• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jan 25, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Mar 14, 2011
    Showing an impressive savvy in inviting perhaps unlikely artists to collaborate with them also leads to some of the record's highlights.
  2. Mar 14, 2011
    Immersion takes Pendulum further still from their roots. It offers more rock and more dance, but most importantly more fun. And when it's good, it's very good indeed.
  3. Mar 14, 2011
    The nearly 68-minute length of Immersion works against it at times, but the aforementioned "The Fountain" and the '80s-referencing "Encoder" make it well worth reaching the end.
  4. Mar 14, 2011
    Ultimately Immersion adds nothing new to the Pendulum experience, but still sees the band doing what they do best. Go immerse yourselves.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 61
  2. Negative: 3 out of 61
  1. Dec 3, 2011
    One of my favorite bands, but i can't let that cloud my opinion that there other albums have been better (in terms of genre.) The discographyOne of my favorite bands, but i can't let that cloud my opinion that there other albums have been better (in terms of genre.) The discography of Pendulum has always followed the Drum and Bass path. "Hold Your Colour", their first album shows the generic side of DnB during t time with additional elements like Rob Swire's vocals near the end. Their second album "In Silico" crossed over to the rock side, DnB being the Minor basis of it, being in only 6 songs, not that there's anything with non linear Genres. But "Immersion" has a plethora of genre changes. it goes from orchestra, to drum-step, to Drum and Bass, to substep, electro, jungle, house/rap, and even Metal, but it's not the worst part about it.
    It overtures into "Salt in the Wounds", very similar to "Slam" from their debut alum. Anyone not familiar with this sound won't be used to it. "Watercolours" was the song that anticipated the album, hardcore fans listened to them preview this song months before it was released. It shined like "Propane Nightmares" from their previous album, but it's not as well composed.
    Set me on Fire, their first dub-step composed song. Dubstep focuses more on the drop, but Pendulum back handed this theory and kept it more constructed and soothing. The made taking a step back look awesome.
    Crush, a song that sounded better in production is catchy, and has house like elements, it's actually the opposite of what they usually do. Crush immediately jumps in, and ends with a long guitar progression. The contrast shows with the following song, "Under the Waves" co-produced by the band's DJ
    Immunize features Liam Howlett from The Prodigy, the song is very repetitive, but the basis of the song is what you would expect from Liam. Probably a fun experience to Rob Swire.
    The Island, although not a drum and bass song, one of the the most memorable songs they've done. Every single club DJ should know this song.
    The Vulture, the only studio song featuring their live MC Ben Mount. The song is also catchy, and no one should go without head banging.
    Witchcraft stands out as "oh, this song is going to be a single." This songs only flaw is that it's too short, much like a lot of songs in this album.
    In Flames steps in, and the genre cross over is perfect, hardcore fans will rage. It's Pendulum's troll move on their part, but if you see past it it's just another good song.
    Their final song Encoder is nothing to expect, from Pendulum. It's their ballad. I expected a "Tempest" ending, but received a sad song. It;s a slow-dance song, but it's a dance album.
    Another note that should be noticed is that a new Drummer, KJ Sawka steps in. His skills are more highlighted in difficult drum sequences like "Comprachicos" and "Self vs. Self" his talent can be wasted doing the repetitive Drum and Bass loop.
    Sound quality: excellent, louder than before and they didn't hold back on additional sounds.
    Lyrics: To those who can interpret will understand the story behind "Immersion" being a man vs nature (and vise-versa) but to those who don't understand can still know the words.
    Production: it wasn't rushed, the problem was that the album has an abundance of sounds, even the track Ransom that announced the album got taken out. In Silico's 10 tracks gave each song their own spotlight. Gareth Mcgrillen needs more Bass parts, the songs he plays in can easily be spotted and praised.
    Overall: good. Buy it, it's great. just not the best.
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 24, 2011
    Great drum and bass tracks on this album, although a few aren't as good. Kevin Sawka plays the drums on this album and really shines. TunesGreat drum and bass tracks on this album, although a few aren't as good. Kevin Sawka plays the drums on this album and really shines. Tunes like Watercolour and The Vulture really get the blood pumping. Also, "Self Vs Self" is a pretty cool song done with the band In Flames. While the song is much more "In Flames" than it is "Pendulum", I still dig it. Full Review »
  3. Dec 13, 2013
    Great album! This is one of the greatest albums ever! It doesn't top Hold Your Color, but it is still a great addition to any library! Great job guys!