• Record Label: Fader
  • Release Date: Aug 2, 2019
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 125 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 3 out of 125
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  1. Sep 2, 2020
    Talented, Brilliant, Incredible, Amazing, Showstopping, Spectacular, Never The Same, Totally Unique, Completely Not Ever Been Done Before, Unafraid To Reference Or Not Reference, Put It In A Blender, **** On It, Vomit On It, Eat It, Give Birth To It.
  2. Aug 6, 2019
    Beautiful and smart. The album is a complete story told by a beautiful look of life!!!
  3. Aug 2, 2019
    This album is a jewel between all the new millennial-like music. Its production makes you go through a trippy conversion. It's catchy and joyful, filled with this beautiful romantic context that uses not only as a lyrical source, but as a musical source too.
  4. Aug 2, 2019
    Simplesmente perfeito, com seu primeiro álbum Clairo só prova mais uma vez que é uma ótima compositora e tem potencial como produtora. Immunity é coerente do começo ao fim, um pouco melancólico e ao mesmo tempo doce, ela consegue ponderar os elementos e isso o torna mais cativante.
  5. Aug 2, 2019
    it’s amazing i really love it!!! immunity kicked my ass and im really proud of claire ❤️❤️❤️ u inspire me every day
  6. Aug 3, 2019
    more than 2 years ago, i accidentally stumbled upon a song called "get with u" on soundcloud, introducing me to clairo for the first time... although immunity wasn't what i was necessarily expecting, it was 100% what i needed. clairo and rostam have created something that i cant even begin to describe in the best way possible. claire has truly flourished into an amazing artist and personmore than 2 years ago, i accidentally stumbled upon a song called "get with u" on soundcloud, introducing me to clairo for the first time... although immunity wasn't what i was necessarily expecting, it was 100% what i needed. clairo and rostam have created something that i cant even begin to describe in the best way possible. claire has truly flourished into an amazing artist and person and immunity will forever mean so much to me ✨ Expand
  7. Aug 4, 2019
    It’s an on going reminder that life will throw **** at you and you must keep on going. You’ll develop an immunity to certain punches and your skin will get thicker. All in a soft rock record
  8. Aug 24, 2019
    The album is really good to hear and get lost in the deep tracks. Feels like she created a new genre of music that touches our hearts and minds and leave us to a place where everything is deep and intense. Clairo is art and this album is a perfect masterpiece.
  9. Aug 31, 2019
    emotionally and mentally aiding, it provides a feeling of comfort and sadness at the same time. Clairo just being 21 and having experienced the emotion and hurt she has is amazing.
  10. Nov 11, 2019
    so cohesive, so beautiful, so enjoyable fck claire you really showed what you're made of there's no day I don't listen to this album
  11. Nov 15, 2020
    It's just soooo good. I'm in love with this album. I will stan Clairo 4ever.
  12. May 12, 2020
    Hay mucho que decir de este álbum, realmente es una obra de arte fantástica, todos los tracks son recomendados, se nota como Clairo decidió salir de su zona de confort para crear nueva música y mejor, amamos a una patrona de cierta nula que la ignora la critica.
  13. Apr 6, 2021
    Immunity is the Masterpiece of Clairo. The Bedroom Pop in this album feels soooo good, in this album we can see how did Clairo changed his mood between songs like 4ever and bags. The hit from this album is definitively Sofia, White Flag and Bags. MASTERPIECE
  14. Aug 28, 2020
    Amazing album, a very special sound. The nostalgia in most of the songs adds a lot to the experience. Favorite tracks: Alewife (breaks my heart every time), Softly, Feel Something and Bags.
  15. Aug 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Clairo's songs >>>> ❤immunity album is sooooo good . Sofia one of d best song ever. Expand
  16. Sep 11, 2023
    Immunity é um álbum muito bom e coeso, todas as 11 músicas presentes nesse disco são boas, é um ótimo debut.
  17. Aug 2, 2019
    It caught me off guard how Clairo evolves from a dear lo-fi pop internet phenomenon into this matured, confident, wide-eyed artist who can actually put together something beyond her bedroom. This album is a coming-of-age journey filled with wisdom and wide-range emotions; thanks to its smart confessional songwriting, balanced music production, and her plain-yet-candid voice. I like this a lot!
  18. Aug 2, 2019
    The definition of heart on your sleeve. Great production and lyrics, Clairo has never sounded more confident and vulnerable.
  19. Jan 21, 2020
    Clairo establishes herself as one of pop's brightest young talents with this record. She drifts effortlessly between lo-fi, electro and bedroom pop. Her amazing ear for melody, production and vocal manipulation makes this one of the easiest listens of 2019, but also, with a surprising amount of personality and depth.
  20. Dec 2, 2021
    Going from disposable songs about cheetos and pretty girls to a stunning starkly hopeful debut is no easy feat but clairo accomplished it with ease. "Immunity " is a heartbreaking nearly quite record delivered like a friend whispering secrets or reading their diary to you. "Alewife" is the most depressing songs here depicting a suicide attempt they now feel embarrassed about. It's sincereGoing from disposable songs about cheetos and pretty girls to a stunning starkly hopeful debut is no easy feat but clairo accomplished it with ease. "Immunity " is a heartbreaking nearly quite record delivered like a friend whispering secrets or reading their diary to you. "Alewife" is the most depressing songs here depicting a suicide attempt they now feel embarrassed about. It's sincere and direct along with Bat Ratmintjion production feels comforting instead of hopeless. Many moments like that surround this debut such as the lull if "bags" or the jazz ease of ''sinking ". The album's centerpiece though is the closer,"i wouldn't ask you" a lush event that invites a choir ,a transition and insecurity. It's a wonderful testament to the records themes. Expand
  21. Sep 1, 2019
    really good lots of potential for a debut do prefer her earlier stuff but this is still great
  22. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8
  23. Apr 25, 2021
    (7.5/10) One of the best pop albums of the decade. It might not be for everyone but there are too many good songs this release for you to just be able to look over it.
    Best Songs: Impossible, Closer to You, Bags, North, Sinking
    Worst Songs: White Flag
  24. Feb 19, 2023
    A very beautiful and lowkey/chill album. There is no weak songs in this album, and it has its fair share of amazing songs as well!
  25. Aug 2, 2019
    Indeed I anticipated “Immunity” too much, and honestly, it didn’t attend any of my expectations! I must confess it’s a cohesive and solid body of work, though, nice work from Rostam, he always nails it, and also from Clairo, of course, for her beautiful and emotional lyrics, and vocals as well! Favorites: Alewife, Closer to You, Bags & Sofia.
  26. Aug 2, 2019
    broke out of the boundaries of “bedroom pop” into an indie artist who has the chance of lasting in the industry. enchanting and insightful lyrics. it gave me a sense of who she is as a person.
  27. Sep 2, 2020
    sorprendentemente este álbum es muy diferente a su primer ep, sin embargo, no deja de ser bueno. el álbum no tiene tanta producción, y eso sinceramente no es malo, pero no lo hace tan destacable, en mi opinión. mis canciones favoritas son sofia, bags, impossible y alewife. le deseo muchos éxitos a clairo, y que siga con su carrera.
  28. Mar 2, 2023
    I didn't see the hype in this record personally. I do, however, understand the appeal. Clairo has a gift for vocal layering and finding beauty in simplicity.
  29. Aug 4, 2019
    Immunity disappointed me, I'm a big fan of clairo and I like the first two singles... There are some redeemable qualities to the album like clairo's voice and the guitars. Mostly the album felt bland and the production felt a bit flat and didn't take enough risks on most tracks.
    The writing is not bad with some moments of being very beautiful l, same for the production, but not much more.
  30. Aug 7, 2019
    This album is at its best when Clairo manages to find power in simplicity and subtlety which unfortunately only happens some of the time.
  31. Aug 7, 2019
    I really don’t see the hype behind this record, it’s really bland and forgettable. Clairo fails to do anything interesting vocally, as there is little variation to be found across her performances on this album. None of the production really stands out either, and this album is jam packed with pretty weak melodies and cord progressions (see Alewife, Impossible, North, Sofia, etc). WhileI really don’t see the hype behind this record, it’s really bland and forgettable. Clairo fails to do anything interesting vocally, as there is little variation to be found across her performances on this album. None of the production really stands out either, and this album is jam packed with pretty weak melodies and cord progressions (see Alewife, Impossible, North, Sofia, etc). While there is nothing offensively bad about this album, which keeps it from an even lower rating, there is too little that stands out. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Sep 18, 2019
    Cottrill's clear songwriting focus gets bogged down with mellow, listless ballads that sound pleasant—and not much else.
  2. Aug 9, 2019
    Immunity is nothing if not consistent in providing Clairo's confessional lyrics and seemingly thematically detached vocals with a cushiony-soft landing. What she loses here in charm, she makes up for in lyrical depth and an enveloping sense of comfort, if drowsy melodies tend to waft by rather than stick around.
  3. Aug 8, 2019
    At 20, Clairo is already such a fully-formed artist that it’s nothing short of thrilling to envision where she’ll go from here. Immunity highlights her vulnerabilities while showcasing the full range of her formidable strength as a producer and songwriter.