face donde el artista deja ver unos recursos vocalesEste album esta fuera de serie. Es una fusión perfecta entre pop/electropop/r&b e inclusive algo de afrofusion en loved by you. Excelente producción con una influencia en los 80's muy marcada. Y si bien es un album muy pop es vaivén de emociones donde también encontramos canciones más lentas y significativas como lonely, ghost u off my face donde el artista deja ver unos recursos vocales muy agradables al oído. Sin dudas, Justin Bieber lo hizo de nuevo. Expand
  96. Mar 19, 2021
    This album is pretty complete and the Justin voice and his vocals are just powerful
  97. Mar 19, 2021
    Es increíble lo que Justin puede hacer con su voz y lq combinación de ella con las lyrics es increíble
  98. Mar 19, 2021
    This is magic!!!
    I love his voice and my favorite are love you different, deserve you and 2 much
  99. Mar 19, 2021
    album of the year, his best album, it’s amazing really a masterpiece, deserve a grammy
  100. Mar 22, 2021
    RARES AND FANS DE TAYLOR, dejen de ser tan odiosas, mejor vayan a revivir el flop de selena, justin maravilloso tu álbum

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Mar 26, 2021
    The upshot is that Justice is one of Bieber's steadiest releases, among the easiest to play from start to finish. The only overdone aspect is the low self-esteem and unworthiness the lyrics either suggest or flatly express in almost every song.
  2. Mar 25, 2021
    With 16 tracks in a wide variety of styles and moods, Bieber’s centerless sixth studio album is noisy and grab-baggy in a way that once was typical for him (and other major pop acts) yet now registers as shallow and unsatisfying.
  3. Mar 23, 2021
    His voice has a palatable smoothness; he’s mastered push-and-pull dynamics, and he swings effortlessly from a placid chest voice to a zephyr of a falsetto. That litheness and control are on full display across Justice. Even when the songwriting is spiritless and the production rote—and it occasionally is, as on the confessional “Unstable” and the saccharine “Deserve You”—he still sings the hell out of it.