• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jul 22, 2003

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 2 out of 8
  1. It's All in Your Head doesn't have the punch that Eve 6's previous albums possessed.
  2. Alternative Press
    Head shows Eve 6 tweaking and perfecting their sound to become even more consistent and solid. [Aug 2003, p.104]
  3. It's All In Your Head reveals the band that is very much on top of things.
  4. Blender
    Glumly generic. [Aug 2003, p.124]
  5. There's little here that Our Lady Peace, Foo Fighters, Everclear and a half-dozen other post-grunge bands don't already do better.
  6. While they still tackle the same young person themes you expect--girls, loneliness, girls--they do so with professional aplomb.
  7. The trio's skill as musicians has clearly evolved since their debut back in '98.
  8. Eve 6 seem to want to improve themselves but keep bumping up against their own limitations of style and substance.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 27
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 27
  3. Negative: 2 out of 27
  1. Sep 18, 2013
    Eve 6's best effort to date by far. This band did nothing but improve as time progressed until their hiatus. It was a shame to see them go,Eve 6's best effort to date by far. This band did nothing but improve as time progressed until their hiatus. It was a shame to see them go, and perhaps an even bigger shame to see them come back and produce something like Speak in Code as a follow up to this great piece. Full Review »
  2. Dec 26, 2011
    An excellent album. Eve 6 has always been ahead of their cohorts both musically and lyrically, and that may have caused poor sales for thisAn excellent album. Eve 6 has always been ahead of their cohorts both musically and lyrically, and that may have caused poor sales for this album.

    The lyrics are deep and heartfelt, and not just the generic "I love/d you girl" lyrics that invade most pop/rock/punk/alternative groups.
    Full Review »
  3. tiebo
    Dec 15, 2005
    i love this CD