• Record Label: Kompakt
  • Release Date: Sep 21, 2018
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  1. Sep 23, 2018
    Every 2-3 years The Field returns with an hour or so of ambient, looping euphoria that has yet to disappoint me; he is truly one of the most consistent and engaging musicians of the last 10 years. Each album expands or diverts from the previous one subtly, but the progression this time is perhaps the most notable so far. Whereas The Follower built on the darker more dense sound of the lastEvery 2-3 years The Field returns with an hour or so of ambient, looping euphoria that has yet to disappoint me; he is truly one of the most consistent and engaging musicians of the last 10 years. Each album expands or diverts from the previous one subtly, but the progression this time is perhaps the most notable so far. Whereas The Follower built on the darker more dense sound of the last few minutes of Black Sea from Cupid's Head, Infinite Moment is airier, lighter and more "organic". I wasn't sure what it would mean when I saw "organic" used to describe the upcoming album in the information surrounding its announcement (most of it incomprehensible) but it makes sense now. The sounds and feelings invoked by Infinite Moment recall natural, earth-bound processes and emotions. It is warmer and airier, in contrast to the cosmic tightness of The Follower. The Follower was wonderful, and Infinite Moment is perhaps better. I'll wait a while before making that call though. For now, a 9. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Oct 3, 2018
    It is an album of specks dancing in the dust in an amorphous bubble of babble and bawling thoughts, yearning to be unthought.
  2. Oct 3, 2018
    Through all six tracks, regardless of their rhythmic backing, harmonic and melodic complexity, or lack thereof, Axel Willner has managed to keep your eyes locked on the dangling watch before you. The sheer repetition lures you in, but it's the quality of what's happening in these dense mixes that makes you stay, that allows you see the forest for the tree.
  3. Sep 26, 2018
    The perpetually unraveling nature of Infinite Moment results in a perfectly paced listening experience that's almost impossible not to get lost in.