
Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. A mandatory release for all Les Savy Fans, both serious and casual.
  2. Inches functions in the best way a retrospective of its kind can: the more primitive songs don't seem like missteps so much as enlightening diagrams of how the band arrived at such convincing current ones.
  3. Under The Radar
    Can't escape the looming juggernaut of Fugazi. [#7]
  4. Inches is not just a great concept; it’s a legitimately great rock record in most every facet, and it's Les Savy Fav’s best release outside of Rome (Written Upside Down).
  5. Spin
    Inches compiles them all, from the high-voltage shriekathon "Blackouts on Thursday" to "Hold on to Your Genre," where a churning bass line meets shimmery guitar worthy of a new-wave Edge. [Jun 2004, p.108]
  6. Defeatist it may be, but such genius is very rarely recognised in a band’s lifetime. So be it – because there genuinely is no verbal persuasion that could exceed a single listen to America’s most underrated.
  7. Filter
    The new songs are some of the best they've ever recorded, and just finishing this collection is a big testament to their staying power. [#10, p.89]
  8. For any group to progress and change the way that, say, Radiohead has, is pretty damn inspiring. It shows commitment, and it shows vision.
  9. Whether the band is shakin' its collective art-rock ass to syncopated beats or barreling through treble-infused dueling guitar throwdowns, there's never a dull moment here.
  10. Taken as a whole, Inches is a fantastic collection, achieving what other full-length Les Savy Fav albums have not: Delivering a wholly satisfying listening experience.
  11. Inches is an ambitious concept, but the band's success with it is another example of Les Savy Fav's mix of intellect and volatility.
  12. Alternative Press
    An accurate representation of the prolific group's career. [Aug 2004, p.106]
  13. Without a doubt, this is Les Savy Fav's defining album.
  14. Inches succeeds, and then some, because the record simply doesn’t sound like it’s been collated together over a nine year period.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Ken
    Mar 31, 2006
    This album is perfect. I'm sick of reviews like "Under the Radar" who contantly compare LSF to Fugazi even when they've really This album is perfect. I'm sick of reviews like "Under the Radar" who contantly compare LSF to Fugazi even when they've really began to come into their own. Their first two albums definitely have heavy Fugazi influence and even though the early singles can trace that, the newer/latest songs have definitely given LSF their own distinct, groovy sound. You can't dance to Fugazi songs like you can to LSF. Can we stop the Fugazi comparisons and just enjoy this phenomenal album? We get it, they're mainly influenced by Fugazi, now could you please actually listen to the album. Full Review »
  2. DougR
    Feb 19, 2005
    The Fav are/were the best rock band on the planet, and Inches is a choice sampler. You'll hear this comment over and over but after The Fav are/were the best rock band on the planet, and Inches is a choice sampler. You'll hear this comment over and over but after seeing them live (if they ever tour again *fingers crossed*) lay this baby down on your headphones and you will just shiver remembering one of the most engaging concerts you ever saw. Full Review »
  3. [Anonymous]
    Feb 18, 2005
    Incredibly inventive and wide ranging.Full of ideas and originality.