
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jun 5, 2020
    It's an eclectic set, for sure, but loyal to a nostalgic musicality that doesn't take itself too seriously; there's a bit of a wink and smile to Italian Ice that adds an extra layer of charm.
  2. 90
    This flawlessly conceived follow-up draws from many of the same influences yet broadens her boundaries. It’s every bit as potent and expertly arranged, putting it in play as an early contender for one of 2020’s finest albums.
  3. Mojo
    May 27, 2020
    There are transcendent moments. ... But Atkins tries on so many hackneyed faces during these 11 tracks that the overall effort feels faceless. [Jul 2020, p.82]
  4. Jun 5, 2020
    All this amounts to, in the nicest possible way, is an album that sounds sleek, professional and (say it quietly) a little safe.
  5. Jun 12, 2020
    Italian Ice is the product of a talented pool of contributors who simultaneously lift Atkins up while still allowing her tremendous vocals to remain the focal point. It’s the strongest album that Nicole has put forth – a gem that hopefully will not go overlooked.
  6. 80
    As the next chapter in an unimpeachably reliable catalog, Nicole Atkins couldn’t ask for anything more from Italian Ice, preserving her artistic hallmarks, deepening her emotional lyrical depth, while broadening her stylistic palette.
  7. Uncut
    May 27, 2020
    Clear-eyed, warm and stylish. [Jul 2020, p.20]
  8. Jun 4, 2020
    The whole album is stuffed with hooks and brilliant ideas. This is peak Nicole Atkins.

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