User Score

Overwhelming dislike- based on 71 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 71
  2. Negative: 61 out of 71

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  1. Mar 16, 2021
    What is this? Only one mid track and then... all trash.
    YOU MUSTN'T LISTEN TO THIS! No, seriously don't do that.
  2. Jan 24, 2021
    only 1 good song, and its because of the beat and the dude who isn't Soulja Boy. This is easily the lowest that rap can sink, I'm shocked Soulja was the first YouTuber to become a big rapper.
  3. Jan 19, 2012
    one of the worst rap albums to even come out of the industry, the songs are repetetive, poorly written & preformed and contains some of the weakest vocals ever recorded, all the songs are so generic it's comical, simiply put avoid (or destroy the CD with a sledgehammer the choice is yours)
  4. Jan 10, 2012
    OMG i regret listening to this album. Honestly i wanted to like Soulja Boy as an artist. But man he is just so terrible he needs to stop rapping before he destroys the industry
  5. NJR
    Dec 7, 2010
    As an MC he is just fuggin awful.
  6. SouljaBoy
    Oct 19, 2009
    Ayo Haters! Listen to dis....yo a** is jealous of ma success you hear! I got 2 gunz at ma crib, I used one to rape a 15 year old girl and I used da other one to kill ma daddy! I am evil bit*ches!! Die!!
  7. jeffb.
    Oct 6, 2009
    Soulja does not lack originality, but all this music he's makin just sucks, just to be blunt about it. He's the definition of douche bag rapper. He enjoys long walks with joanne summers and has a beagal named intuitive samon.
  8. JY
    Oct 6, 2009
    Wow. I can't believe this is music.
  9. KekeC.
    Aug 9, 2009
    Soulja Boy does his thing n does it well so y'all need to stop hating.
  10. JoeS.
    Jun 16, 2009
    Just as bad as that first album. Id would only recommend it for people who are trying to find a way to tet the limits of their sanity.
  11. PacoP.
    Jun 12, 2009
    Just terrible. Absolute garbage, awful lyrics, and and untalented singer.
  12. LeeW.
    May 29, 2009
    Soulja Boy and his album "iSouljaBoyTellem" are unique, organized, well-crafted, politically correct, and most of all, talented.
  13. BrianD.
    May 20, 2009
    Soulja Boy sucks dick!!!!!
  14. BreezyG.
    Apr 15, 2009
    I think he stepped his rappin' game up!
  15. PaulH.
    Mar 15, 2009
    I seriously dislike all this kinda music soulja boy inparticular really gets my back up. The only time his music is barely tolerable is after alot to drink, making the sound blur. That 'blur' is an obvious improvement.
  16. AlanT
    Mar 11, 2009
    This guy is a talentless hack. Too bad there's so many stupid people in the world that buy his lousy cds and make him rich.
  17. RyanS
    Mar 8, 2009
    I think Ronnie is being satyrical, guys. As in, he's pretending to really like the album so as to poke fun at it. :P Imagine Crank That. Now imagine it worse. That's pretty much what you have here. and Mahoud, that's a bunch of Bullcrap. We cant insult/harshly criticise this because it's art? that's rubbish. Artists make art (I'd hardly call this art) to show I think Ronnie is being satyrical, guys. As in, he's pretending to really like the album so as to poke fun at it. :P Imagine Crank That. Now imagine it worse. That's pretty much what you have here. and Mahoud, that's a bunch of Bullcrap. We cant insult/harshly criticise this because it's art? that's rubbish. Artists make art (I'd hardly call this art) to show other poeple and make money. Not being able to "hate" on it would be like censoring all negative content on the internet: stupid and pointless. WE think Soulja Boy is crap. It's called an opinion. Expand
  18. JamesW
    Mar 1, 2009
    I don't even need to hear this album to know how awful it will be if i were to listen to it.
  19. ChrisH.
    Feb 25, 2009
    Just awful. Plain and simple.
  20. LukeR
    Feb 24, 2009
    Send that Alien back to Mars! Who listens to this garbage?
  21. AdamD
    Feb 14, 2009
    It was painfully bland and generally terrible. I just felt it was lacking in nearly all directions!!!
  22. MahoudJ
    Feb 4, 2009
    I'm not going to hate on Soulja Boy because that is disrespectful to the notion of art. No, I don't enjoy listening to Soulja Boy but the music he creates is truly not like any other music made today, it may be pop but his sound is , though possibly obnoxious, quite unique. No one has the right to insult an artist's work because in art, to each his own, and some enjoy I'm not going to hate on Soulja Boy because that is disrespectful to the notion of art. No, I don't enjoy listening to Soulja Boy but the music he creates is truly not like any other music made today, it may be pop but his sound is , though possibly obnoxious, quite unique. No one has the right to insult an artist's work because in art, to each his own, and some enjoy Soulja Boy so I will not insult his work. Expand
  23. KevinF.
    Feb 2, 2009
    Ronnie J., I'm sorry but I do not understand retard.
  24. NoelS
    Feb 1, 2009
    Oh come on, it's really not THAT bad. Sure it's corny, but it's at least fun to talk about how corny it is with some friends. Hell, Soulja Boy is laughing all the way to the bank.
  25. AlexO.
    Jan 28, 2009
    Ronnie J. gave this a 10, but I can't understand why. Mr. J, may I suggest you learn how to write in english? The garbled junk you wrote sounds looks the illiterate scrawlings of an unintelligent four year old.
  26. jordanb
    Jan 21, 2009
    Is this really what popular rap sounds like? I feel dumber for listening to this garbage. I truly believe I could train a dog to make a better album.
  27. JohnD
    Jan 19, 2009
    0 sorry to hear that your mentally retarded.
  28. MikeP
    Jan 16, 2009
    Anyone who listens to this ringtone crap and enjoys it must be retarded.
  29. AjayD
    Jan 14, 2009
    An awful Album, seriously! I heard Majority of the songs from you tube and i could not believe that cr*p like this pleases people! Its sad to see people giving away their cash to "hip hop" trash like S. boy. You want to invest into something meaningful..go out and cop Any NAS, THE GAME and COMMON Albums.
  30. JeffB.
    Jan 14, 2009
    More uncreative, lazy music from a lazy, uncreative rapper who got mad when Anonymous made fun of him.
  31. RonnieJ.
    Jan 10, 2009
    Y'al saying Soulja Boy ain't the **** well I got news for ya, YA TRICK YA ALL THE WAY. This album is what ghetto street cruisin is all about with Soulja Boy and Arab, I mean dayum they get me some BAPES!
  32. BobB.
    Jan 8, 2009
    Absolutely dreadful. Soulja Boy thinks simplistic rhymes over Fruity Loops beats is "real" rap. It's not. Headache Inducing, boring, and repetitive; it's the hip hop Metal Machine Music.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Short on new ideas and lacking in cohesion, Soulja Boy Tell Em's second official full-length finds the young upstart trying way too hard to re-create the bazillion selling 'Crank That' and repeatedly coming up short.
  2. This follow-up to his commercially successful debut is a mind-numbing bore that has a few well-produced club tracks by Mr. Collipark and Polow Da Don that slightly mix up the successful formula (chant, be inane, repeat).
  3. Your best bet is to find a website you can listen to snippets of this album on and if one or two tracks strike your fancy, buy those. A whole album of SB's idiotic raps is still too much for one man or woman to take no matter how much better the beats are.