
Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Short on new ideas and lacking in cohesion, Soulja Boy Tell Em's second official full-length finds the young upstart trying way too hard to re-create the bazillion selling 'Crank That' and repeatedly coming up short.
  2. This follow-up to his commercially successful debut is a mind-numbing bore that has a few well-produced club tracks by Mr. Collipark and Polow Da Don that slightly mix up the successful formula (chant, be inane, repeat).
  3. Your best bet is to find a website you can listen to snippets of this album on and if one or two tracks strike your fancy, buy those. A whole album of SB's idiotic raps is still too much for one man or woman to take no matter how much better the beats are.
  4. The beats on iSouljaBoyTellem--built by Soulja and Mr. Collipark--are beefier. And Soulja Boy's willingness to drill songs into your skull is less charming.
  5. 50
    On his sophomore effort, iSoujaBoyTellem (Interscope), the YouTube legend attempts to sound all grown up, but for the most part, sticks to his rather unusual brand of hip-hop for the Google generation.
  6. iSouljaBoyTellem ultimately fails because it’s barely memorable, lacking any kind of successor to 'Crank That' to keep Soulja Boy relevant.
  7. The lesson of iSouljaBoyTellem is that simply being indefensible on most rational levels does not stop an album being enjoyable.
User Score

Overwhelming dislike- based on 71 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 71
  2. Negative: 61 out of 71
  1. AjayD
    Jan 14, 2009
    An awful Album, seriously! I heard Majority of the songs from you tube and i could not believe that cr*p like this pleases people! Its sad to An awful Album, seriously! I heard Majority of the songs from you tube and i could not believe that cr*p like this pleases people! Its sad to see people giving away their cash to "hip hop" trash like S. boy. You want to invest into something meaningful..go out and cop Any NAS, THE GAME and COMMON Albums. Full Review »
  2. Jan 19, 2012
    one of the worst rap albums to even come out of the industry, the songs are repetetive, poorly written & preformed and contains some of theone of the worst rap albums to even come out of the industry, the songs are repetetive, poorly written & preformed and contains some of the weakest vocals ever recorded, all the songs are so generic it's comical, simiply put avoid (or destroy the CD with a sledgehammer the choice is yours) Full Review »
  3. PaulH.
    Mar 15, 2009
    I seriously dislike all this kinda music soulja boy inparticular really gets my back up. The only time his music is barely tolerable is after I seriously dislike all this kinda music soulja boy inparticular really gets my back up. The only time his music is barely tolerable is after alot to drink, making the sound blur. That 'blur' is an obvious improvement. Full Review »