• Record Label: Vice
  • Release Date: Oct 6, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. In and Out of Control is still hindered by what has sunk every Raveonettes album from being great; there’s a sinking feeling upon multiple listens that you’re just listening to one long song.
  2. 60
    Four albums in, this nourish duo are still unwavering in their approach: Chilly, disturbing lyrics emerge from a dense fog of blissful Spector harmonies and squalling Jesus and Mary Chain surf and strings. Only now, those lyrics are more bizarre.
  3. A pop concoction packed with twangy hooks and dreamy melodies, it sounds like a fantasy fusion of the Phil Spector-produced Ronettes and C86-era indie stars the Primitives.
  4. In and Out of Control is a reined-in Raveonettes album with more differentiation among songs.
  5. When things do begin to feel a little too familiar, Control manages to pull clever punches that keep interests piqued.
  6. The Raveonettes aren’t reinventing their formula with In and Out of Control, but with pop this lovely, they shouldn’t expect to hear any complaints.
  7. The Danish duo of Sune Rose Wagner and Sharin Foo begin their fourth full-length, In And Out Of Control, with a satisfying "Bang!" and never slow, even through the darkest of subject matter
  8. Yes, the melodies are all bubble-gum lightness, but don’t worry, Raveonettes are still very dark and won’t be making inroads into top-40 radio any time soon.
  9. Under The Radar
    The Danish duo continue to dance--quite merrily--on the boundary between light and dark with In And Out Of Control. [Fall 2009, p.60]
  10. The album is better when the lyrics remain more suggestive (the slinky “Breaking Into Cars”) than explicit (the self-explanatory “Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Destroyed)”) but In And Out Of Control mostly finds the band thriving in a niche of its own creation.
  11. It turns out to be much more than just the sum of its influences. It's evocative when it could just be shamelessly retro.
  12. This is their thing, their schtick. And for the most part, bending phil Spector out of shape and dragging him by his hair through a raft of distortional devices and all the while kicking the hell out of the ‘Leader of the Pack’ is a very good thing.
  13. Thanks to the production, the performances, and the songs, the Raveonettes have delivered on the renewed promise of "Lust Lust Lust" and made a very good, almost great, noise-pop album.
  14. While the Raveonettes do little to shake things up on Control, they still have the unique and eerie ability to sugarcoat the most serious of songs with their infectious brand of music.
  15. Q Magazine
    Darkly funny and strangely beautiful. [Nov 2009, p.111]
  16. Uncut
    Seductively decaddent, but a feeling that The Raveonettes are living on borrowed time persists. [Nov 2009, p.99]

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