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Mixed or average reviews- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 81
  2. Negative: 40 out of 81
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  1. Jun 11, 2021
  2. Jun 12, 2021
  3. Jun 12, 2021
    Um álbum totalmente trazendo a raiz de que sempre foi e sempre será o Maroon 5, com feat e gênero totalmente completo, o álbum vai da balada ao pop 2021 com fluidez.
  4. Jun 14, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s good. Should try it. Maroon 5 still in the hall of fame. Expand
  5. Jun 12, 2021
    He actually raps in seasons. A combination of pop, Tropical sounds and hip hop at its best possible form. Their versatility is amazing and dedicating the album to their late manager. Such a beautiful thing to do
  6. Jun 15, 2021
    Is the Best!! I love Remedy, Lovesick, lost, Nobody's love, Convince me otherwise and Echo
  7. Jun 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I really love this album, one of the best bands ever.
    My favorite track from this new album is Lost and Remedy
  8. Jun 15, 2021
    This album is SO PERFECT! Every song is a magic piece!
    My favorite song is Lost or Beautiful Mistake… uhm maybe Sick love i don’t know but i know that this album is art ! Maroon 5 make a great work
    I love it
  9. Nov 24, 2021
    This abum is as good as their last one, Adam Levine's voice is wonderfuuuul
  10. Nov 25, 2021
    My least favorite album by Maroon 5 but Adam Levine's voice is still so so amazing!
  11. Nov 25, 2021
    An awesome record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Jun 21, 2021
    Sadly people are still butthurt they don't create rock like they used to back in the 2000s. I really love Maroon 5 and the biggest reason behind it is they are versatile, you can listen to them all day long without getting bored, becouse they don't stick to one genre.
    This album is fenomenal. There are two songs that I don't find that appealing, otherwise I couldn't be happier with Jordi.
    Sadly people are still butthurt they don't create rock like they used to back in the 2000s. I really love Maroon 5 and the biggest reason behind it is they are versatile, you can listen to them all day long without getting bored, becouse they don't stick to one genre.
    This album is fenomenal. There are two songs that I don't find that appealing, otherwise I couldn't be happier with Jordi. Lost just became my favourite out of the album, Beautiful mistake is another killer, Nobody's love is the band's hidden, underrated gem, sadly I didn't get caught by memories that much as people rate it. Other favourite songs I'd like to point out are Remedy (super catchy), Can't leave you alone (very beautiful and catchy) and Seasons (yet again another catchy hip-pop style song) .
  13. Jan 4, 2022
    I really loved Jordi don't know why on YouTube everyone's hating this album but I really enjoyed/loved this album
  14. Sep 6, 2021
    The "critics" have given an average score of below average ie 48.. I found it pleasantly listenable and in some places quite interesting.. of course "memories" is well known and I song I like.. any song with a Pachabell undertone i will like :-) Give it a try and give it a like :+1
  15. Nov 12, 2021
    Moderno, con toques de hip-hop. Maroon 5 opta por experimentar con lo que está de moda ahora, invitando a una serie de artistas del momento. Es plano, sencillo pero está bien para lo que Maroon 5 es ahora.
  16. Jun 15, 2021
    JORDI by Maroon 5: 5.91

    Beautiful Mistakes: 0.75 Lost: 0.5 Echo: 0.5 Lovesick: 1 :) Remedy: 1 :) Seasons: 0.25 One Light: 1 :) Convince Me Otherwise: 1 :) Nobody’s Love: 1 :) Can’t Leave You Alone: 0.5 Memories: 1 Button: 0.5 Lifestyle: 1 10/13 ~ .769 -> 5.91 Ever since Memories came out a while ago, I was expecting Maroon 5 to come out with a full length album to
    JORDI by Maroon 5: 5.91

    Beautiful Mistakes: 0.75
    Lost: 0.5
    Echo: 0.5
    Lovesick: 1 :)
    Remedy: 1 :)
    Seasons: 0.25
    One Light: 1 :)
    Convince Me Otherwise: 1 :)
    Nobody’s Love: 1 :)
    Can’t Leave You Alone: 0.5
    Memories: 1
    Button: 0.5
    Lifestyle: 1

    10/13 ~ .769 -> 5.91

    Ever since Memories came out a while ago, I was expecting Maroon 5 to come out with a full length album to accompany it. That being said, JORDI’s release still caught me off guard, along with the amount of “collab” songs it contained. My overall impression is mixed, having liked a number of its songs, though shuffled in with the good is more of the mainstream stuff I had hoped Maroon 5 would shy away from after the disappointing Red Pill Blues. At the same time, JORDI is the highest-scoring Maroon 5 album in nearly 10 years by a longshot (in my book, beating Red Pill Blues and V), which is noteworthy. I appreciated the band dipping their feet in some new styles though, such as the electric guitar openings. The same old fun lyrics and Adam Levine’s charming voice are other highlights of JORDI and are reminiscent of previous releases.

    The work starts off with Beautiful Mistakes, which started with one of those nice e-guitar openings, though I wished the vocals weren't autotuned as much and I could have done without the generic e-drums. Despite that however, it was a fairly catchy song and the Megan Thee Stallion part actually sounded pretty great. I really liked how Lost built up before crashing in the chorus, though as a whole it felt a little overprocessed. The echo vocal effect bugged me a little bit, though the part directly after the second chorus pleased me. Echo’s keyboard was nice though I could have lived without the generic e-drums and vocal pattern. I did like how Adam Levine sang a little higher though. Everything but the drums sounded good but I wished there was more substance to the chorus. Lovesick sounded really nice (especially the bass and drums only part). The background vocals were wonderful and I liked the last chorus and the different melodies. Remedy’s start (just vocals and e-guitar) was awesome and I loved what the kick drum added. While I’m not usually a fan of vocal effects, I did like the one in the prechorus. This song was nice and upbeat. Seasons started with an opening similar to some other songs on the album, which had begun to grow old. Besides the brilliant bassline and low e-guitar, there was not a lot to distinguish this song from the average mainstream current song. One Light’s intro was nice, but again I wished they’d shake things up. The clap was unexpected but it added a lot. I thought it was awesome how the whole song was built off one riff. The rap break didn’t totally seem to fit but it wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened, given some of JORDI's other songs. Convince Me Otherwise’s music was wonderful and I loved the bassline, piano, and the part with multiple vocals. The e-piano in Nobody’s Love was great and I really liked its lyrics. The e-guitar in this song sounded awesome, along with the big drum fill. It reminded me of some stuff from V, which was kinda fun. Can’t Leave You Alone started out with a familiar-sounding e-guitar intro but I was more fine with it because it had been a while since they used it last. The vocal pattern and e-drums were not my favorite, though. The lyrics were nice at least and I liked the piano part right after the rap. The lyrics in Memories were great and I loved the stripped down opening. The background vocals were fantastic and I thought it was beautiful how this song slowly built. Button was a bit repetitive though the reverbless vocals were nice. I really enjoyed the music but the lyrics were not amazing. The spanish part was unique and that spiced things up. The thing that stuck out to me the most in Lifestyle were the number of backing vocal tracks, and while there were some generic e-drums the lyrics were enjoyable. The song could have used a bridge, since it felt pretty short. Perhaps it would have been better to have Memories be the closer because I felt myself wanting more after this energetic song ended.

    Overall, Maroon 5’s latest is not terrible, but it perhaps won’t win any new fans. Then again, there are a few songs from this release that I enjoyed and would gladly listen to again. As a whole though, I would have enjoyed a bit more diversity, a little more uniqueness (something to set apart the band from the rest of mainstream music, something like what the band resembled in the days of Songs About Jane or It Won’t Be Soon Before Long, for instance), and perhaps more songs that weren’t collaborations. It’s always the hope that Maroon 5 goes back to producing pop-rock music, as that is when they were at their best (in my opinion), but at least JORDI is a step in the right direction. Highlights: Lovesick, Remedy, One Light, Convince Me Otherwise, Nobody’s Love, Memories, and Lifestyle.
  17. Apr 1, 2022
    [ ad-mer-uh-buhl ]

    worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, reverence, or affection.
  18. Jun 11, 2021
    Blue eyed, production perfect pop for Dad's, Mum's and any strange offspring. In fact Grandparents can even get into this. They've lost the edge of earlier days but pop is pop. Easy listening, 2020's lounge. There's no need to individualise the tracks as its just one large splat of bbq, beer and summer days' backround tunes.
  19. Jun 22, 2021
    At this point, Maroon 5 releasing an album like this isn't surprising, but it's disappointing nonetheless. Long gone are the days where this band could consistently blend instrumentals, lyrics, and rhythm and deliver music that will be remembered for decades.

    Don't get me wrong, JORDI isn't terrible. Memories is the band's sweetest, most heartfelt song since Daylight, and Nobody's
    At this point, Maroon 5 releasing an album like this isn't surprising, but it's disappointing nonetheless. Long gone are the days where this band could consistently blend instrumentals, lyrics, and rhythm and deliver music that will be remembered for decades.

    Don't get me wrong, JORDI isn't terrible. Memories is the band's sweetest, most heartfelt song since Daylight, and Nobody's Love and Convince Me Otherwise are really starting to grow on me. Otherwise, this album is the perfect example of the overproduced, overprogrammed, autotuned mess that gives modern pop its bad reputation.
  20. Jun 14, 2021
    it just feels SO generic, can't digest it. the feature artists sustains the album and they can't do it well. the songwriting is so weak, just feels like it was entirely done for sales and it feels bad when the album's title is named after a tribute.
    i'm so sorry for that, maroon 5 is a great band but they got it wrong this time
  21. Jun 12, 2021
    why did maroon 5 had to be so mediocre and out of touch with the beloved genre of pop/rock, which they so nicely inspired the band in the past?
  22. Jun 23, 2021
    Nothing super sounding or ear catching, just below average pop music and super underwhelming instrumentation or lack their of.
  23. Jul 20, 2021
    Shallow, empty, forgettable and absolutely disappointing.
    Jordi sells the idea of so many things but it's just a collection of plastic pop that has no meaning or cohesion. It's a hot mess. And I thought they couldn't be worse than 'Red Pill Blues'. I retired Maroon 5 from now on. Can't expect nothing good coming, maybe a glimpse (like Nobody's Love good production), but nothing well
    Shallow, empty, forgettable and absolutely disappointing.
    Jordi sells the idea of so many things but it's just a collection of plastic pop that has no meaning or cohesion. It's a hot mess. And I thought they couldn't be worse than 'Red Pill Blues'. I retired Maroon 5 from now on. Can't expect nothing good coming, maybe a glimpse (like Nobody's Love good production), but nothing well thought and legitimately good. This is the official death of a band that already sounded like a band, not the desperate attempt of Adam Levine to chart with another generic garbage.
  24. Jun 12, 2021
    Literally the wrost album I've listened to this year. It deserved a zero, but it got a 3 from me because I'm huge fan of H.E.R(even though the song they sang together here sounds like ****
  25. Jun 13, 2021
    It's a shame how this group voluntarily decides to make radio-friendly, generic pop noise for profit. There were many moments on the album where I thought it felt like the singer was copying Frank Ocean's style of singing, which proves how desperate they are for getting money. The absolute worst song on this album is "Seasons" because it is the most generic trap song I have ever heard inIt's a shame how this group voluntarily decides to make radio-friendly, generic pop noise for profit. There were many moments on the album where I thought it felt like the singer was copying Frank Ocean's style of singing, which proves how desperate they are for getting money. The absolute worst song on this album is "Seasons" because it is the most generic trap song I have ever heard in my life. The songs are so forgettable that I am beginning to forget about them as I'm writing this. Every song relies way too much on reverb effects, and the song "Echo" proves my point because it uses those effects in the most obnoxious in-your-face-type fashion. The only song I actually liked is "Memories (Remix)". Overall I just found this to be the most boring, mind-numbing pop record I have ever heard, and it seems like the market for that type seems to be never-ending.

    Overall score: 3/10
  26. Jun 12, 2021
    The real low point of Maroon 5. The rhythm of every song in the album is noisy and low rent, and the lyrics are..........damaged.
  27. Oct 15, 2021
    I don't know what this is. Lost and Lovesick kinda slap, but everything else borders on unlistenable
  28. Jun 22, 2021
    It's sad to see what the band has come to nowadays. I love their first two albums so much, as the band used to incorporate pop, blue-eyed soul, funk, R&B and rock to deliver memorable songs. Then, fame went into Adam's head and his ego has gotten bigger, and their music became gradually worse. The worse part of the album is that, even though it's dedicated to their late manager, JordanIt's sad to see what the band has come to nowadays. I love their first two albums so much, as the band used to incorporate pop, blue-eyed soul, funk, R&B and rock to deliver memorable songs. Then, fame went into Adam's head and his ego has gotten bigger, and their music became gradually worse. The worse part of the album is that, even though it's dedicated to their late manager, Jordan Feldstein, once you listen to the entire album, you hear nothing that remotely sounds like a tribute to Jordi, which makes it infuriating that the band named the album after him. Also, the production on the album sounds very generic and relies heavily on the trap sound that dominates the charts today, even at one point, Adam is singing in the same style as Migos on one of the tracks. Most of the features the album has don't add much to the album, such as as Megan Thee Stallion on Beautiful Mistakes. But there are moments where I enjoyed the album, such as Convince Me Otherwise with H.E.R. or Lovesick, which has a nice guitar groove. Overall, Jordi is an album that is not worth your time and it will be soon forgettable in a couple of days. Expand
  29. Jun 19, 2021
    I really liked their first. 3 albums. Saw them in concert twice based on the aforementioned 3 albums. The last 4 albums are awful and this is the worst on all of them. I feel bad for the non Levine members they must hate playing this junk
  30. Jul 6, 2021
    This band has been on the downhill spiral for years. Probably I’d say 2009. I don’t care how big headed adam Levine wants to act and say they make good music, well dork you don’t. Your music now is generic, lame and downright disrespectful to any sense of “pop rock” that you came from before. People are BORED of you wanting to sound like every other pop/hip-hop artist on the radio.. goThis band has been on the downhill spiral for years. Probably I’d say 2009. I don’t care how big headed adam Levine wants to act and say they make good music, well dork you don’t. Your music now is generic, lame and downright disrespectful to any sense of “pop rock” that you came from before. People are BORED of you wanting to sound like every other pop/hip-hop artist on the radio.. go back to your old selves.

    Ps. User @ zsoltisinko,
    How can you call these guys versatile…. They literally have made sound alike pop music for the last 4 albums. They have stayed generic for over 10 years. They refuse to ever include any sort of guitar work that is complex like in harder to breath. Like.. how dumb can you be?

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. Jun 30, 2021
    Levine and company aren't the focus here, they're the connective tissue on a softly amorphous album that sounds entirely like latter-day Maroon 5 without ever quite seeming to belong to them.
  2. Jun 17, 2021
    A flaccid smattering of pop trends that have long since passed and melodies so transparently halfhearted, it barely sounds like a person even made them.
  3. Jun 16, 2021
    Jordi bounces between smeary electropop haze, wobbles of tropical house, a forgettable Stevie Nicks appearance. It’s too cluttered to sink into, too limp for catharsis.