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  1. RufatR.
    Oct 19, 2007
    Music is not so different, as in previous albums. But it's still Radiohead stylish, and Thom's voice is still one of the most sinsere ones.
  2. Justin
    Jan 6, 2008
    As with OKC and Kid A, my inability to find words to describe their brilliance is countered by my inability to describe where In Rainbows lacks. The best I can do for our generation's Beatles: It's good enough.
  3. magnusmatstoms
    Oct 13, 2007
    Decent but far from the high points of Ok Computer and The Bends
  4. MarkR.
    Oct 17, 2007
    Yes you know, I like the record, but sometimes I just want a damn distorted electric guitar. That's what I feel sometimes Radiohead has lost, angriness.
  5. Jamess.
    Oct 17, 2007
    I agree with the critic that said it had no climax. A good album that would have been excellent if it contained even one obvious single. I was left waiting for something to happen most of the album.
  6. Jeremy
    Oct 17, 2007
    The songs here, as songs, are pretty good. They are made well and the instrumentation is top-notch. Skittish beats, whirring guitars, and soothing dream-like haziness litter this album with superbness. The production is also surprisingly good for a non-record-label release. I could say, with faith, that 15 STEP, NUDE, and VIDEOTAPE are three of the best songs in the past few months. The songs here, as songs, are pretty good. They are made well and the instrumentation is top-notch. Skittish beats, whirring guitars, and soothing dream-like haziness litter this album with superbness. The production is also surprisingly good for a non-record-label release. I could say, with faith, that 15 STEP, NUDE, and VIDEOTAPE are three of the best songs in the past few months. However, when I sit down and listen to this record as a whole, I find it to be quite plodding. While each song has a different feel, the general, overall effect doesn't drift too far from the same base. In other words: as a whole, this album tends to bore me. I see this as a mood piece. A nice album to play and sit down and relax, or a nice night-time car ride cd. But, I [usually] cannot sit and listen to the whole thing without stopping around FAUST ARP (not that it's a bad song, just 'cause I lose interest by then.) I admire Radiohead's musical ability, and they sure do have musical ability, but I have to say that, while not bad, at all, this album fails to please me completely. Far from perfect. Expand
  7. Michael
    Oct 17, 2007
    strong tracks: 15 step nude faust arp jigsaw falling into place videotape. arpeggi is ruined by a stupid drum beat, check out the orchestral version on youtube. that's quality right there. bodysnatchers sucks for the first half. all i need is good but the ending is super corny and lame. reckoner starts out well but turns completely generic and the breakdown sounds just like I Will, strong tracks: 15 step nude faust arp jigsaw falling into place videotape. arpeggi is ruined by a stupid drum beat, check out the orchestral version on youtube. that's quality right there. bodysnatchers sucks for the first half. all i need is good but the ending is super corny and lame. reckoner starts out well but turns completely generic and the breakdown sounds just like I Will, like just like it, shockingly apparently so. House of cards is boring and goes nowhere. That's all. in general, phil selway brings the album down a lot, and could've been improved by taking some of the more exemplary tracks off the eraser and fleshing them out a bit. because cymbal rush, analyse, and harrowdown hill are a whole lot better than a lot of the stuff here. Radiohead ooze potential and talent, but they make choices that I find disappointing. Expand
  8. dj=riv
    Dec 12, 2007
    5 out of 5 for the means, plus 4 out of 5 for my first few impressions, plus so very much respect and thanks from me equals 7/10?
  9. lawrenceh.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Not bad, overhyped though. Aren't these songs outtakes from REM's Automatic for the People, recycled through laptop wizardry?
  10. JosephA.
    Oct 23, 2007
    After much listening, I personally am torn between and 7 or a 6. It is quite lovely to see Radiohead back, in some cases I wonder what the f*** went on about the recording sessions. Most of the tracks seem quite much like filler if anything, lush depressing romantic filler (as opposed to lush depressing political filler from Hail to the Thief.) Nevertheless, it almost makes me believe After much listening, I personally am torn between and 7 or a 6. It is quite lovely to see Radiohead back, in some cases I wonder what the f*** went on about the recording sessions. Most of the tracks seem quite much like filler if anything, lush depressing romantic filler (as opposed to lush depressing political filler from Hail to the Thief.) Nevertheless, it almost makes me believe that I am listening to a Coldplay record, in a mehish way. As such, the winners here are Bodysnachers, Nude, and Videotape with their Radiohead-esque melancholy. Sadly, when this album suck, it sucks hard. Especially concerning some of the other lyrics ("I am the holidays you choose to ignore," Thom what have you been drinking.) seem childish, selfish, and in some cases (despite the album's claim of being more user-friendly) unintelligible thanks to horrible balancing of sounds, drowning out Yorke's vocals. Granted, thought at first I regretted being short of change when I downloaded the album. (Which I believe has led to some review whoring, and I am saying this as a fairly ardent Radiohead fan.) I don't feel as conflicted due to the quality (or lack there of.) Expand
  11. AlexW.
    Feb 15, 2008
    I think its very very very well recorded / performed - I mean they are great at using their instruments and creating tension etc - i think this album is fun and some songs are naff and some a brilliant - reckoner is by far my favourite song ever - doesn't mean I like the album haha - i think radiohead aren't as good as everyone has dug themselves into a hole with over praising I think its very very very well recorded / performed - I mean they are great at using their instruments and creating tension etc - i think this album is fun and some songs are naff and some a brilliant - reckoner is by far my favourite song ever - doesn't mean I like the album haha - i think radiohead aren't as good as everyone has dug themselves into a hole with over praising them - they were just lucky with the timing of their arrival onto the music scene - and everyone who think ok computer rocks - there is 2 good songs on it! what the hell are you on ... o_o ? Expand
  12. Sep 5, 2010
    It's a great album, but I think Radiohead has done better. I like how it's much different from what they've done before, but I hope they go back to melting faces on the next record
  13. Mar 9, 2011
    I'm a diehard fan, but even a few years later I am split on this album. In comparison to their prior work, this album doesn't do as much for me. The over-orchestration, the pointless Faust ARP, the mediocre guitar throwback of Bodysnatchers, this annoyingly paced Videotape, the excellent Go Slowly left to rot on a second disc of throwaways... Yet somehow, it all works. In the right mood,I'm a diehard fan, but even a few years later I am split on this album. In comparison to their prior work, this album doesn't do as much for me. The over-orchestration, the pointless Faust ARP, the mediocre guitar throwback of Bodysnatchers, this annoyingly paced Videotape, the excellent Go Slowly left to rot on a second disc of throwaways... Yet somehow, it all works. In the right mood, on a lovely day, this album is incredibly satisfying, even refreshing, and song after song send shivers down my spine. By far their most accessible album since The Bends, it's sometimes overly sentimental and downright gushy at points. The climaxes are almost annoyingly affective, like a cheap thrill ending up better than you anticipate. But so was "High & Dry", dammit. And that was the song that made me a fan. So maybe it isn't full of mind-bending experiments. It's still pretty great. It will never be my favorite, but despite my complaints, this album just works. Listen to it with the love of your life. Expand
  14. Oct 13, 2012
    Near the beginning I didn't really like it and felt that radiohead had begun to shy away from it's the bends/ok computer beginning(pablo honey didn't really count for most fans) but it started to grow on me as it progressed.
  15. Jun 9, 2023
    15 step is awsome

    although bodysnatcher has a great instrumental, i do think thom's vocals arent good. Nude sends you to heaven weird fishes is my fav track in this album, the drums nake it for me All i need is a gigatrack Faust arp is a nice little interlude Reckoner is my least favourite, something about the pairing of thoms vocals and the fast paced instrumental just makes the track
    15 step is awsome

    although bodysnatcher has a great instrumental, i do think thom's vocals arent good. Nude sends you to heaven weird fishes is my fav track in this album, the drums nake it for me

    All i need is a gigatrack

    Faust arp is a nice little interlude Reckoner is my least favourite, something about the pairing of thoms vocals and the fast paced instrumental just makes the track less good than the rest of the tracklist

    House of cards is a great tune

    Jigsaw isnt falling into place

    And videotape is probably too minimalistic for me

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.